
Alive.. +

! There's nothing! But...

"AAKH!" Hey! It's that girl!



Later at the dining room..



-Eunjung's pov-


"HORRAAYY!! Today's dinner is Salmon Teriyaki, Corn Soup, and Baked Potatoes with Mozarella Cheese!! Aigoo I wanna eat them all! My stomach wanna get some meal too!" Danee being childish and started eat her dinner. "Aishh.. Eat carefully, don't too fast or you might be chocked! Look your mouth covered with Teriyaki Sauce! Here, unnie clean your mouth first"

I felt like something was flowing over my mind.. I never done like this to Danee, including clean . I mean.. What the hell I'm doing?!


-Danee's pov-


Unnie, is that you? I don't think you'll did it to me. Suddenly I feel warm and comfortable.. It never happenned before.. Aish, let's eat!

-end pov-


Eunjung finished her dinner, also for Danee. They went upstairs and suddenly, Danee screamed loudly and make Minzy close her ears.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! UNNIEE!! A GHOST!!" Danee screamed and close her face.

A woman was holding Danee's hand.

"What you want from us?! You damnit !!" Eunjung pulled Danee away.

The woman just smiled, and crying.. crazy woman.

It's she! Bom!



-Eunjung's pov-


I go to my bedroom and change my cloth to pajama. I lay on her bed and I go to the dreamland.

In the dreamland, everything was white, also the vintage-styled furniture. No one was there.

"Hello, anybody here?" She said and look arond.

No one answer.. Silence everywhere..

Suddenly, Bom's spirit come, in white-vintage dress

She still the same hair, face, and her beautiful legs<3


"Jungie ah~.." She said softly

I'm outta gasp, this is the second time that I saw my unnie

"Aigoo~ Don't call me like that! I'm not girly! Unnie! Where you been for??" I gave a hug to unnie. "Long time not see you!! I miss you unnie.."

Bom just being silent as she felt the warm hugs from me.

"Unnie, answer me please.." I asked her unnie softly, once more

Bom just gave her beauty smile from her lips, and let go of my arms.

"Unnie? Why you just silent? Answer my question!" I started to shake Bom's arm.

Behind Bom, Dougie, my dog, run after me.

"Dougie!! I miss you! Yo've run away far from home!" I gently stoke my lovely dog.

"...She mustn't dead, take Dougie back to home as my change..." Bom suddenly took her words.

"No!! You must go back to family! Everyday umma thinks about you and I afraid that umma will crazy just thinking about you!!" I  cried.

"Well.. I haven't died already.. Unnie just missing.. Unnie.. Unnie captured by unnie's friend. He's alcoholic and he always skip his school.. He captured unnie to a creepy and lonely place and nobody went to there.. He didn't capture unnie only.. He captured many girls and womans and lock them in a certain place.. Unnie couldn't tell who is he.. You've already know who he is.." Bom told me about the clues.

"But how? I can't help you alone.. Someone's must help me handle this trouble!" I said and hold myr Dougie.

"..Danee may help you.." She said softly and sat in the white vintage couch.

"..This is unnie's home in the another world.. You should go home now.. Umma will miss you.." She said.

"B-But umma will miss you more! You're the most loved by umma!" I cried and Dougie wagging her tail.

"..Just come here anytime or help me.." Suddenly she dissapeard in a white light, and I back to my body with Dougie beside me.

"What's happening in my dream?"....

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BJMichellene21 #1
ekekekekkekee chapter 2 in progress!! keep calm and NOLZA
BJMichellene21 #2
hehehe our Minzy! Nolzaa!!