You Are Me and I Am You

The Wallflower and the Social Butterfly {indefinite hiatus}
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WalterBagehot        “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”


you are me and i am you


Two sisters sat facing one another while on the younger one's bedroom floor. They were in the younger sister's room, as she was the one that had all the materials they needed to use for the older to be prepared. "Are you sure about this?" The younger one asked. "It's not like I can back out now when the first day is tomorrow." The older one answered. The younger girl still seemed hesitant. "Hey, you're the one that suggested it. The one who initiated the whole thing." The older girl reminded. "If you're the one that wants to back out, I'm okay with it. I'm more than happy to not go through with this at all." "NO!" The younger rejected. "I will preserve. It's only for thirty days anyways." The younger girl psyched herself. "Besides, you can't back out either, since you've already agreed to it. We even swear it on Mother's grave." She was the one that now reminded the older one. The older let out a deep sigh. "Yeah, Mom's grave." She frowned but then said, "Yeah, thirty days. Thirty days doesn't seem much, but it will definitely seem like a long time once this happens, you know." The older looked at her with a knowing look. "Do you think you can even handle that?" "Of course!" The younger pumped her fist. "It's almost like the same thing." She shrugged off. The older girl rolled her eyes at the younger girls's words. "I'm not talking about the departments." The older stated giving her sister a knowing look. "Veterinary Medicine and Education are very different subjects, you know." "Ahh, yeah, yeah, I know." The younger waved off. "It's not that much of a difference since they all involve people." The younger remarked. "I have no worries about the labels, either." "Sure you don't, for now. Although I'm really curious and wonder what you will say and do once you become the wallflower." The older wondered out loud as she crossed her arms in front of her, curious. "Are you sure you can pull it off?" The younger quickly looked up at the older. "Hmm, then I wondered what you will say and do when you become the social butterfly." The younger countered, also folding her arms in front of her, and giving her sister an "how-about-that" look. "Do you think you can even pull it off?" "I guess we'll both find out tomorrow, now, wouldn't we?" The older giving a slow smile at the younger, uncrossing her arms to place them in her lap. "Yeah, we would." The younger agreed. "Now," she started, unfolding her own arms and looking among her things, "You will need to do exactly as I do it. If not, then you would not look like me." The older just stared at the younger with an "are-you-serious" look before speaking, "Technically we do look alike." She placed her chin onto her palm which rested on her thigh. "We are identical sisters. We are an identical pair. We are identical twins." She rolled her eyes, looking away. "How can I not look exactly like you? When we've looked the same for twenty years now." The younger ruffled her hair with one hand before saying, "You know what I mean." She huffed out. "Like, yeah we look alike, but we don't dress or do our makeup alike." Her attention back on going through her things. "We've hardly dress and do our makeup alike." She paused. "Actually we hardly did anything the same since birth. We were completely polar opposite, now that I think about it." "I do agree that we were complete opposites when we were younger." She agreed." I think it was the fact that Dad did so as to tell the two of us apart from one another since we looked too alike." The older explained. "By the way, I don't even like to wear the type of clothes that you like to wear. Totally not my style." She continued. "And, I don't even wear makeup either. It's way too much of a hassle, honestly. Lip balm is the only make up that I need." Then added as an afterthought. "Oh and lotion as well. That and lip blam is all I need. Oh and soap, shampoo and conditioner." She paused. "OK, the basic necessities are al
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Chapter 2: Hahahahahaha.... All I can say "oh I'm a genius!!! Yeah!!!"
Chapter 1: Ok!!! They are twins?
Am i right? Or am i wrong? Lol
Yay! Finally. Haha! I'm glad to have you on board the contest. All the best! :D