Chapter 15

When the world ends, can a new start begin?

Daehyun's POV

Though I was rushed out of the bathroom by a busy Yong Guk, I got to brush my teeth and wash my face and was now ready to eat with Minnie! Wonder why he needed the bathroom so much anyway...

I walked through the hallway when I saw mine and Young Jae's door open... and hearing a thud I quitely peeked in to see Min on the floor pouting.... Maybe I wont help just yet.. If he hurts her then I'll step in..

She then stood up with determination and gently shook his leg only to be roughly kicked by the tsunami haired boy...

I guess I can step in now.... I smirked and went behind Min and startled her saying that he was a bad person to wake up in the morning which she agreed... Obviously the tsunami had proven that point by the throw to the floor and the kicks to her tiny figure...

"Hey its morning" I reminded her

She blushed, she seems to do that a lot around me.. *smirks*

But she gave my cheek a quick peck and looked away shyly.. Im usually not this forward but.. what do I have to loose right?? Might as well make this fun...

I pulled her in for a hug.. I don't know what came over me.. It just felt right. Even though Young Jae is right in that bed... He's not paying attention so I held her for a while. She always smells so freakin good! Not like perfume.. just smells good. Like clean clothes and soap. Deciding I should finally end the hug I pulled away only to jump on Young Jae..

To wake up Young Jae one needs : Powerful jumps, and a heavy blanket. and strong pain tolorance.. and our MIn does not seem to posses those needs.

So I jumped on the boy and wrapped the blanket tight around his body while screaming his name.

Though angry at first he finally smiled and greeted Min and I a good morning.

Leaving him to do his buissness for the morning Minnie and I proceeded to go downstairs

"I don't think I will wake him up again... He can get pancakes later." She smiled at me

" Just be stern with him!" I gently nudged her arm

"One day!" She said.

We reached the kitchen to see Himchan looking at recipe boxes.. Pabo.. He can't even read english... Trying to look smart for Min huh??? HA!

"Oh your here!" Himchan acted surprised while putting the recipe he was currently "reading" and smiled at Min giving her a hug.

"yep we're here. The boys are just getting up and dressed." she lightly replyed while returning his hug...

I felt my chest tighten at the sight.. For some reason I just wanted it to stop sooo

"Minnie-ah~~~!" I said lovingly to grasp her attention, which... IT DID.

"What's for breakfast?? American breakfast??" I asked hoping to have Himchan release his grip on Min

"U-u-um Yeah! Pancakes! I'll get the grittle ready.." She studdered and blushed. Chyea! I win!

She went in the back to get the grittle thing.. whatever that is...

"Jealous much?" Himchan Hyung whispered to me

I just shot him an innocent look "I wanted to know what breakfast was.. I'm hungry." I said with big eyes

"Sure.. Sure.." He muttered

Min came back with the- OH! Its a big pan like thing!!

"You guys can sit down.. I'll get the pancakes on and you can eat." She smiled.

Then the boys came down the stairs, Jong Up first then Zelo, and Young Jae. Yong Guk isn't here yet... Maybe he doesn't feel well since he pushed me out of the bathroom... Hmmm...

"Good morning Noona!" The younger boys chimed

"CHINGU!!" Young Jae practically yelled

She just nodded awkwardly to him after smiling at the boys

Zelo then... had the.. nerve...

to give Min a back hug! A BACK HUG!

"Do you need help Noona?" He asked her

I looked to the rest of the boys, who all looked the same



She giggled "No its ok, go sit with your Hyungs!"

"You sure Noona?" He asked again

"Well, why don't you get the fruit from the refridgerator and put it on the table?" She asked

"OK!" he let go of her to go to the fridge

All of our eyes were watching Zelo.. When did he get so brave with the ladies??? He (and Jong Up) are the WORST with women.. Himchan hyung, Yong Guk hyung and I are the best.. not that I'm bragging...

