A Best Friend's Love [Part l]

A Best Friend's Love

A Best Friend's Love

Since young, Jaejoong and Yunho were best friends, despite the fact that they were polar opposites. Yunho was tall, masculine and tanned. Jaejoong was petite, feminine and fair. Yunho was the captain of the basketball team whereas Jaejoong was a member in the class committee. Their differences were large, but these differences have never gotten in the way of their friendshipBoth of them did not know when all these feelings developed, when they started getting easily flustered when they are near each other. Maybe it was the hormones, but maybe it was due to the fact that they were best friends since young. Either way, they both love each other dearly but never dared to confess for fear of rejection. Both men had their pride. And they were not willing to throw away their pride for something so uncertain. The backlash from society was another thing they could not ignore. Gays were not accepted in society, what more in high school? High school, otherwise known as hell on Earth.

It was just another typical day in Seoul, South Korea. Jaejoong and Yunho were walking home together like they always do after school. It was a tradition since they were young and despite their hectic schedules, this tradition never changed. They did not talk much but merely enjoy the comfortable silence, but there were one too many times when their hands would accidentally meet. But, they never once held hands. They did not dare.

As per usual, they ended up in Jaejoong’s house. Jaejoong’s parents were always busy at work and often come back home late in the night. Jaejoong, having grown up in this type of background was long used to the silence and lack of warmth in the house. But Yunho, he did not like how his beautiful, angelic Jaejoong had to grow up in such a household where there was no love, only emptiness. In Yunho’s eyes, Jaejoong deserved all the love he can possibly get. And, he was happy to provide the petite male with all his love.

Jaejoong sat at his study table, meticulously doing his homework while Yunho lounged on his bed, reading a comic and occasionally poking Jaejoong with his toes. Yunho loves irritating Jaejoong; that pout on his face was cute. Jaejoong, on the other hand, did not mind Yunho irritating him. In fact, he was thankful for Yunho’s presence. Yunho was the sun in Jaejoong’s life. As cheesy as it sounds, Yunho made things so much happier and easier for him. Yunho made living meaningful for Jaejoong.

Two hours passed and Jaejoong was still hard at work. Yunho, however, had fallen asleep. Smiling, Jaejoong pushed his chair back and crouched beside Yunho. Gently, he trailed his fingers down the bridge of Yunho’s nose, to his full lips, then to his jaw. Yunho was simply perfect, he was just like Adonis and Jaejoong felt blessed for having such a person beside him. Leaning  in, Jaejoong was about to steal a kiss from Yunho when the latter suddenly woke up and pushed the feminine male onto the bed.

They jostled with one another, with Yunho teasing Jaejoong for managing to surprise him and Jaejoong trying to fend off the other male’s playful hits. Jaejoong did not say anything but merely smiled. It was best to keep things the way it has always been. Best friends, just friends.

The duo was having their usual swimming session. After playing around in the water for a couple of hours, they both decided to wash up and head home. Just as Jaejoong was taking his dry clothes from his assigned locker, Yunho suddenly pulled him forcefully into an empty cubicle. Startled, Jaejoong barely had any time to react before he was cornered by Yunho.

“Did you try to kiss me on that night, in your room?” Yunho asked.

Jaejoong could not help but panic. He had no idea what he was supposed to say or do. His head kept telling him to push Yunho off him but his body refused to comply. Mumbling, Jaejoong tried to come up with a practical excuse…until he felt Yunho’s perfect, bow-shaped lips on his own.

Their first kiss was passionate. Both tried to convey their feelings of love to the other through that one kiss and when they pulled apart, they knew they succeeded.

But alas, good things will always come to an end.


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Yunjae77 #1
Chapter 1: Please update this story please
Brownsugar40 #2
Chapter 1: Update!!!!!
meechan35 #3
Chapter 1: Oh. Plz do not left us hanging.
gothictibby #4
Chapter 1: update soon~ ^^
my_youngie #5
Taiwanese ??? I thought it was Singapura GTM
mar1adyve5sa #6
Chapter 1: update soon..i can't wait for it..
jjliss #7
Chapter 1: omo just say it jaejoong ah!!!