

__One month later__


With a loud gasp, Leeteuk came back to his senses and quickly sat up on the couch where he’d dozed off while watching some boring infotainment in the living room. It was yet another dream with the red-haired man. After the first dream, Leeteuk had dreamt of the same person almost every night and even during days whenever Leeteuk was slipping out of his consciousness. Sometimes he could even see the red hair when he was just closing his eyes or when he was in some random places.


The dreams were like fragments of memories. Through them Leeteuk had learned some things about the pretty boy; he could assume what foods and drinks the red hair liked or disliked, favourite music and movies, his seemingly bad temper and also few places they had visited together. But Leeteuk never found out his name because in his dreams the man was always the one who did the talking and calling the brown hair with intimate endearments.


“What happened hyung?” Donghae’s voice brought Leeteuk back from his pondering.


“It’s okay, Donghae. I’m fine.” He flashed the younger a dimpled smile and got up to go to his room but Donghae grabbed his arm stopping him from moving away.


“Let’s go out with me, hyung. Your body is okay already, right?”


“Yes Hae, but I—“


“Good! So come on, get yourself ready in fifteen minutes and I’ll wait here.”


Leeteuk didn’t feel like going anywhere in this hot weather but he also didn’t have a heart to refuse Donghae’s offer again, especially when the younger was showing such adorable expectant look with wide innocent grin. So he just sighed and nodded then headed to his room for a quick clothes changing and a little make-up time to cover his still pale complexion. The dreams were keeping him from having quality sleep and he was still feeling sick in front of foods so his life was still far from good.


“Where are we going?” Leeteuk finally asked after fifty minutes of driving to another side of Seoul he’d never visited before. They were now in a small road of a regency complex with large and quiet houses adorned both left and right roadside.


“There’s a good café here. Come on hyung, get out of the car.” Donghae exclaimed as he finished parking near what seemed to be a public area of the complex judging from some large boards covering the three-storey building.


They silently walked to backside of the building and entered through a glass door with a big H&J logo on it. Leeteuk frowned as he somehow recognized the logo but couldn’t remember when he’d ever visited this place. Soon his eyes grew wide as he looked around the café and remembered he’d seen this place in some of his dreams.


There were only few tables occupied and Donghae was about to sit on a table in middle row near a large window but Leeteuk quickly walked to the farthest back corner of the café. Near toilet and washtafel area, in a more secluded place behind a yellow and green tapestry, there were two square tables with four wooden chairs exactly like he’d seen in his dreams.


“Hyung, what are you doing here?” Donghae emerged behind him with a confused look. “Have you come here before? How can you—“


“Let’s just sit here, Hae.” The brown-haired man took a seat on one of the chairs and looked at the menu. In his dreams, he’d been sitting there and always having a same drink so now he’s checking if he could order the same drink and tasted it in real life.


“Can I take your order?” a familiar voice sounded and Leeteuk looked up to see the man from his dreams standing in front of him. His hair was now black and shorter, he was also wearing black-rimmed large glasses and there was a long stitched wound above his left eyebrow. Some scars were also scattered on his face tainting what Leeteuk remembered as beautiful flawless milky white skin. The man looked gloomier but Leeteuk was sure it was the same person from his dreams.


“Iced green tea and chicken cordon bleu, please.” Donghae voiced his order.


The man wrote that down then turned to Leeteuk. “And you, sir?”


“Yu-yuan y-yang… do you happen to have that?” Leeteuk’s voice was a little shaking but he kept looking at the man and noticed as the latter’s eyes widened before dropping the pen and note he was holding.


“That’s not on the menu, hyung.” Donghae frowned as he scanned the menu again.


“It’s yinyeung; milk tea with coffee.” The man said quietly and wrote the order. “Anything else?”


“Pancake with white chocolate sauce and blueberries.” Leeteuk spelled out what he deemed as the red hair’s favorite from his dreams. This time the man narrowed his eyes but quickly repeated their order and left.


“Have you been here before, hyung? I just found out about this place last week but since then I’ve been coming here everyday. The foods vary from western to asian and they’re delicious! You know, the capcay and fuyunghai I brought home for dinner yesterday were from here too. Though it’s pretty far from our place, let’s come here often and taste every food they offer, hyung!”


Leeteuk just nodded and kept maintaining a smile as Donghae continued blabbering excitedly until a tall waiter brought their orders. It wasn’t the man from before so Leeteuk just shrugged a little and decided that indeed, he would come here often. After all, he hadn’t found out the man from his dream’s name.



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10 more please~^^


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Chapter 6: Oh, so all those dreams are Jay's memories. Even those 'private' ones. Understood! But they both love each other despite that
kateitta #2
Chapter 6: I'm a little confused, ¿I know you? i mean, in our real life?~ Anyway, i love so much this story! is different and finally they have a good ending ;A; please, still writing stories like that! <3
Chapter 6: This is really, really cute.
Chapter 6: Loved it! Especially the ending! :)

Spread the TeukChul love<3
Chapter 6: I love your fic!! And the idea was so great it's hard to turn the story from your head to words i understand that ≧﹏≦ but i like that kind of stories please write more i really really like your style!!!♥o(^^o)
universallove #6
Chapter 6: glad to see teukchul finally together, after all...
cool story :)
Chapter 6: Tracking back to the previous chapter before read this one and now I finally understand lol its glad that they are happy tgt. H&J now stands for Heechul & Jungsoo ryt... XD Is it ended alr?
Chapter 6: yah ! a bit "DETAILS" _Cieca_ (Joke^^ LOL)ofcoarse i did get this story it was nice ,though..any plans continuing it?..the said ending was still hmmmmm..> < such a cliffhanger:P
Chapter 5: There's still another chapter right? ... I was wondering why is the word '(Complete)' next to the title ^^ do update soon :)
siezzy #10
Chapter 5: So this dream leeteuk get is from Jay's make sense to me now..
Update soon please~