He then put the fruit on the table and looked back to Min

"Anything else Noona??" He asked lightly

"Nope! Just sit and I'll be done soon!" She replyed happily

Only then did he look at us....

0.0 <-- our continuous face

He just shrugged and mouthed "What?"

That little...

"All done!" She then placed the pancakes on each of our plates and some on her own and continued to put more on the grittle.

"Noona?" Zelo asked

She hummed in response

"Why are you making more?? We have enough"

"Yong Gukkie hasn't eaten yet, he wanted a shower this morning.. I hope he'll be down soon so its not cold.." She muttered the last part

WAIT! Yong Gukkie??

"Since when did you call him Yong Gukkie??" Young Jae asked what everone was thinking, sometimes his bluntness is a good thing.

We looked at her in anticipation on her answer

"Did I call him Yong Gukkie?? Whoops!" She muttered awkwardly... while turning back to the grittle

"If you do, he wouldn't be mad. You can call me Daehyunnie!" I requested

Usually... I don't request this stuff.... but.. WHAT?? Its the end of the world and I want her to call me Daehyunnie!! Don't look at me like that!

"If thats what you want." She replyed

"Yes. Yes its what I want." I replied seriously, causing a giggle to leave her lips

"Good morning guys" Yong Guk hyung finally made his appearance!

"Oh your here!" Min said while placing hot pancakes on his plate

"They just got off the grittle! I'm glad you came down while they are still warm." She smiled

He blushed and muttered a thanks.. awkwardly.. like. VERY awkwardly...

He's not even looking at her when she's talking to him... weird

MIn finally took her place beside Yong Guk and Jong Up

Yong Guk shifted uncomfortably in his seat and MIn seemed to notice, causing a look of worry and hurt to cross her face.

He bit his lip and dug into the pancakes.

"Its really good Noona" Jong Up mentioned to her, I guess he noticed the weird atmosphere as well...

She looked at him with kind eyes, "Thanks Jong Uppie!" She said while patting his head

"Yeah its really good Minnie-ah~~" I said lovingly

She looked at me and muttered a thanks while blushing...

She looked to Yong Guk again and asked if it was ok

He just nodded and continued to look at his food...

What happened to him???


Hey guys!.....

Remember me?? teehee...

Well... first..


Its a really good job, but it takes out a lot of my time and a lot of my energy so I don't really have time to write.... I'm so sorry I neglected this story and you all!!!!

Also I have been going through some SERIOUS writers block... Not sure how I want this story to go.. and another story I have been wanting to start.... but.. I don't want to just leave this one hanging ya know>??

Second... I have written this chapter twice and each time AFF kicks me off... and the entire chapter is deleted and it hurts to see hours of writing and editing go to the gutter.. :( so i just stoped for a bit for i was seriously frustrated...


I'm not dead!!! :) :) :)

Just tired a lot.. But If you guys write encourging things for me then I will continue to try to post as much as possible.. Even if I'm tired!


Well!! till the next update... which I hope to be sooner then later...

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Chapter 15: kyaaaa , yongguk so cute ! anyway please update soon author nim , I really want to read more . I love your story too !
Chapter 13: New Reader here! ^_^ Hi! XD This story is absolutely amazing! I can't help but smile and get all giddy >.< I also love how you portray the characters <3 and honestly, I have been looking for a zombie apocalypse fic for a REALLY long time! And praise the lord I've found yours! The plot is good and I see some features that resemble the walkng dead which is cool xD Please keep up the good work and update soon! HWAITING~
christymusic #3
Chapter 13: Good luck for ur job interview!!!!!! Wat job are u plannin to do ?
Chapter 12: omg. i feel loved. haha.
not a big deal. i love it though.
hmmm. Yongguk? idk.
i will looking forward to your choice. cx
and i feel happy to be as cameo of that starlight. xDD
wow. i'm a new reader and this is so.... jjang!
daebak author-nim.
please updating more soon! :DD
and I want to see the action scene soon. *^*
I can understand how you wrote the action scene and it's still turned out good! hehe. c: