Found You

Found You


"Have we met before?"
Those words kept on echoing inside my head as I looked at the the new classmate that we are having. I can only fake a smile and told him that I have mistaken him for someone that I knew. He sat beside me and said that it's okay. Is it even possible for an angel to become a human? It's too impossible, right? I probably had mistaken him for you. I am becoming crazy just because of that one dream. I hope I'll see you again, even just in my dream. I will wait for you. But when I asked him his name, I got surprised. You had the same name! Why of all the names in the world, it has to be the same as yours? I stared at him for so long that maybe he thought that I am a freak as I saw the nervousness in his eyes. I quickly apologize and avoided his questioning gaze.
From that day, I started to avoid him because if I get to close to him, I may fall in love with the person who resembles you a lot. I love you, but loving someone because he is exactly like you is wrong. Maybe he would think that I am just using him. But boy, this Kyuhyun is so persistent in becoming friends with me. He will follow me wherever I go. He will fetch me from my house after he find out that we are neighbors. How come I never noticed him before? He will bring foods for me and even help me in solving math problems, and pinch my cheeks whenever he saw me pout. He will sing to me, and God, his voice! It's just so lovely that I found myself melting. He is always beside me like a guardian angel. Like you.
I hated him. I hate him for having a sweet and deep voice like you. I hate him for having those pair of brown eyes like you. I hate him for having those pair of lips, that took my first kiss even though it was just a dream, like you. I hate him for everything that reminded me of you. I hate him for making me lose hope that you are coming back to see me. I hate him for always being part of my dreams every night. And I hate him for making me fall this hard for him that I am afraid I won't be able to stop.
"Do you believe in destiny?" Kyuhyun asked me while looking at the night sky at my apartment's rooftop one night.
I glanced at him before looking at the stars again. He brought a wine with him and we are both enjoying the taste of it. "I do." I replied. Kyuhyun looked at me, and I swear I can see myself in those pair of brown orbs.
"Would you believe me if I told you that I fell in love with my guardian angel after meeting him in my dream?" He didn't say anything and just stared at me. "It's crazy, right? That angel of mine told me that he loves me. I did not even tell him that I feel the same way since I just met him. That would just be weird. But the funny part is, I regretted not saying that to him. He told me that he'll be coming back to see me and I promised to wait for him."
"Did he really came back to see you? Are you still waiting for him?" Kyuhyun asked me and I don't know if it's just because of me or the wine, but I can see the longing and hope in his eyes.
I slowly shook my head. "No. He never came back. I waited for him for a long time, but he never came. A dream is just a dream. None of it will ever come true. And falling in love with an angel that you had just met once in your dream is just weird and crazy."
"No, it's not." Kyuhyun said and smiled at me. "Falling in love is never weird nor crazy. We don't choose who to fall in love with. It just happens unexpectedly. There are certainly a lot of people who will criticize you for falling in love with someone and even tell you that loving him is wrong. But honestly, it's up to you to make a choice whether you'll do anything to be with the one you love, or follow what the other people are telling you. What if that angel came back and sacrificed something just to be with you? My grandfather once told me a story about an angel who fell in love with the human that he guards. He was being reminded each and every day that loving that person is wrong. But that angel is quite stubborn and didn't listen. He's even willing to sacrifice just to be with the one he loves even though he knows that he will never have a slightest memory of the one he loves when he become a human."
I was left speechless. Is that even possible? But they said that nothing is impossible for a heart that truly loves. I find myself looking at Kyuhyun, and I can see you in him clearly. His white polo shirt and pants made him glow, just like you. If only he had those lovely wings, then I know that I had finally found you. Did you really came back in the form of a human? Tears slowly formed at the corner of my eyes as realization dawned on me.
Kyuhyun slowly wiped my tears. "Tell me, Min. Are you still waiting for him?"
"No." I said as tears fell uncontrollably from my eyes. Kyuhyun was about to say something when I put my forefinger in his lips to stop him. "I stopped waiting for him for a long time, because I already found him. It took me a while to realize that he has been with me, right beside me after that dream. I was just too blind to see it. Kyuhyun......" I paused as I tried to control myself from sobbing hard. Kyuhyun stared at me worriedly and gently touched my cheeks.
"Kyuhyun......that's my angel's name. I am sorry for taking me a lot of time to realize that you are here with me. I was afraid to fall in love with you, thinking that I will only love you because you resemble him a lot. I never thought that it was you all along."
I saw Kyuhyun widened his eyes in surprise. "H-how did you-"
"I know you don't have a grandfather." I cut him. He smiled at me lovingly and I immediately hugged him. "Thank you. Thank you for coming back. Thank you for choosing to be with me. I love you so much, Kyuhyun. Don't leave me again. I love you. I love you."
"I will not do it again. I chose to be with you for eternity. I'm sorry for not remembering you, but believe me my heart never forgets you. It made me woke up one day to realize that the missing part that I am looking for so long in me has been you. It's always you, Min. My heart beats for you. I love you so much."
We stared lovingly in each other's eyes and we shared a kiss that we both missed for a long time with a promise not to let each other go ever again. I finally found the angel who promised to return. Kyuhyun, my guardian angel in this lifetime, the love of my life who sacrificed everything just to be with me. Have you found your guardian angel too?
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Chapter 1: Not yet... but I wish I will....soon XD
great!! So sweet... such a beautiful story ;)
ayawani #2
Chapter 1: Not found him yet.. XC
"it was you all along" I like that line, because that line include a regret and relieved feeling..
aleihs19 #3
Chapter 1: Did that ex-angel just lied about his grandfather? How did Kyuhyun remember everything? Ahhhh! Just asking. My mind is bugging me for answers because the plot is great but this one loophole is ruining the story for me. You can take offense but I really need an answer. D:
Chapter 1: Soooo sweet woooh I can't stop smiling
Chapter 1: Aww this is so sweet..! >.< but hey, how did Kyu remember? /:)
Chapter 1: I have read this like 10 times!! This 2 shots are so beautiful and every time I felt down I came hear and read this to make my mood better!! I really love your fics!! ^_^
Chapter 1: still great story author, but i think if this more longer chap, this story must be more perfect
dont hate me... Hehehe
kaykaygirl #8
Chapter 1: OMO this is the sweetest thing ever:) I love it!