My so-called Date

I'm His Slave!

“Are we going to ditch classes today?” I asked him.


“Let me see,” he pretended to think. “Um…I think so. Is that alright with you?” he answered. He still led me by pulling my hand. Shim Changmin was really a guy who is full of surprises. And today, I would ditch classes with him. So it meant for the whole day, I’d spend it with him. I smiled at those thoughts.


“Yah, I don’t know that being friend with you brings bad influence,” I said. Of course I didn’t mean it. I wanted this day to happen for a long time.


Changmin chuckled hearing my mark about him.


I still didn’t have a clue where Changmin would take me to. We’re on the bus right now, and Changmin hadn’t told me anything. We just sit quietly, looking at different directions. I could feel Changmin tapping his fingers on his knees. He was bored. I didn’t know what to do too, since he’s the one who bring me here. I was going to ask him something, but he stood up first and pushed the bus bell. The bus stopped and we got off. We walked along a quiet neighborhood.


“Where are we going honestly?” I asked getting impatient.


“The faster you walk, the faster you’ll get the answer,” he said without turning his body to me. He had walked ahead of me, since his legs are long. I had to run to catch up on him. As I ran, he suddenly stopped. I bumped into his back. I didn’t know he has such hard back. Bumping into him, made my nose hurt.


“Can you at least tell me if you’re going to stop?” I scolded while rubbing my nose.


“Let’s go in!” he said, ignoring my scolding. He entered a simple minimart. Is it our destination? I thought.


The shop owner greeted us. Changmin walked to the snack sections. Before I could follow him, he said, “Take a basket!”


I did what he said. I thought he was going to repay for my kindness of helping me, but this slavery still hadn’t ended. I sighed and walked to him with grocery basket on my hand. He put a lot of chocolate bars into the basket, and then milks, and some other snacks.


“Yah, what are they for? Are we going on a picnic?” I asked again. Even if they were for a picnic, they’re still too much.


“Can you please be quiet, and do what I tell you? You’re so noisy!” I said. I clutched my fist. I really wanted to hit him. I held up myself. He was born that way, so as a childhood friend, I have to understand, I told myself.


The owner smiled at him as he paid for all his stuff. “It’s been a long time. I’ve never seen you around here recently.”


Changmin smiled back at her. They seemed to know each other well. “I’ve been busy with school, Ajumma.”


“Ah, I see. Who’s this girl? I’m sure it’s different from the last time,” the ajumma said. I looked at Changmin curiously.


“Hahaha, she’s my friend, my childhood friend. We just met again, that’s why.”


The owner Ajumma nodded in understanding. We both greeted her goodbye. We needed two plastic bags to bring the stuff. I brought one, and Changmin brought another. Mine is lighter than him. At least, he knew how to be a gentleman.


As we walked, I remember what the owner Ajumma said about ‘it’s different from last time’. I was sure what she meant was about someone Changmin ever brought, and it was a girl. I was so curious, but I wasn’t sure Changmin would tell me about it. Was she his girlfriend, or that Minkyung girl?


We stopped in front of an old-fashioned house. It has wide yard and is surrounded by wall fences. I was tired of asking him, so I just followed him entering the yard. A child ran into the house once he saw us.


“It’s not an interesting place for youths, but I suppose you’ll like it. Do you like children?”


“Children? Is it an orphanage?” I asked him. At first I didn’t have any clue about this place. There wasn’t any name or board in front of this place. But, once I saw a little kid and he talked about children, I guess that was it.


“Why? You don’t like it?” he asked again.


“I…I like it. It’s just I don’t know what to do here.”


Somehow, I saw sadness in his eyes. Maybe he was disappointed by my answer. But it’s true. I wasn’t used to this kind of place. I wasn’t use to interact with children, but it’s not that I didn’t like them. It’s because I didn’t have any experience onto how to overcome them.


“I’m sure, in a while you’ll get used to them. They’re all nice and smart. They’re all my dongsaeng-deul. I can guarantee that you’ll like them.” He smiled at me. He had this confidence that made me amazed with him. I swore I never saw this side of him before. Apparently, I didn’t really know the guy in front of me very well.


“CHANGMIN HYUNG!” I heard someone shouted. Changmin and I looked toward the sound source. A kid waved to us, to Changmin exactly.


“Dongwoon-ah!” Changmin waved back.


Woah, he looks like Changmin! That was my first impression as I saw the kid. He ran toward us, and Changmin spread his arms to envelop him.




“Mm,” the kid nodded. “Hyung, jeongmal bogoshipeoyo. Why haven’t you come here?”


“Yah, who is standing in front of you now?” Changmin ruined his hair, and the kid named Dongwoon giggled.


Hyung, I have a girlfriend now!” he declared confidently.




“I have a girlfriend now. Do you know Mina? Yesterday she kissed me.”


Changmin looked at me who was dumbfounded. What is this kid talking about? I looked at him sympathetically. Yeah, he’s right. The kids here were smart.


“Ah, Hyung! What is that in your hand?” he quickly turned toward our plastic bags.


“Oh, some snacks. Let’s go in first!” Changmin pulled the kid’s hand, and I followed from behind.


We went first to the headmaster room, where we asked permission to meet all the children. The headmaster was quite close to him. It seemed that Changmin went here frequently in the past. After that, we went to the room, a class I suppose, to meet the children. I recognized the Dongwoon kids also in this room. My eyes scanned the room. Those kids are so cute.


As Dongwoon saw Changmin, he waved again. His smiles were so bright. He pointed to a girl who was sitting in the front line, and mouthed ‘Mina’. I almost couldn’t hold my laughter. He was so eager to show Changmin about the girl he likes. Meanwhile the little girl didn’t realize that she was being discussed.


Yedeul-ah, today Changmin Oppa and his friend come. Do you miss him?” A lady, who I supposed was the teacher, asked.


“NEEEEE~!” they answered in unison. I couldn’t stop being amazed by Changmin. He’s not only popular at school, but also here.


“It’s also our first time to meet his friend, right? Would you like her to introduce herself?”


I felt embarrassed when she mentioned me. I put an awkward smile ever since I entered this room. I hoped they didn’t notice. “Annyeong~” I greeted. “My name is Yoora, Lee Yoora. You can call me Yoora Noona for the boys and Yoora Unnie for the girls.”


I could see Changmin’s lips twisted upside and he was holding his stomach. I knew my introduction was as awkward as my smiles, but he at least had to give me a hand to overcome this. I elbowed him, and he grimaced.


“Now, call her ‘Yoora Unnie’,” said the teacher. Oh my God, you don’t have to do that, Seonsaeng-nim! I prayed in my mind. It’s so embarrassing.


“YOORA UNNIE!” All the girls shouted. God, you don’t know how good that feel! I felt so happy when those children called my name. All my embarrassment’s gone, and I felt so good. I smiled widely, and I could feel that my smiles were now sincere. These kids were so pure and innocent. Even their smiles made my heart at ease.


“I know you’re too happy, but put away that foolish grin from your face,” Changmin whispered in my ear. This guy really knew how to ruin someone’s joy.


“After this, we’ll have lunch together, and after lunch Changmin Oppa and Yoora Unnie will give all of you snacks. So behave and go out in line, okay?”




We had lunch together. I was sitting with the girls while Changmin with the boys. When I saw at the boys group, I saw Dongwoon pointed to my and the girls’ spot and Changmin turned to us. As Dongwoon smiled, Changmin nodded. I didn’t know what they were talking about. Probably it was about Mina. She was sitting with me too.


Unnie, are you from the same school as Oppa?” one of them asked.


I nodded smilingly. “Does Changmin Oppa come here often?”


“He used to. But almost two months he never came. It’s his first time,” the girl named Mina answered me.


“Aah… Mina-ya, that’s your name, right?” I asked her, and she nodded. “Do you by the way know him?” I pointed toward Dongwoon’s direction.


“Yah, why are you blushing?” her friend scolded.


Anniya. I’m not blushing!” she defended herself.


“You are. You are!” the other friends said. Mina hid her face into her palms.


“He is her boyfriend, Unnie,” one of the explained.


“He is not! Don’t make gossip about me, Yuri!”


I laughed along with them. I thought Changmin was right. I didn’t regret to come here with him. It’s not a lunch in a restaurant of café alone with him, but it was better. I could laugh and know those wonderful children who brought laughter to me. And most important, I was wrong by calling Changmin a devil. He was an angel after all. Though he made me skip classes today, I’d created unforgettable memories with him.


We bid them goodbye as we realized the sky had been darker. I didn’t feel tired at all. Spending the whole day with them didn’t take much energy, because I was so happy. The street lamps were as we walked along the small quiet alley in the neighborhood we passed earlier. The feeling was different. The lamps made it more romantic. I wasn’t sure Changmin thought the same. He walked fast, and didn’t bother to enjoy the surrounding. I, on the other hand, enjoyed every single part of this neighborhood. I didn’t know there is this kind of place in a big city like Seoul.


Suddenly, we heard the sound of thunder. The sky was so dark, and it started to drizzle.


“I know it’s going to rain. Why are you walking so slowly?” Changmin scolded as we took shelter in front of a small shop.


“Can you not shout at me?” I snapped back. “This place is quite interesting. I just take a look and enjoy my walk.”


Changmin didn’t replay me. We’re quiet. Only the sound of the rain was heard.


A moment later he said, “Do you feel cold?”


“Nope,” I answered. “Ah, a little bit.”


“Let’s go there then!” He was pointing at a small coffee shop in the opposite street. Since it’s raining, drinking a cup of coffee or hot chocolate was the best idea, so I agreed and we crossed the road to get there.


It felt so warm inside here. Changmin ordered us a cup of coffee for himself and a cup of hot chocolate for me. While waiting for the order, we just sat on the soft couch right beside the glass window.


I gathered my courage to ask him a question that I held ever since we came to the orphanage. “Uhm…Changmin-ah.”


Wae?” He turned to me.


“I have something to ask you, but don’t bother to answer if you don’t want to. It’s not that I want to interfere or what, but when we were at the minimart I remember the lady said that I was different from someone you’ve took along with you the last time you come. Was it a girl?”


At first, he seemed uncomfortable with my question, but he answered it anyway. “Yeah. Why?”


I quickly shook my head. “No, nothing.” I gathered my courage once again. “From our school?”


“What is it that you want to know?” he asked impatiently.


“Ah, nothing. Just forget it,” I laughed. I was grateful, when the order came, because I didn’t have to make any excuses to answer him.


After the rain stopped, we got into the bus to go home. Before, we went to separate ways, I thanked him for bringing me to the wonderful place.


“Be careful on your way home. See you tomorrow,” Changmin smiled to me. I smiled back and got off from the bus.


Yeah, after knowing the real Changmin now, I knew that I had fallen in love with him. Not because he’s the popular Shim Changmin, but because he’s the funny, mischievous, and kind Changmin. Most important, he’s my childhood best friend, Shim Changmin.


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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 7: Awww minkyung so nice.. Why she break up with him
Oh lol how awks haha
changmin93 #2
Chapter 7: kyaa~ so sweet!!! please update!!
Chapter 7: OMG they kissed accidentally! XD Gaaah please update this soon! I want to know what will happen next muahahaha.
Chapter 7: yay an update!
ooohhhh still can't figure out what's on changmin's mind....
Chapter 7: Omg, omg, omg. Please udate! Wahh, what will happen next? :D
ItzJaeKay #6
Chapter 6: Awww.... Yoora ya, your heart wasn't the only one that broke </3
Chapter 6: Yeay you updated! Liking this chapter, but I feel sorry for Yoora :(
ItzJaeKay #8
Chapter 5: What is Changmin thinking I wonder