
of snapshots

               It’s 5 o’clock in the morning. Kim Jongin was waiting for the dawn to come. He wanted to capture it. He wasn’t a professional photographis. He just loved photography and capturing skies. Sky is something beautiful and never been the same for every second, so he loved to saved those moments. He sat on a simple chair and took his coffee from a tiny coffee table in a balcony of the cottage he rented for a week. He was on a vacation, alone. He sipped the coffee after blowing some air to make it cooler. Suddenly his heart fluttered when he saw a boy in a flowery shirt running fast before his eyes. He immediately took his SLR to snap the running boy. The boy was so interesting. He smiled to himself. He didn’t get the dawn sky that morning, but he got anothis beautiful sight to be saved.


                It was just another ordinary morning when he opened his coffee shop. He loves coffee, that’s why he made his own heaven of coffees. Jongin made a new freshly brewed coffee for his customer. He had thirty minutes before going to his office. He’s an accountant in a famous bank. He let his sister run his coffee shop when he’s in office. He loved serving coffee in the morning, that’s why he always went there before head to work.

                He was at the entrance door of his office when some robbers came and pushed him aside. The robbers fired a gun to the ceiling and commanded everyone to face downward. Jongin found himself faced downward beside a cop. A freaking cop and did nothing, it was epic! He ironically smiled. But came to think of it, the cop was a young guy and he’s alone there. What could he expect from one boy in that kind of situation anyway?

                After a long one hour the forces came to save them, maybe someone called 911 or the cop called his friends for a help. He chuckled when he saw the cop being scolded by an old man, looked like the man was his boss or something. He was teary and scared, so Jongin decided to help the poor boy. He’s too young to be dead by a heart attack.

                “excuse me, sir.” Said Jongin.

                “what do you need, young man?” he asked.

                “I think it isn’t his fault if he couldn’t stop the robbers. He’s a boy and alone with no fellow.” He defended the boy.

                “but he’s a cop for people’s sake!” the old-faced-with-round-fat-belly man banged the door and left. At least he left the boy alone at that moment. He sighed in relief.

                “thank you.” The boy said shyly with his head still hanging down.

                “no problem.” He answered.



                It’s already evening, half past seven for the exact. Jongin was humming a song while walking home. He swung his white plastic bag. He just bought a pack of new branded caramel milk tea. He wanted to try the taste because besides coffee, he also loved tea. He heard a scream from behind and stopped his track. A guy bumped him and made him fall to his . The guy ran away leaving his aching and his gaping mouth, seconds later a boy running at the same direction to the guy but fell because he tripped to his leg. The boy growled and screamed in frustration. He cried and Jongin started to panic.

                “oh, no no! please don’t cry! Someone might mistake me to cause you to cry! Someone might think I’m a bad guy! And someone might hit me now!” he said desperately. The boy stopped crying and started to sniff. ‘this is better, fyuh~’ Jongin thought.

                “I’m so sorry. It’s just I feel so frustrated! I’m a cop and yet getting stolen! It’s so funny for everyone to see, but for me it’s so frustrating and embarrassing.” He said while trying to muffle his hiccups. Jongin found that boy was amazingly interesting. He patted the boy’s head. But God seemed unfair for the boy because suddenly it started to rain. “oh, ! Today is my worse day ever!” he stood up and ran. But Jongin gripped his wrist and made him stop. “what?” he asked and looked at Jongin. “oh, my God! you are that guy!” he closed his mouth with his petite hand. Jongin smiled. Yes, the boy is the clumsy cop he met that very morning.

                “my apartment is near from here, I’ll let you come and dry your soaked clothes there if you don’t mind.” Jongin spoke gently. “and I won’t try to do anything funny to you. I promise.” He added. He nodded and whispered a soft thank you.


                He used his towel to wipe his face and wandered around Jongin’s living room. He saw a big framed photo. That’s a picture of Jongin with a boy. He surely looked happy on the picture. He also saw some photos being plastered on the wall. Those were all skies with different angle and timing. He smiled and spoke “you know what? Maybe it’s not a coincidence. Maybe, just maybe… we’re fated to be met. Because I also love photography. But, instead of capturing skies, I prefer capturing suns.” He grinned.

                “hahaha, maybe you’re right! Let’s sit down and drink first. It will warm your body up. I’m freezing here.” He faked a shiver and the boy giggled.

                They sat together in a red leather couch. Jongin the TV. “anyway, my name is Jongin, Kim Jongin. Yours?” he turned his face as he mirrored his action.

                “I’m Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo. Umm… is he your boyfriend?” he pointed at the big framed picture hanging on the wall.

                He shook his head. “nope, he’s my ex-boyfriend. We broke up two weeks ago when we’re supposed to be on a trip to Jeju island to celebrate our five month anniversary.”

