Making Things Right.

Putting The Pieces Together


Chapter 9: Making Things Right.
Jonghyun's POV
It was a Friday, and Taemin and I planned to meet at Cafe near the school. It was some plan he had made to set things right between Onew and Key. I just hoped it worked, I'm kinda tired of all the awkwardness between them. But, another reason why I agreed to help, because I got to spend time with Taemin. Maybe I might get my chance to tell him, to confess. It isn't to early for that was it? What if he doesn't feel the same? I shook my head, no time for negative thoughts, today was to be a good to help out our friends. But, my train of thought just can't seem to stop focusing on Taemin. I just sat in the booth at the Cafe waiting for Taemin to arrive, when I heard a familar voice next to me. My eyes widened and a smile creeped across my face when I seen it was Taemin, and embraced him into a hug. I heard him giggle a bit, I backed away to apologize but he said it was okay before sitting down. I sat across from him, we talked for a bit before I saw a handsome guy walk to our table smiling at Taemin. I felt my heart clinch as he hugged Taemin. I was brought back to reality when he tried getting my attention.
Taemin's POV
I looked over at Jonghyun who was looking down with a sad face. I was worried so I asked:
He looked up, "Deh, Taemin?"
"Are you okay?", I asked sincerly.
"Oh, deh"
"Oh, This is a friend of mine I'd like for you to meet. We've known each other since childhood, but we haven't really been in contact with each other, me and appa moved", I said looking down and Kai hugging me tightly.
"Taemin, why don't we sit?", he asked sitting next to me.
"Hi, I'm Kai. Taemin's friend, nice to meet you", he politly handed his hand to shake Jonghyun's.
I seen him hesitate a bit before shaking his hand, "H-Hi I'm Jonghyun, nice to meet you too", he said before jerking his hand back.
I felt a little awkward at the silenced and turned to look at Jonghyun.
"So, shall we go along with our plan?"
He only looked away before answering, "sure", he said.
"Well, I got the money. We just have to go to the hotel I planed and set everything up. You two ready?", I asked to both of them.
Kai nodded with a smile, I smiled back. Jonghyun only nodded and got up from the table waiting on me and Kai to follow. I noticed something was off about Jonghyun but I just brushed it off until the situation with Onew and Key was dealt with. We all walked to get into Jonghyun's car with me and Kai sitting in the back. It was a bit quite, except me and Kai talking to catch up since its been awhile since we hung out. We finally reach the hotel and to check in. We went to the third floor and was amazed at how big the room was. Me and Kai jumped on the bed a bit before an irritated Jonghyun asked if we was here to play or help our friends out. I rolled my eyes and dialed up Key's number.
"K-Key", I tried sounding a bit drunk.
"Tae, where are you? You promiesed to be home before 8, I'm worried sick about you.", he said worridly.
"I-I had a few shots with Jonghyun."
"You what? I told you that you aren't old enough for alcohol.", he said coldly.
"I-I'm sorry umma. But I wanted to try some so he bought me a few shots"
"Ugh, where are you? I'll call Onew to pick me up and come get you"
"I'm at a hotel near that cafe by our school", I said smiling threw the phone.
"Okay, wait there and Onew and I will be there in a few minutes.", he said before hanging up.
I smiled and looked at Jonghyun nodding that the trap had been set. Jonghyun rolled his eyes at me.
"You had to tell Key I bought you alcohol? He is going to chew at my neck", he said coldly before plopping down in the chair.
"Everything will be fine. He said that he's calling Onew to pick him to come get me. It's a start all we have to do is call for room service and go next door to the other room I rented out."
"Taemin, are you sure this will work?", he asked.
"Jonghyun, don't worry."
"And where did you even get the money for all of this?"
"Kai lend me some to help out, he thought it would be fun and interesting and also meet Key and Onew", he said before looking at Kai smiling.
Jonghyun rolled his eyes. Why was he acting like this? Can't he just get along with Kai and become friends? I just shook my head and ordered room service knowing they'll be here any minute and rushed to the other room waiting for their pray.
Key's POV
"Ugh, this boy", I sighed.
I dialed up Onew's number and breathed a bit before saying anything.
"Key? Why are you calling this late? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just Taemin is with Jonghyun in a hotel drunk. I need you to give me a ride. If that isn't much trouble."
"Ani, it's fine. I'll be there in 15 mintues."
I waited for Onew to show up. I felt a little awkward since we haven't talked in a little over a week. I heard a car horn, and seen it was Onew waiting outside. I crabbed my coat before running out the door. I got in the car, and an awkward silence filled the air as we took off to the hotel. We finally reached the hotel, and felt glad cause it was just getting to uncomfortable with the awkward silance between us. We ran to the front dest to see what room they had checked into and they gave us the extra key. We make our way to the room, unlocking the door to an empty room filled with flowers, champagne, and a candle lit dinner set for two. I thought to myself, What are they up too? I looked over at a blushing Onew, who pulled the chair out for with a smile. I smiled back and sat down avoiding eye contact with him. He sat across from me before he said something but couldn't fulling understand.
"K-Key", I looked up since I heard him this time.
"I know we got off on the wrong foot. And I'm sorry for making a scene at the park. I shouldn't just assumed when I didn't know the whole story", he gently took my hand before continuing. "Key, will you forgive me? Can we start over and forget this ever happened?", he smiled at me.
I blused and nobbed my head. "I'm also sorry, I should of told you instead of just leaving."
He kissed my hand and my cheeks turned a rosey pink. "Key, will you go on another date with me? Right now?"
I nodded, "Yes, I would love to", I smiled back before I heard chears outside the door. I looked at Onew when he got up to open the door to Taemin, Jonghyun, and some other guy we didn't know.
"Taemin, Jonghyun? What? You two did this?"
"Deh umma, me both got tired of you two just staring and not saying anything that you both wanted to say, so we helped."
"You said you wouldn't interfer between us Taemin", slightly scolding him.
Taemin looked down, "Umma, I know but it had to end, you made us feel uncomfortable around you two at lunch or when we hung out", he said trying to sound convencing.
"Tae, I'm happy that you care, but it's between us.", Taemin looked down sadly.
He walked over and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry for yelling Tae. I didn't mean to." I kissed his forhead. "But thank you for helping. We both are thankful for your and Jonghyun's for getting us talking again"
Taemin smiles happily and hugs the other guy next to him. I notice Jonghyun stare at Taemin with sad eyes.
"Taemin, who's that?"
He broke away with their arms linked together and smiled. "This is Kai, my childhood friend. We finally got in contact the other day and he helped with all of this. Isn't he so generous and nice?", he said happily.
"Nice to meet you Kai, I'm key", smiling.
He bows, "I'm Kai", he stood up smiling.
"And I'm Onew", offering his hand for a hand shake.
"Well", Taemin started. "We'll head off and let you two enjoy your date while Kai, Jonghyun and I go hang out.", He hugged them both before linking his arm with Kai's and Jonghyun following slowly behind them heart broken and jealous? He must not of told Taemin yet. I shut the door slowly feeling sorry for Jonghyun before continuing mine and Onew's date. It's now his turn to help out his friend for helping him out.
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Chapter 28: thanks u updated.chp was good
Chapter 27: nice chp.liked it
Chapter 15: Poor Taemin is really in a difficult situation. D: Can´t wait for more!
Chapter 15: Update please.......:D
jellycakes012 #5
Chapter 11: Awh, poor Kai-baby:( KaiMin/TaeKai is like my favourite pairing at the moment, they're so cute together!
jellycakes012 #6
Chapter 10: Awh, jongtae! xD
I wonder about Kai though... like, if he thinks of tae like a friend/brother or a lover?
I feel sorry for him if it's as a lover, because Tae was kind of leading him on.. /: