Episode 3

We Got Married

Just so everyone isn't confused, 

"Speech in bold are by the MC's"

Questions that are in italics and the speech under it refers to the interviews in the black room.

// refers to a flashback scene/earlier scene

You were currently on the set of your new drama based at a University but there had been some technical difficulties whilst you were shooting a picnic scene. You had found out from your director a few days ago that you will be having another love interest with the classic love triangle plot and since then you were unable to find a way to tell Myungsoo. 

You were lying down on the picnic blanket, holding your phone up. You had been typing and erasing for almost ten minutes, you hadn't even noticed that Mir had sat beside you. 

"Babo" He said nudging you out of your thoughts. You looked up at him and he made a face before he put his hands over your face. 

"Oppa~" You whined, pushing his hands away. 

"Aigoo, don't do that face. You look so innocent, I have to remind myself that we're not dating in real life" Mir joked, leaning back on his palms. You chuckled lightly and rolled your eyes, looking over at him.

"Wow, what is Myungsoo-ssi going to think?" Jung Min said, thoroughly interested in the current situation.

"Yah, they're only just cast mates" Na Young assured him.

"Actually.. Cheolyong-ah and _______-ya are best friends. They met a while ago, when she was still a trainee" Kris confirmed

"Wow and they speak informally, despite Cheolyong-ssi being a 91-liner huh?"

"______-ssi is a very loveable person" Kris laughed lightly, "Plus, he really likes listening to her speak english"

"What's wrong? You've been looking at your phone for a while" Mir asked, nudging your sides with his knee lightly. You giggled and pushed his knee away, holding up your phone. 

"I'm trying to figure out a way to tell Myungsoo-oppa that the director added a second love interest" You sighed, resting your phone on your chest. Mir took the phone and looked at it for a while.

"Here, how about this?" He asked, fingers pressed against the screen before he handed the phone to you. Expecting to read a good excuse, instead you were confronted with Myungsoo's voice on the other line.

"Yeoboseyo?" Myungsoo said, running his hand through his hair as the cordi-noona applied his makeup. 

"Oppa!" You scolded at Mir who snickered and held the phone closer to you.

"Ah Cheolyong-ssi is very cheeky!"

"Oh, you should see him when he's hanging around with _______-ya. It's really chaotic"

"______-ssi? How are you?" He said suddenly as the cordi-noona moved over to Hoya who had successfully ruined all her hard work.

You had to admit, you really missed the sound of his voice. It had been two weeks already and Myungsoo wasn't going to be back for another week. 

"Oppa, I really miss you." You laughed in attempt to mask the truth behind your words. Mir chuckled and made kissy faces at you. 

Myungsoo bit his lip lightly and smiled at your words before raising his eyebrows when he heard kissy noises. He let out a soft chuckle and mumbled a soft, "I miss you too"

It went unheard though, because Mir had begun to tickle you,"Yah..oppa stop that" You squirmed against him, still struggling to keep the phone by your ear while pushing Mir off you.

"______-ssi, what's happening over there? You seem a little.. off" Myungsoo tried to word carefully. You let out a giggle and shook your head, now that Mir had relocated himself beside you, stretched along the picnic blanket. 

"I'm just with Mir oppa, we're on the set of the new drama" 

Myungsoo's smiled instantly dropped. He knew of you closeness with Mir, he had searched it up a few days ago. He also went on your fancafe and noticed the many comments about Mir/You and how they're destiny. It only made his frown deepen.

"Annyeonghasayo! I'm one of your wife's love interests!" Mir said cheerfully as he leaned over to speak into the phone, earning a light chuckle from you. You heard Myungsoo clear his voice and you forced yourself to suppress another laugh.

"Annyeonghasayo.. did I hear wrong? Did you say one?" He didn't even bother to hide the distaste in his words.  

You let out an awkward laugh, "Yeah.. about that. Oppa, please don't be mad but the director told me that they were creating another love interest for me. But don't worry, the director said that the actor is away for a little while, which means he won't appear in the drama until later.. I hope that makes it better. I'm sorry oppa" You said quickly, sighing as you finished your explaination, guilt spreading across your stomach.

It was quiet on the other line and you suddenly felt as though you really had hurt him.Every second that went by was full of anticipation, you even looked over at Mir who had the same expression as you.

Myungsoo had so many thoughts rushing his mind but he knew he couldn't stay quiet forever. Even though he was L, around you he was Myungsoo. 

Finally, he spoke "It's..fine, I already know"

Your eyes widened suddenly, "What? How do you know?"

"Last week, Woohyun hyung told me he got a role in a drama.." Myungsoo trailed off, hoping you understood. He had put two and two together the instant he found out.

"Really?!" Jung Min gasped dramatically.

"Didn't she say Woohyun was her favorite?!" Mi Sun reminded everyone, adding to the tense atmosphere.

You knew where this was heading and even though you had mentioned that Woohyun was your favorite, Myungsoo was your virtual husband so you felt as though you were cheating. 

"And.. well, I guess you know who your new love interest is" He sighed lightly. You could hear his name being called in the background, "But it's okay. I'll see you soon okay? I think manager hyung is calling me. I'll talk to you later" 

Myungsoo kept the phone against his ear, even though the manager was calling for him. He blocked all the sounds and focused on you and only you.

"Okay oppa.. I'll call you tonight" You said, letting out a deep breath.You didn't want to hang up just yet and it seemed as though neither did he. You were both listening to the sound of the breathing against the speakers.

"I should really go now huh?" Myungsoo said quietly. You pressed the phone closer to your ear, pouting slightly. Myungsoo looked down at his lip, biting his lip gently before he looked up and suspired.

"Wow, so intense"

"Myungsoo looks like he's about to cry" Jung Min observed carefully.

"Yeah.. you should. Manager oppa is calling you right?"


You were quiet again, and so was he. You didn't dare break the silence, you felt as though you were hanging on your life line. Myungsoo shut his eyes for a moment and nodded his head, pressing his lips into a thin line.

"I'll see you very soon okay?" 


How did you feel getting that phone call from her? It seemed like you both missed each other.

"Well.. ever since our first meeting, we had begun communicating through the phone. I asked her manager for her phone number and then we just started messaging each other" Myungsoo explained, "At first it was only 'hello's', 'what are you doing today' and 'goodnight' 'but then we called each other and it really felt like we were becoming close" He smiled, almost even proudly.

"But then we couldn't talk for a whole week, I had a lot of schedules so I wasn't able to call her.." Myungsoo said, lips pursed in distaste. "So hearing her voice was very nice but then.. I had to go very quickly and it was very hard because we usually call each other for a long time. I really missed her"  


You were spread across the mini-couch in the SM practice room, 

"Did a fan really do that?!" You laughed, clutching at your stomach while your other hand held your phone to your ear. Myungsoo nodded on the other line, a soft laugh escaping his lips.

"Yes, he called me oppa. I wasn't sure how to react so I said thank you" 

"Oh gosh.." You mumbled, attempting to control your laughing but the situation was all too funny. "You should've said that you're only my oppa" You muttered, a shy smile on your face.

Chanyeol walked to the front of the camera, "They've been on the phone for.. probably two hours. She gets really mad when I tell her that we have to practice" He whispered loud enough for only the camera to hear.

"Two hours?! Wow!" Mi Sun exclaimed

"Trust me, two hours is a short call" Kris laughed

Luna creeped next to him, crouching beside the tall boy. 

"Vic-umma and Kris oppa is going to do it because we're all scared" Luna giggled before pulling Chanyeol offscreen. Victoria walked towards you, crouching down beside you whilst Kris sat on the arm chair. 

"Maknae-ya" Victoria said, shaking your arm. You looked up briefly and let out a soft groan. 

"Come on, we need to practice" Kris spoke in english, brushing the hair out of your eyes. You sat up and pouted slightly. 

"Would you rather Krystal tell you off?" He joked, holding his hands up as Krystal stalked towards him. You rolled your eyes and held the phone to your collar bone.

"Fine, at least let me say goodbye" 

Kris nodded and gestured for Victoria to leave while still holding off Krystal who was attacking his weakest points.

"Krystal is strong, isn't she?" Na Young chuckled lightly.

"Oh, she definitely is" Kris said in all seriousness.

"I have to go now.. I was meant to start practice a long time ago" You laughed lightly, "Okay.. I'll talk to you later. Bye!"


You were on the phone for a while with Myungsoo, even though he had said goodbye. Did you miss him?

You blushed suddenly, hiding your face in your hands at their observation, "Ah, this is really embarrassing" You let out a laugh and shook your head. 

"Of course I missed Myungsoo oppa. We hadn't talked for almost a week and when we did talk, it was only for a while. I really felt we were much closer than our first meeting. I just wanted to hear his voice for a bit so I didn't hang up. We just listened to each other breathing for a bit" You giggled bashfully. "I was really happy when he said he'll see me soon"


You were filming a seen with Mir where you were both having a fight because you had spotted him with another girl. It was probably your fifth take because Mir kept laughing just before you two kissed.

"You said I was the only girl in your life and yet, I see you with someone else? Are you trying to make a joke out of me?" You shouted at Mir, pushing him back a little. 

Mir let you push him, "I hate you so much, Jae-Hwa" You yelled at him hitting your fists against his chest before you slowly weakened against him. He took the opportunity to grab at your wrists and pull you flush against his chest.

"So Young" He called, making you shiver against him instantly. It was hard to look at Mir when he was so serious. You actually believed him for a second, that he wasn't playing a character. 

"You don't hate me one bit" Mir whispered before he swiftly wrapped his arm around your waist and lifted you up, his eyes shut as he leaned down to press his lips against yours. 

"Omo! Omo!" Na Young exclaimed as she stood up slowly, pointing at the screen. 

Jung Min screamed monotonously, hands in fists as Mi Sun pushed him. 

Kris had looked away, not wanting to see his maknae kiss a boy.

Mir slid his fingers into your hair as he moved closer, lightly biting your lip, instantly sending a blush to your face. Your hands were still in fists, wedged between his and your chest. You gripped his shirt and lowered yourself as you pulled away, your forehead touching his chin lightly. 

"And cut!" 

You let out a soft chuckle as Mir wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you into a tight hug. You hugged him back, resting your cheek against his chest as the crew scrambled to re-adjust the lighting for the second shot of the scene. 

"Ya, _______-ssi why are you hugging Cheolyong-ssi? What will your husband think?" Mi Sun scolded playfully.

"________-ya, your husband is here" Mir said, instantly removing his arms from you and stepping back. You turned around to see Myungsoo with a small smile on his face.


You looked back at Mir who was slowly walking away. "Oppa, where are you going?" You asked him. He turned around a grinned at you, "I'm... going to reapply my make-up" He said nervously before bounding off. 

"He's running away before the husband hurts him"

"I would run away too!"

"When I first met Cheolyong, he ran away from me" Kris recalled, his lips contorted into an amused smile.

You laughed and walked over towards Myungsoo, a big smile on your face. 

"Oppa!" You said happily, giving him a brief hug. You noticed the blush on his face when you pulled away, "When did you arrive back from Japan?" 

"Early early morning" Myungsoo said with a smile on his face. It was currently seven in the morning, so you felt really touched that he had gone out of his way.

"Aish, this kid" Dongwoo mumbled, "You know after the flight, we went to our dorm to sleep but he really wanted to go to her set and the manager hyung told him he had to take one of the members and he begged me for ages. He wouldn't even let me sleep in the car!" 


"Hyung! Are you listening to me?" Myungsoo said, tapping Dongwoo on his shoulder. The older boy grunted in response but Myungsoo shook him awake. 

"Anyways, as I was saying, I'm going to surprise _______-ssi at the set and we'll go out and have some fun after she's done- hyung!" 

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" Dongwoo said, shooting up right, eyes half open. 


"Oh really? Are you not tired? How long have you been here?" 

"No.. I'm not tried, I wanted to see you" Myungsoo paused and you blushed, "Oh.. I've been here since the kiss scene" Myungsoo said carefully. You stared at him for a second, embarrassment overflooding you before you shut your eyes and covered your face.

"You got caught!" Jinwoon chuckled

"Oh, let's see Myungsoo-ssi's jealous side" Dongwoo said with a big grin on his face.

"Oppa I'm sorry you had to see that!"

"It's fine, I understand.." He said, nodding lightly even though jealous was still evident in his expression. "but did he really have to hug you afterwards?" Myungsoo said quietly, causing you to laugh lightly. 

"There it is!"

"I'm sorry oppa" You repeated, laughing lightly. "_______-ssi, we're shooting again!" The PD called from behind you.

You turned around to see Mir standing back in place and you sighed lightly before looking back at Myungsoo.

"If you want, you can sit down in the dressing room and I'll be there as soon as I can" You offered, feeling bad that Myungsoo had to see you kiss another guy.

He shook his head, "No no, I think it's better that I stand here and watch" 

"Very protective husband huh?"

You giggled and nodded your head before making your way back to Mir. 

"Alright, we're going to shoot that scene again but from this angle and then we'll shoot it from there, and there" 

"That's a lot of kissing" Luna mentioned, eyes widening. 

"You seem so surprised!" Jung Min laughed.

"I didn't know my maknae is going to be kissing boys that much" She defended

Myungsoo crossed his arm over his chest and huffed lightly before turning to the camera, 

"Why are there so many angles?" 


You had finally finished all your scenes for the day. You said goodbye and thank you to all the cast and crew before making your way to the van where Myungsoo was waiting. 

"Here" He said, handing you an evelope. You eyed it as you put your seatbelt on, something he found very amusing. 

"Mission card?" You asked, taking the card out of its sleeve.

To: ______-ssi ♥ Myungsoo-ssi

You have a special surprise today. In the back of the van, there is a bag. Do not open it until you reach your destination. Enjoy the rest of your day. 

P.S. make sure to take a family photo.

"Guess we're meeting family?" Myungsoo offered with a laugh.


The ride to the secret location only took an hour and a half which didn't matter since both you and Myungsoo took the opportunity to get closer. 

"So, who's your favorite from No Time? Or f(x)?" You asked, your head rested against the chair as you looked over at your husband. A cheeky smile appeared on his face as he took your hand from where it had been dangling off the arm rest. 

"_______-ssi" He said playing with your fingers mindlessly. You rolled your eyes and let out a laugh.

"Oppa, it's okay! I mean I told you who I liked from Infinite" 

"Yes I know, but I like you the best" Myungsoo said, avoiding your gaze. You made a face and took your hand away from his, crossing them over your chest.

"Eyy, you're lying.." You muttered, pointing at him accusingly though a smile remained on your lips. Myungsoo pushed away your hand and hid his face in his own.

"I heard that you liked Krystal-unnie" You said teasingly, only to have Myungsoo sit up right, shaking his head.

"No, I never said that" He defended himself, crossing his arms over his chest. "I just said she was beautiful.. I mean you're beautiful too!"

"Yah you can't call another woman beautiful and call your wife beautiful too! That's like re-using compliments" Jung Min scolded at the screen.

"It's okay oppa, everyone likes Krystal-unnie" You said, turning back to face the front. 

"Ah, she's jealous. Aish these two are the jealous couple"

"Naekkoya couple" Luna added with a laugh

"Myungsoo-ssi and ______-ssi are both jealous, it's like they were married in the past life too" 

"_______-ssi, don't be like that. I told you, I like you the most!" Myungsoo begged, touching your arm to get your attention. You ignored him, looking out the window, only to see the Caribbean Bay sign. You ignored Myungsoo as you got out of the car. 

"______-ssi, don't walk so fast!" Myungsoo called as he tried to catch up to you, fumbling with the bag.

"What do you think is in the bag?" He asked, ping it carefully as though there was a bomb. You tried not to laugh at him, putting off an upset facade.

Were you really angry at Myungsoo-ssi?

"Of course not. I was a little jealous at first though.. because I'm not as pretty as the other girls, especially Krystal-unnie. A few people that I have liked had chosen her over me" You said with a sad laugh as you looked at your hands. 

"Ah- I remember!" Na Young said suddenly, causing all the camera's to zoom in to her.

