Our Time Capsule

I'm His Slave!

“Yah, Lee Yoora, what the hell is this?!!” Changmin shouted as he entered his house. I sighed and came over to him. He put his hands on his hips. “You didn’t clean the carpet, did you?”


“I’ve cleaned it. It’s just a little dirt, Shim Changmin, for goodness sake!” I was annoyed by his yell. I’ve been so tired ever since I came to his house. I went straight here after finishing my classes and even hadn’t had my lunch yet. I took the garbage by my hand and threw it into trash can. Changmin had left to his room.


 “Yah, Lee Yoora!” I ran right away after I heard his voice.


What again?” I asked frustrated. He was swinging his boxer in front of my face. “You left it here, didn’t you?”


“Are you crazy? I won’t touch that thing. It’s gross!” I yelled and started to leave, but I heard him again.


“Yah, Lee Yoora, are you crazy?” Now, he was the one who gritted his teeth. I turned around and saw Changmin’s upset face. “Is the underneath of my bed a dustbin?”


I smiled awkwardly. I didn’t expect he would check the underneath of his bed too. I was way too tired to use vacuum cleaner, so I swept it and hid it under his bed. I was caught and this time I couldn’t defend myself.


“Clean it now!” he said and left his room. I sighed.


“It will be over soon, Yoora. Just endure it a little bit more!” I encouraged myself. I never expected he would write something like that in his wishing letter of our time capsule. It was such a stupid thing to do when I remembered our childhood time. I should have not agreed to his plan of making wishing letter to each other in the first place. That was how I ended up here, being his slave.



We were just kids back then. We played together a lot. He liked to tease me and I would back. We’re so close to each other. He was my only friend. When I was with him, I felt like I didn’t need somebody else, just him was enough for me. He was a very active boy. Unlike me, he had a lot of friends. However, he spent most of his time with me because we lived next to each other. His hobby was playing basketball with his friends. Sometimes, he left me alone and I would look for him in the basketball court while crying. A cry baby, he often called me that. It sounded like he took care of me well, when the truth was that he never did –well almost never did, actually. When I was looking for him, sometimes he would tell his friends not to tell me where he was. It would annoy me, but he’d come afterward and said sorry. Then the problem solved. I’d never stay mad at him long.


“Yah, Lee Yoora, what should we do? I’m bored!” he said.


It was the hottest summer day, and we were playing at my house. My parents were out to buy some groceries. He got bored and threw my doll somewhere. I stopped playing and looked at him annoyed. I stood up and picked my doll, then placed it in my toys box.


“You can’t throw it as you like. You’ll hurt it!” I scolded him.


“It’s just a toy. It will never feel hurt.”


“You’re so mean!”


“You can buy some if it breaks.”


I just glared at him. He had a sharp tongue ever since he’s a toddler –I knew I was too much. “Let’s do something different!” he suggested. I looked at him, puzzled. He stood up and pulled my hand toward the TV room. He searched something.


“What are you looking for?”


“You don’t have any CDs? We can watch some movies,” he replied without looking at me. He found something and showed it to me. “Have you watched it?” I shook my head. “Assa~!” he jumped and turned the VCD player. I sat on the comfy couch and hugged my teddy bear as he started the movie.

There were two girls in uniform. They squatted in front of a huge tree. One of them was digging the ground while another had a bottle in her hand. The girl with the scope said that they could bury the bottle now. They were making a time capsule as I knew. A time capsule is a bottle or can contained letters of what you want to be in the future. I could be directed to your friends or yourself of what you dream. They seemed excited as they buried it into the ground.


“Changmin-ah, want to make one for ourselves?” I asked him.


“Shireo! That’s what girls do. I’m not a girl,” he said as he turned off the TV.


“That’s not only for girls. I’ve read a comic, there are some boys doing it too,” I defended.


Changmin was thinking about it. I knew he was interested too. It’s just he was too proud to admit it. “Okay, if you force,” he finally said. I jumped in joy. Finally, I’d have my own time capsule. “But, I want it to be different.”


I stopped and looked at him. “Different?”


He nodded. “It’s not about what you dream of, but it’s about our wishes for each other.”


I didn’t understand what he meant. Would it be a time capsule if it didn’t contain about our dreams? I was worried.


“You can write your wish, just one, from me and I will write my wish from you. The wishes must be directed to one another in ten years later. Isn’t it interesting?”


I nodded eagerly. Yes, Changmin was always a genius for me. We took two sheets of paper and wrote our wishes. I was so excited, so I was confused to go for what wish I would write to him. While I was confused, Changmin had already folded his paper. “You finished?”


“Palli, you have to write your wish! Remember only one,” he said.


“Arraseo,” I said and finally wrote my wish.


We took our bicycles and rode it to the school. Our school had a very big old tree in the back yard, just like in the movie. Changmin jumped from his bike and ran to the tree. I followed him excitedly. After he finished digging, I put the bottle into the pit and he buried it.


“Ah, I’m curious what you’ve written on the paper,” I said.


“It’s a wish and it’s secret. I won’t be come true if I tell you.” We were giggling at our comments.


“Kids, what are you doing here?” An old man, whose name is Mr. Oh asked. He was the gardener of our school. He always kept the yard clean from rubbish and the garden beautiful by colorful flowers. I always love him for doing that.


“We’re making a time capsule, Ajussi!” Changmin covered my mouth but it was too late since I’ve said the words.


“Time capsule?” he asked amazed.


“It’s nothing, Ajussi,” said Changmin. He was flushing. I held my laugh. He looked so cute when he reddened.


“It’s good. It will be a surprise and you can’t wait until you get older just until finally can read it,” he said. I smiled. He knew it so well.

We rode back home. I was so satisfied. Mr. Oh had promised us to keep our time capsule so there’s no one dig it until the next ten years. I also could see Changmin was smiling widely. I bet he couldn’t wait until we both older and we could read it together. Even so, I couldn’t help myself to not think of what he was wishing from me.


We were in the 3rd grade of elementary school when we made our time capsule and now as we were both in junior high I started to make my own friends. I knew that I shouldn’t always cling to him. Some friends would think that I was his servant or his shadow. So now I had my own girl friends. I spent most of my times with my girl friends while Changmin with his. But we’re still close to each other.


“Yoora-ya, are you and Changmin actually girlfriend and boyfriend?” One of my girl friends asked me one day. We were watching Changmin and his friends played basketball in the school basketball court.


“Mwo? Are you kidding? Of course not!” I glanced at Changmin who didn’t realize that we’re talking about him. He was high-five-ing his friends after making a goal.


“Jinjja? But you guys look like one,” another friend said.


“Anni. Maybe, it’s because we’re neighbors.”


“Changmin’s not bad. Actually, he’s handsome,” she said again.


I thought about their comments. Maybe, they’re right. He’s not bad after all. Changmin had grown up into a tall teenager. He’s even taller than most of our friends. I just reached his shoulder.


“Does he have a girlfriend?” my friends asked excitedly.


“Wae? Do you like him?” I asked curiously.


My friend said yes, and I didn’t know how it was started but I and my another friend were helping her to get close to Changmin. I introduced her to Changmin and he said he was glad to know her. However, when my friend was trying to make first move to get closer, Changmin ignored her. When she called him, he would say he was busy or when my friend asked him to accompany her to the bookstore, he would say he had a practice, until it reached the state where my friend gave up of him.


“Why do you avoid Ara (my friend’s name)?” I asked him one day when I was visiting his house. It’s been a while since I came here. We met outside more often. I asked him not because I didn’t like the way he treated my friend, it’s just because I was so curious.


“I don’t avoid her,” he said still his eyes glued on the TV screen. He was playing PS and didn’t really pay attention to me.


“Then what are you doing? Saying that you’re busy, isn’t that meant you’re avoiding her?”


“I just don’t like aggressive girl,” he said simply.


“Mwo? Is Ara aggressive? She’s quite pretty,” I mumbled.


“Yah, is aggressive and pretty related?”


Yeah, I knew he was right. Was it meant he doesn’t like pretty girl? Maldo andwae, no boys dislike pretty girl, including him. “You don’t like pretty girl, then what types of girl do you like?”


He threw his stick and turned his attention to me. “Sikkeureo jinjja!”


I pouted. “It’s just a simple question. Why are you mad?”


“Aish…the girl must be not aggressive and she can cook, okay? Now, can you be quiet?” he said annoyed and played again.


I thought about his words ‘not aggressive and can cook’. Why did it sound so simple? Was I aggressive? I couldn’t cook but I could learn. *Yah, Lee Yoora, what are you thinking? It’s not like I’m going to be his girlfriend*. I shook the thought away.


Junior high was running smoothly. It was our graduation day. I planned to make a BBQ party in my back yard and invited Changmin to come. He would be so happy. I didn’t know why, but he seemed distant recently. He put that gloomy face when I saw him at school today.


As the school over, I decided to go to his house since my parents had agreed to make the BBQ party.


“Changmin-ah?” I called. The door cracked open and Changmin stood behind it, showing only half of his body. “Let’s make our own graduation party. Come to my house at 7. I’m going to have a barbeque party. You’ll join, right?”


He was silent at first, but finally he spoke, “I’ll come.”


I was disappointed by his respond. I was so excited about it, but he just answered me like that. I was going to leave when he called me. “Yah, Lee Yoora! Do you like something as a gift?”


I was confused by his question. “It’s not a birthday party, just to celebrate our graduation. You don’t have to bring anything.”


“I just want to give you something to congrats you for your graduation,” he replied.


“I’m not the only one who graduated. Do I have to buy you something too?”


“That will be great,” he said with a weak smile.


“Okay, I want a frog doll!” I exclaimed.


“You never grow up, do you?” he teased. I didn’t mad at all. I knew he didn’t mean to.


“And what do you want?” I asked him.


He was thinking. “I want…a basketball ball.”


“Yah, Changmin-ah, that is expensive!”


“That’s your problem! That’s what I want. 7 PM, isn’t it? I should get ready,” he said then closed the door. I sighed.


“You’re the one that never grow up,” I cursed. “How much is it?” I mumbled to myself.


That night we enjoyed our party. There were only my parents, Changmin, and me in the party. But some time later, Changmin’s parents joined us. Changmin gave me my present and I gave him his. It’s not a real basketball ball, but the smaller one. I couldn’t afford one, since I couldn’t break my piggy bank. If my mom found out, she would kill me. Changmin took a marker and asked me to sign in the ball.


“Why did you act so strange recently?” I asked him when we’re alone. The parents had gone inside to have their own conversation.


“I did not,” he whispered.


“And now that the loud Changmin whispered, don’t you think he’s strange?” I sneered.


“I’m going to move.”


This time I was being the one to be quiet. I had to be hearing it wrong. “Mo-move?”


Changmin nodded weakly. “My father was being mutated to another town, so it’s normal if I go along with him, right?”


I held my tears. But I acted strong in front of him. “Oh-oh, it’s normal. Of course you have to follow him. Don’t expect me to hold you back, arraseo?”


He laughed. I couldn’t believe in this kind of situation he was laughing. “I’m happy. I thought you’re going to stop me from going. Hahaha!”


I felt like I couldn’t breath as he said those words. “Are you kidding? Of course you have to go. You can’t live here alone and being a beggar, can you?” I forced laughs, but my heart ached.


“Of course I should think you’ll say that. Gaja! I’ll have to pack now.” He stood up and held out his hand for me.


“No, you go first. I want to be here, enjoying my life as a junior high graduated,” I said without looking at him.


“Arraseo. Don’t be too long, you’ll catch a cold. And actually, I hope somebody steal our time capsule.” With that, Changmin left, leaving me puzzled in my place.


I didn’t send him when he left his house, this town. I locked myself in my room, crying, and hitting the doll Changmin gave me. Would I ever see him again?


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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 7: Awww minkyung so nice.. Why she break up with him
Oh lol how awks haha
changmin93 #2
Chapter 7: kyaa~ so sweet!!! please update!!
Chapter 7: OMG they kissed accidentally! XD Gaaah please update this soon! I want to know what will happen next muahahaha.
Chapter 7: yay an update!
ooohhhh still can't figure out what's on changmin's mind....
Chapter 7: Omg, omg, omg. Please udate! Wahh, what will happen next? :D
ItzJaeKay #6
Chapter 6: Awww.... Yoora ya, your heart wasn't the only one that broke </3
Chapter 6: Yeay you updated! Liking this chapter, but I feel sorry for Yoora :(
ItzJaeKay #8
Chapter 5: What is Changmin thinking I wonder