Wild and Young


Experience the Seoul nightlife like never before.

Partying, criminals, underground Seoul. Usually just a part of everyone's fear, but for this certain group of teenagers, it's a lifestyle. Getting drunk and hitting on people, going to parties and getting arrested. If you can play the game, then you're part of the in crowd.

Get ready, get wasted.


Basically I don't finish everything that I write so yeah I'm pleading for some encouragement. And, um, yeah. So I haven't decided all the characters yet but I'm sure about everyone in Block B and some of EXO and T-ARA. Pairings are, well, I don't know, this fic wasn't made for pairings, just hook-ups. Will update y'all on that.

Kind of different from the fluffy I'm used to writing (I have an LJ account if you'd like to check that out - I only have one fluffy B1A4 fanfic there but that's about to change), because I've been watching a lot of Skins episodes and I thought, hey, Kpop dudes can do that too. So this whole fic kind of resembles the Skins atmosphere, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about I suggest that you Google it, or watch the first generation of Skins (the British version). It's good. And if you still have no idea just imagine that you're in GTOP's High High mv. That pretty much sums up this story, actually.

Please be kind to me, I just revived my writing inspiration. Thanks.


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