"I don't remember what show... but it was between _____-ssi and Krystal-ssi and all the guys went to Krystal-ssi"


"Alright, we have two girls here. You four boys have to give the girl you choose a back hug okay? Now girls, please turn around" The MC said, making a circle motion with his finger. You and Krystal turned around, nerves building at the pit of your stomach. You noticed that Krystal had been hugged, and again, and again and slowly you felt worse about yourself. 

It wasn't until probably the last of the four boys had hugged you. You smiled lightly, knowing they probably hugged you out of sympathy. You looked up to see Mir, grinning cheesily at you. 

"Oppa, thank you for choosing me" You bowed before hugging him tightly. 


"Then shouldn't Myungsoo-ssi be jealous of Cheolyong-ssi? He has a valid reason to!" 

You and Myungsoo went past the entrance gates, smiling and thanking the staff before you spotted a group of people too familiar for you not to notice. 

"Maknae-ya!" They screamed before heading towards you. You chuckled and pulled Myungsoo forward who had retreated behind you. 

"Oppa!" You grinned at the sight of Kris, Kai, Minho, Sehun and Onew. "Unnie!" You said excitedly when Luna, Krystal, Yoona,Victoria and Sulli appeared behind them.

"______-ssi is part of a project group, which is consisted of members from two different groups, right?" Mi Sun asked Kris who nodded.

"Yes, Vic-noona and Krystal-ah are from f(x) and Chanyeollie and I are from EXO but he couldn't come that day" Kris confirmed.

"But it seems like the whole of SM came with you guys huh?" 

"Yoona-noona, Minho-ya, Onew-hyung, Jongin-ah.. they just wanted to meet maknae's husband" 

"This is my husband, Myungsoo-oppa" You smiled, pushing him a little forward so he could shake everyones hands. Once everyone had gotten acquainted, you and Myungsoo pulled away from the group to get dressed. 

"I hope you're not mad at me anymore" Myungsoo said as he took out his change of clothes. You shook your head and took the bag that he gave you and offered him a small smile.

"I figured, meeting my family is punishment enough" 


You and Myungsoo sat on the lounge chairs as everyone else played in the water. He took out the sunblock and told you to put your arms out before he rubbed them onto your skin. You did the same, rubbing them onto his arms and shoulders. With the excess sunblock, you applied them onto his face thoroughly, the proximity making you blush. 

"Ohhh they're being so cute!" Mi Sun squealed, biting her fists happily. 

Myungsoo took your face in his hands and applied the lotion onto your face, not missing an inch. When he was done, he brought your face closer, another cheeky smile on his lips. "Ppo ppo?"

You blushed instantly and looked away from him, hiding your face in your hands. 


Myungsoo laughed that angelic laugh of his and took your hand in his. You dropped your hands from your face and stuck your bottom lip out. Myungsoo grinned, leaning over jokingly only to be interrupted by Krystal.

"Uh.. can I use some of the sunblock?" 

"Really Krystal? Do you always like ruining my favorite couples?! First it was Khuntoria.." Na Young said angrily, her face contorting into a playful smile. 

You nodded and looked over at Myungsoo who gave her the bottle. You nudged his leg lightly, "You can go put it on her" You teased only leaving him scowling. 

"No, I already put it on my wife" 

"Good save, son" Jung Min said approvingly, crossing his arms.

You laughed at his sudden change in expression and rolled your eyes, patting his knee lightly. Myungsoo got up, a smile back on his face.

"Let's swim" 

"I don't want to"


"I-I'm scared I'll drown" 

Myungsoo smiled, a soft one that never failed to reach his eyes. It was warm, familiar. You let your hand slide in his, somehow feeling trust. You never let any of the others force you into swimming, but then again, Myungsoo wasn't forcing you.

You followed him into the pool slowly, letting him pull you flush against his chest. You blushed as everyone teased the two of you, Luna and Onew mimicking the two of you. 

"Luna-ssi, it seems like we're going to have to have you and Onew-ssi as our next couple" Mi Sun teased. Na Young, Jung Min, Jinwoon and Dongwoo agreed with a laugh, making Luna blush a bright red.