                “I’m sorry.” He bit his lower lip.

                “that’s okay.” He smiled.

Ding Dong! Suddenly the doorbell rang. Jongin jumped from the couch and opened the door. He was stunned and speechless.

“hi, honey! Miss me?” a sweet voice of a boy could be heard by Kyungsoo’s ears. The boy stepped in and left Jongin standing dumbfounded. He was shock to see Kyungsoo sitting on the couch with Jongin’s shirt and not to mention also wet haired. He gasped and threw a glare at Jongin.

“, Jongin! I need an explanation!” he looked at Jongin intensely.

“you’re getting married, Luhan. And I’m not your soon to be husband. I am your EX boyfriend.” He said calmly with an impress at word EX.

“bbut… but I’m here to get back to you! I’m happier with you!” he stuttered.

“after leaving me? I don’t need you anymore, Lu! Just go away!” he grabbed his arm harshly and pushed his out of his apartment then closed the door with a loud bang. He opened the door again and he smiled, Luhan thought he changed his mind, but he was wrong. “and for your information, I’m happier with his!” he added as he pointed his finger toward Kyungsoo, then banged the door for the second time in a minute.

He walked to the couch and sat there. He massaged his forehead. Kyungsoo shifted his position and faced him. “is that okay?” he asked hesitantly.

“umm…” he hummed.

“are you sure?”


“shouldn’t you let him get a second chance?”

“listen, Kyungsoo… I’m not in the mood to talk about it.” He looked at his eyes.

“mkay, I better get going now. It’s getting darker. Anyway, I love the caramel milk tea. It has jasmine, rose, and cherry scent in it.” He smiled and stood up.

“hey, Kyung…” he called weakly.

He turned his body. “yes?”.

“I have a guest room here, you can sleep over here since it’s still raining outside. And silly boys afraid of thunders, right?”

“silly boys, yes. But I’m not silly boys. I’m okay with it. I think thunder is the way of nature play music for us.” He smiled.

“but I’m afraid of thunder.” He lied.

“hahaha, you kiddo! Okay, I’ll stay. Happy?” he chuckled.

“Jongin is happy!” he beamed.




They were watching cartoons when Kyungsoo started to get bored. “hey, Kai!” he called Jongin to get his attention. Apparently, Jongin used to be called Kai by his friend.


“aren’t we just met today?”

“yes, why?”

“nothing, I just wonder why we act like we’ve known for ages.”

He sighed. “maybe… just maybe… we’re fated to be met, Kyung.” he copied his words before.

“Jongin… I wanna tell you the truth. but please don’t freak out, okay?”


“promise?” he showed his little finger.

“promised!” he tied his little finger with his own.

“actually, I’ve known you. I saw you a month ago with Luhan-ssi in the morning at your coffee shop veranda. I love the way you smiled at that time. And I also at Jeju island to spend holiday when you took your break off. I saw you two argued and he left you alone. But I thought you also went back here to follow him. But based on the sky you capture and the mountain side that coincidently you captured, I assumed you didn’t go home. Am I right?”

“hahaha, yes, inspector!” he raised his hand to his forehead side.

“stop joking, Jongin!” he pouted.

“but, you know what? I think there’s no coincidence in this life. It’s a fate that we met, Kyung. because when I saw my saved pictures on my SLR earlier when you used my bathroom to change clothes, I could find photos of you running in a white flowery shirt.” He smiled tenderly.

“really?” his eyes twinkling.

“yup!” he nodded.

“hahaha…” he laughed happily as he clapped his hands excitedly.

“now, shut up and let me kiss you!” he leaned down to capture Kyungsoo’s lips. The kiss was sweet and innocent.

“I love you.” Jongin whispered to Kyungsoo’s ear.

“I love you too.” He smiled and pecked his lips.

“by the way, Kai, did you know why I was running at that time?” he suddenly asked.

“nope, I had no idea at that time. Why?”

“I was looking for the best angle of a sun rise that morning. And I got the best sun rise picture ever!” he beamed.

“you know what? I also got the best sky picture ever that morning.” He grinned.

“can I see?” he asked excitedly. He stood up and took his SLR. He showed his the picture of him running in the dawn. The sky is blurry because he focused his camera on his figure.

“are you sure? The sky looks blurry, you know!” he frowned.

“I know. But the sky looks the most beautiful when it’s above you.” He slapped his arm and blushed.

“you painfully corny!” they giggled.



Maybe… just maybe…. There’s no coincidence…. Maybe it’s a fate that God has made for us…


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Chapter 1: this was totally cutee~ i like the idea~ ^^
Chapter 1: Omgash O.O

amazing story authornim..
This is simple story but really beautiful ^^