Part Two!

A Love Story

A/N : I had time. So I decided to complete this story as soon as possible. I so need to start shipping mainstream couples too. LOLOL! I hope you guys enjoy the last part of this twoshot. This is like the longest twoshot i have ever written! Enjoy!

Ë Time Skip! Ë

Yifan was a completely different man when Joonmyeon and Yixing met him a few weeks later at a party organized at their house. Yixing had decided that Yifan should have been invited and Yixing being the merciful angel to his boyfriend could not reject the arrival of his ex-boyfriend and his ex-boyfriend’s boyfriend. They had arrived two hours into the Christmas party with hands full of colorful presents. Joonmyeon could only stare at the matching outfit they wore. Red sweaters with green tribal designs printed on it. He recognized it from a shop he had once visited with Yifan. That was months before their break up. He should have felt upset. Yet, he felt nothing. Except probably for that small pang of happiness for the couple that stood awkwardly by the main door.

Joonmyeon and Yixing were finally in an open relationship after months of Yixing wooing Joonmyeon and trying to mend his broken heart. Yixing was sure he had succeeded when Joonmyeon accepted his relationship proposal in the rain the last time they met Yifan.

Yixing had done many things just for Joonmyeon. He had baked small, flat, heart shaped treats for him. Took him shopping when Joonmyeon seemed to wear the same clothes every week. Accompanied Joonmyeon when the shorter one felt lonely and was crying in bed throughout the night. Yixing swore that he would make Joonmyeon happy once more. Even if it took him years.

There was once when Joonmyeon had requested doughnuts from a renowned patisserie. The queue was two blocks away when he arrived. He waited in the queue for three hours just to buy the food that Joonmyeon had suddenly craved for. He felt that it was worthy. That feeling did not last long. When he reached home, Joonmyeon was lying on the couch curled up like a ball. Yixing slowly approached the older boy only to find out that he was asleep.

He stole a glance at the clock hung on the wall to realize that it was already evening. He gently shook the sleeping boy awake and placed the doughnuts on the table in front of him. Joonmyeon had freaked out and hit him on the head for making him worry.

Yixing never noticed the tear stains on the pillow that were shed for him. Just like Yifan never did.

What Yixing did notice was the way Joonmyeon changed after the visit from Yifan and Tao. After that visit, the red head seemed a little more cheerful. He sometimes sung his melodious melodies in the toilet. No! Yixing did not stand outside the restroom listening. His favorite workspace was just next to the toilet door.

Joonmyeon had looked at him weirdly when he had discovered the younger boy outside the toilet door. He flashed a warm smile before pulling the other boy up from his seat.  They had went out to shop after that. Joonmyeon became more open and they were so much closer than before.

That was the story so far. Back to the main story now.

Yifan and Tao were scrutinizing the place for Joonmyeon and Yixing when they finally caught them chatting in the living room on the couch. They slowly walked over. Yifan was still guilty and Tao was still afraid of the angelic looking boy hid behind his sleeves.

A pat on the shoulder. A turn and a small smile told Yifan that he was forgiven and that the change that he had worked so hard for was worthy. Tao was the only person that did not leave Yifan even though some of his habits returned. He was the only one that stood by him and did not leave his side.

“Joonmyeon” Yifan called out.

The red head, who was wearing a Christmas top hat turned his head around. (He had returned to the conversation and ignore the two minutes ago.) He flashed a quick smile at he both of them like what Yixing did when they had called out to Yixing moments ago. His boyfriend was currently missing. That unicorn had left him alone with tons of his friends for god knows what.

Joonmyeon had forgiven Yifan when he got wind of the rumors of him changing his whole personality  for Tao. He agreed that Tao deserved the new Yifan. He had once tried but failed and now he had truly found his prince. Yifan held out a small box wrapped in gold to him. Joonmyeon gladly accepted the gift and proceeded to open the small gift. Only to be shocked at the silver rain drop necklace with a single diamond in the middle and a engraved “Forgive me” on the back.

Yifan kissed Tao on the temple when Joonmyeon muttered a Thank you to them. Joonmyeon could only give them both a fatherly smile at the scene that unraveled itself in front of him. Yifan and Tao had departed for the dining table when Yifan’s stomach began rumbling and the laughter from the panda boy and angel subsided.

All Joonmyeon wanted to do now was hunt down the boyfriend that left him alone. He was beyond pissed. It was Christmas and he left him alone. He felt the anger rising up and he was ready to shout. That was of course till he saw the  love of his life kneeling in front of him in between the  two stairways that led up.

“Kim Joonmyeon. The love of my lifetime. Would you marry me? I love you and I probably would not be able to live if you left with someone else. There are wolves out there hunting for you. Would you let me protect you forever?” Yixing asked with a knee on the ground looking up into Joonmyeon’s eyes hopefully.

Joonmyeon could no longer control the tears that had been welling up in his eyes from the start of Yixing’s speech. The eyes of the many guests, including Tao and Yifan stared in anticipation.

“Yes!” Was the answer that came out as a squeak from Joonmyeon.

The sound of applause filled the whole mansion that belonged to Yixing, and now, Joonmyeon. The night was still young and Joonmyeon had already received the three presents that he would treasure the most.

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Chapter 3: love this story^^♥
Chapter 3: Finally! Top!Yixing (sort of) hahahahaha it was actually heartbreaking seein Joonmyun like that,
I am so glad yixing takes care of him!
Chapter 3: Their married yay
BabyShades #4
Chapter 2: Yeay they're will go married
update soon^^
Chapter 2: yay! suho finally happy with tixing and yifan changed.
good things happen. *clap clap*
nice sequel, i enjoyed reading this.. ;))
kumon89 #6
Chapter 2: please story about wedding sulay pleaseee pleasee hehe
SapphireMeadows #7
Chapter 1: kyaaaa! update please! damn. krisho... :(