"Ah.." Luna said bashfully, hiding her face in Kris's shoulder who laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"You should see them two at SM. So lovey-dovey, always teasin-" 

"I think Kris oppa has said enough" Luna said, hand covering Kris's mouth who grinned at her.

Myungsoo made sure you were able to touch the ground before he let you go. The water was only up to your waist which you were grateful for. 

"I'm going to let you go now, okay? I hope you don't drown" He laughed before swimming over to Minho and Sehun. You smiled lightly and turned your cap the other way before walking carefully to Victoria and Sulli.

"I heard him say 'ppo ppo'.." Sulli said, quiet enough so that the boys don't hear. Victoria giggled along with Yoona and Luna. 

"Ah, unnie~" You said, splashing the water lightly. They all burst out into laughter and somehow in the midst of everything, the boys approached them and a full on splashing fight had occured. The aim had been to splash and for a whole minute, everything was just chlorine and laughter. You felt someone blocking the water from you, your eyes no longer irritated. It wasn't until the staff had asked everyone to stop as the water was spraying onto the floor. 

The laughter died out slowly and somehow you found yourself beside Myungsoo. You instantly realised he was the one who had been protecting you and you blushed lightly. 

"He was protecting her wasn't he? Cute!" 

Krystal had swum over and splashed the two of you. You frowned a little, knowing Krystal was going over just to tease you. You even pulled Myungsoo back when he went over to take revenge. 

"Ah, jealous maknae comes back out" 

"What?" You asked innocently when Myungsoo eyed you, a big smile on his face.

How did you feel when _____-ssi pulled you away from Krystal?

"Ah, at first I was slightly confused. She should know that she's the only girl for me but I found it so adorable because she was trying to be innocent. She looked at me and she was like.. what? I just wanted to kiss her" Myungsoo said shyly, eyes curving. 

Kai had swum over to you mischievously, tugging on your hand before Myungsoo could reply to you. A smile broke out onto your face as you let Kai drag you away but Myungsoo had wrapped his arms around you  pulled you back by the waist, your hand disconnecting from Kai's.

"What?" Myungsoo asked, his smile almost as innocent as yours. You laughed and leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek without even thinking before you squirmed out of grip and waddled away towards Kai and Kris. 

"What happened?" Kris asked as you hid your face in his chest. Victoria, Yoona, Sulli and Luna had been squealing as they approached you. 

"Did you see that?"

"Oppa, they're so cute. Ottoke" Sulli said, biting her fists. 


"That was so cute!"

"See what?" Kris asked, still thoroughly confused as he craned his neck to see what all the girls had been squealing at. All he saw was a frozen Myungsoo. 

"Hyung, it's nothing. ______-ya just kissed Myungsoo" Kai said, with a smirk on his face. You pulled away from Kris and slapped Kai gently. 

"Oppa!" You scolded before slowly lowering yourself into the water, only your hat appearing on the surface.

You heard muted laughter before you were pulled back up by Luna and Yoona. 

"Ppo ppo?!" Kris said before his voice raised, "Ppo ppo my maknae?!" He said in mock anger as he made his way to Myungsoo who had run away from Kris the moment he heard his voice.

"Oh, Kris-ssi you're very scared of huh?"

Kris chuckled and nodded his head, "I'm not sure why but a lot of people fear me" 

Luna in, "Yeah I don't get it either.. he's very cute around the rest of us. So much aegyo"

"Shh" Kris said, covering his dongsaeng's mouth shyly.

"Oppa!" Luna whined, pushing his hand away.

When everyone was done with the swimming and was changed into fresh clothes, you gathered everyone up to take the family photo.

"Alright, this one is for our house" You joked, handing the camera to the staff before standing by Myungsoo who instantly took your hand with a smile. You blushed and grinned at the camera as the flash went off. 

"Maknae-ya.. oppa's have to leave now" Onew said as he stepped forward. You frowned, Minho flashing you an apologetic smile.

"SHINee has a photoshoot with f(x)" 

"That means Vic-umma, Luna-unnie, Sulli-unnie and Krys-unnie have to go too?" You pouted."Me too" Yoona sighed, only leaving you sadder. Onew nodded and you hugged him tightly before hugging Minho. 

