


Leeteuk was silently munching on his pasta when a tall man wearing H&J café uniform took the seat in front of him. He moved his gaze towards the man and raised his brows; he wasn’t the waiter that almost always served him every time he visited the café. There weren’t that many people worked in this café, actually. Aside from the man from his dreams a.k.a. Heechul, there were only three waiters here: one tall man with wide smile and pointy nose, a shorty boy with chubby cheeks and almost non-existent eyes and another one is a gloomy-looking man who seemed to have  problems with serving customers nicely.


“Come alone?” the man asked in accented Korean which made Leeteuk raised his brows even higher. “You usually come with that Donghae boy.”


“You know Donghae?” Leeteuk tilted his head.


“Not really, just heard Hyukjae talked about him so many times.”


“So you know Hyukjae?”


“He used to work here.” The man smiled softly. “I’m Hangeng, I cook for this café.”


A smile crept to Leeteuk’s face, “The foods here are awesome!” he praised sincerely.


“Thank you. But I didn’t come here to talk about that, Leeteuk-ssi.” He stopped smiling making Leeteuk felt uneasy. “You seem different today.”


Leeteuk was caught off guard with that statement. How could a stranger judge him well like that? Leeteuk had finally decided to stop coming here and looking for Heechul. There was just one last thing he needed to do here so today he finally ordered his own favorite meal: spaghetti with carbonara sauce plus extra chili and iced lemon tea.


“I’ve known Heechul since I first came here from China.” Hangeng explained dreamily. “And that was more than twenty… oh, twelve years ago.” He shook his head cutely correcting himself. “Even long before he met Jay…” he added quietly.




“He was my cousin and Heechul’s—“




“He died about two months ago. He and Heechul were involved in an accident; their motorcycle fell through a bridge. Heechul fell to the river with the bike while Jay was thrown to the road and got crashed by a car.” Hangeng paused and waited until Leeteuk looked at him and held their gaze. “But a part of him is still alive, Leeteuk-ssi.”


“What do you mean?” Leeteuk asked in confusion but truthfully he started to see the final puzzle of his mysterious dreams that he’d been looking for. He just couldn’t believe it, yet.


“I saw Donghae crying in the emergency room when I came to see Jay. Heechul was undergoing a surgery that time but the doctors had said that Jay’s condition was very critical and they needed his family’s consent to take any further action. Jay… he didn’t want to get any surgery and whispered his last wish to me.” A tear rolled Hangeng’s face and Leeteuk felt his heart beating faster hurting his chest.


“Don’t tell me…” he whispered but loud enough for Hangeng to hear and the tall man saw horrified understanding in the brown head’s eyes as he nodded slowly.


“I’m the only person who knows it. Even Donghae didn’t get to know the donor’s name. After that I tried to look for more information about you from Donghae through Hyukjae. Leeteuk-ssi, he’d wanted to live but couldn’t so he gave up his with hope that you could keep alive and live well. And you wouldn’t know how happy I was when I saw you coming here for the first time. Because that means you’re helping to fulfill his wish too.”


“Hangeng-ssi… but I… I didn’t… I…” Leeteuk was lost for words and winced as he saw a small smile on Hangeng’s face.


“I’ve been having dreams about Jay and guess that you might have some too. That yuan yang drink you ordered on your first time here, only Jay call it that way.” His smile widened as he heard Leeteuk’s gasp. “Jay loved Heechul so much and just wanted to make him always happy.” Leeteuk flinched at the revelation but he didn’t miss the bitterness in Hangeng’s voice. “Heechul blamed himself for Jay’s death and was so down after the accident. I tried so many ways to get him back to his feet again but I just couldn’t do anything to make him happy.”


“I’ll talk to him.” Leeteuk finally found his voice along with some bravery to really put an end to this… whatever.






almost done with the last chapter... dunno if this story makes any sense or not. :|

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10 more please~^^


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Chapter 6: Oh, so all those dreams are Jay's memories. Even those 'private' ones. Understood! But they both love each other despite that
kateitta #2
Chapter 6: I'm a little confused, ¿I know you? i mean, in our real life?~ Anyway, i love so much this story! is different and finally they have a good ending ;A; please, still writing stories like that! <3
Chapter 6: This is really, really cute.
Chapter 6: Loved it! Especially the ending! :)

Spread the TeukChul love<3
Chapter 6: I love your fic!! And the idea was so great it's hard to turn the story from your head to words i understand that ≧﹏≦ but i like that kind of stories please write more i really really like your style!!!♥o(^^o)
universallove #6
Chapter 6: glad to see teukchul finally together, after all...
cool story :)
Chapter 6: Tracking back to the previous chapter before read this one and now I finally understand lol its glad that they are happy tgt. H&J now stands for Heechul & Jungsoo ryt... XD Is it ended alr?
Chapter 6: yah ! a bit "DETAILS" _Cieca_ (Joke^^ LOL)ofcoarse i did get this story it was nice ,though..any plans continuing it?..the said ending was still hmmmmm..> < such a cliffhanger:P
Chapter 5: There's still another chapter right? ... I was wondering why is the word '(Complete)' next to the title ^^ do update soon :)
siezzy #10
Chapter 5: So this dream leeteuk get is from Jay's memory..it make sense to me now..
Update soon please~