In Hopes of Forever

Sun Showers


"Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Open your heart and follow where it leads you..and remember, shoot for the moon." -Cecilia Ahern

Word count: 598



The tears streamed gently down her cheeks as she sat quietly in her room. There were no sobs to muffle, nor were there any screams to let out, just tears that slowly caressed her cheeks as they made their way to the curve of her lip.


She didn’t cry because there were regrets. She didn’t cry because of self pity. She simply cried because the hurt was still a little too raw, because the tears comforted her a bit and took away the sting.


Oddly enough, the way he said, “let’s end things here” did not faze her.


She had nothing to regret, for her best efforts had been given. Seohyun had done everything that she could have possibly done, in hopes that her genuine feelings would lead somewhere. But there was no end to this path, it lead to nothing.


Her childish crush had come with childish feelings, feelings of being truly happy just by walking by his side. She hadn’t been in love. No, not at all. Love was a bit too strong of an emotion for her to have. But the joy that enveloped her was enough.


The joy was like a cool breeze on a summer night, with its rosy scent and promise to youthful bliss. He was like spring, her promise to a better tomorrow.


But just as spring draws to a close as the lively blossoms give way to summer’s heat, her feelings no longer were enough. His feelings faded away as if they were brief sun showers.


With him, for him, and because of him, she had taken the leap. Her feelings had been so surely etched into her heart, she was so secure that they would never falter. Her heart had beat so crazily when she uttered her confession that it might have fallen out of her chest if she had moved. The way their fingers had locked so gently sent her to dizzying heights, and the way their arms accidentally brushed sent electricity throughout her body.


His attention and affection had kept her above the clouds, and his lack thereof had sent her swiveling dangerously close to the ground.


But she wasn’t broken. Bruised and battered definitely. But not broken. 


Because, her bruised heart would heal. Her tears would dry. And tomorrow, the sun would rise once again. Tomorrow there would be new opportunities awaiting, new challenges to face head on, new people to meet, and new sensations to experience. 


Because she would never lose that innocence, that internal will to go on unchanged, unfazed. She will hold on to the ability to let her heart go, to enjoy the jump. She will keep on being genuine, continue to allow her heart to flutter for another. Seohyun was not one to hold her heart back.


Fear was what held people back. 


Her hope of finding that one person, of finding forever was much greater than her fear of falling. She was not afraid of letting go, and truly moving on.


As the tears reached her lips, she bent her head forward. The tears slid onto her shirt, soaking the front. It was as if they were drawn towards her battered heart. Her heart that was weary from waiting and walking about in endless circles. 


The tears seemed to wrap about her heart, bandaging it, soothing it. The tears were her form of goodbye. Her farewell to him. Once they dried, they would not fall again. Seohyun would live her life fully, in search of forever.


Because goodbye does not mark the end, but the start of a new beginning. 




Author's note: This was quite personal and it holds a lot of meaning to me. Please comment and enjoy :) 

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Chapter 1: oh my seomate heart T.T My Feels......
It's really inspiring, what you wrote. Magnificent job =D
seoshi #2
Chapter 1: im so speechless
the words, thouching deep inside my heart T.T
gud job authornim :')
ambai90 #3
Chapter 1: i can feel and understand the pain ... it does mean a lot to me too... sometimes the reason we hold onto the past memories so we can reminisce the good old time and refuse to let go ... nicely written ... good job author nim!!
kawaii_neko #4
Chapter 1: this is truly inspiring, getting a heart break doesn't mean the end of the journey, but it is the start of something new <3