Onew made his way to Myungsoo and shook his hand, "Take care of my maknae okay?" He said with as stern smile. Myungsoo nodded respectfully only leaving Onew laughing. 

"Oppa, don't scare my husband!" You said, swatting his arm. A grin broke out onto Myungsoo's face. 

You were smiling so happily..

"It just felt so nice when ______-ssi said 'don't scare my husband' I felt.. so happy" Myungsoo said sheepishly.

Minho hugged Myungsoo, no scary hyung facade.

"Take care of my maknae Myungsoo-ah! Bye _____-ya, see you soon" He called over his shoulder. 

"Bye oppa!" You said, waving your hand before you hugged Victoria, Luna, Sulli, Krystal and Yoona. "Thanks for coming unnies" 

They all waved at you before following Onew and Minho. It was only Sehun, Kris and Kai left.

"And oppa's?" You giggled as the three of them stood there awkwardly. Sehun was the first to step forward and you happily hugged him.

"Thanks for coming oppa" You mumbled into his shirt before pulling away. Myungsoo stepped forward, shaking his hand and also thanking him for coming. 

"_____-ssi is very popular among the boys huh?"

"She's our baby maknae, of course she's popular. I think Chanyeollie and Jongin-ah have a crush on her though" Kris laughed to himself

Next was Kris, who hugged you so tightly, he even lifted you off your feet. When he pulled away, he stepped in front of Myungsoo, eyes hard. 

You slapped his chest, "Oppa be nice" 

"Only if he's good to you" Kris said, eyeing Myungsoo. Myungsoo nodded, "I will take care of _____-ssi before I take care of myself" 

"Good" Kris said, a cheery smile instantly appearing on his face. You rolled your eyes as Kai stepped forward, goofy smirk on his face.

"Opppa" You giggled  as he wrapped his arms around you, rocking you side to side. 

"Maknae-ya, have fun with your husband. I hope he gets jealous of this" He mumbled into your ear. You laughed and pushed him away before moving over Myungsoo who definitely wasn't hiding his jealousy. 

"Take care, Myungsoo-ah. And don't forget to look after my baby maknae" Kai winked over his shoulder before running after Kris and Sehun. 

"You're jealous" You muttered with a big grin on your face. Myungsoo turned to you, eyebrows raising in surprise. 


"Of course you"

"Aniyeo I'm not" He defended himself, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's okay oppa.. I'm jealous too" You assured him with a smirk on your face. Myungsoo rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle.

"I know you're jealous. You don't let me near Krystal-ssi at all" 

"Don't you mean yeobo-ya" You said, narrowing your eyes at him. 

"Aish, you're my only yeobo-ya" 

"Why did it stop!?" Jung Min screamed at the screen. Jinwoon didn't look too pleased either, "Why do you guys always stop it at the best parts!" 

"Calm down, there's always next week"

"I don't want to wait until next week to hear about the naekkoya couple!" 


And that concludes the episode! I'm sorry it took long, I currently have exams. Until next time! Leave lots of comments to make my heart happy~

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The charm bracelet really wasn't supposed to look like that but I'm not bothered looking for another picture


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awesomebear #1
Chapter 6: Will wait for this! :) Good luck! :D
awesomebear #2
authorrrrrrniiiiim please update! :)
Myungiewufan #3
Chapter 5: I will read it! THE BEST STORY I EVER READ!
Khixxie17 #4
Chapter 5: Yes! I will read it. Please Continue your story..
Chapter 5: YEUUUUS YEUSS I WILL DAMN WELL READ IT!!! I'm sad thought that you're not continuing the story but I'm curious on how you're gonna re-write it thought!!!!^^
Chapter 5: YEUUUUS YEUSS I WILL DAMN WELL READ IT!!! I'm sad thought that you're not continuing the story but I'm curious on how you're gonna re-write it thought!!!!^^
Chapter 2: Homaigawd Seulong and Jinwoo are so hilarious!!!! xD
Chapter 5: I want to read!! ^^