Episode 1

We Got Married

You had been in the recording booth almost the whole day because for some reason your voice didn't want to co-operate and your voice decided to crack every five minutes. It had been frustrating, not only for you but also for the other members of No Time. You knew Krystal had been annoyed, but you were too. You left the booth when Victoria had told you to have some rest. Upon leaving, you had noticed a mail box in the middle of the room. 

"_______-ssi of No Time!" Jinwoon shouted out happily. 

"Jinwoon-ah, where's your pride?" Seulong said to his maknae. 

"Hyung, you like her more than me!" 

You looked over at Kris and Chanyeol who were eyeing the prop carefully from their seat on the couch. 

"Oppa, what is it?" You said as you slowly approached the mail box. 

"Mission! It's a mission!" Mi Sun cried out. 

"_______-ssi, I don't want you to find out who your husband is yet!" Jung Min said hurriedly. 

"Ah, the husband could be me right?" Seulong grinned from his seat. Na Young looked at him, "The PD's wouldn't let you!" 

You retrieved the letter from the prop and sat between Chanyeol and Kris. You opened the letter and let your eyes skim over the hangeul. 

"To: ______-ssi, after your recording please go to the park where your second mission will await you" 

"Second mission?" You repeated before pouting and resting your head on Kris's shoulder. 

"Ah I haven't even started the first mission and there's already a second you" You whined into his shoulder. 

"________-ssi is not in a good mood because her voice had been cracking that day and she was scared she must've annoyed everyone" Victoria explained as she had been there beside you. 

"Oh, but it's okay, she'll be meeting her other half very soon" Na Young said with a smile on her face.

"______-ya, you can't be like that. Remember to stay positive. Fighting!" Chanyeol beamed that smile of his, his hand in the air. 

"Oppa can come with me right?" 

"Yah, what will your husband think if you arrive with another man!" 

"We can drop you off" Victoria chuckled as she sat beside Chanyeol, stopping him from voicing his delights on accompanying you. 

"That's good enough for me, let's go" 


"Vic-umma, what's being married like? You and Nichkhun-appa were my favorite people in the show" You laughed as you drummed your fingers along the seats of the van. 

"It's nicest to be able to share your day with your other half, I like that the best. Having someone to talk to and be close to" 

"Victoria-ssi misses having Nichkhun!" 

"Of course I miss Nichkhun, he was a good husband to me and a good friend" Victoria replied kindly.

"Seulong-ssi, do you know if Nichkhun misses her too?"

"A lot, he misses her a lot"

"Noona! That's why you have us!" Chanyeol exclaimed, obviously immune to what she had said. Victoria laughed lightly and shook her head as she patted Chanyeol's cheek. 

"Yah Chanyeollie, it's nice when you have a husband to share your day with" You rolled your eyes at Chanyeol, despite the smile on your face. 

"Anyways, it's going to be okay my little maknae, you'll make an amazing wife" Victoria grinned, hugging you tightly. You returned the hug happily, thankful for her words. 

"Aw, Vic-umma being just as amazing to her kids" 

"Make sure he treats you right, or else oppa will hurt him" Kris said from his seat at the back. You chuckled and nodded. "Yes oppa"

"Wow, Kris-ssi is very protective of her, isn't he?" Na Young observed thoroughly. 

"I haven't even met her and I'm protective of her" Jung Min said easily. 


You were sitting in the unmoving car at the entrance of the park. You were frozen, suddenly unable to move an inch. 

"_______-ya, you have to get out now" Victoria cooed as Chanyeol opened the door. You shook your head, eyes fixed on the interior of the van. 

"Maknae-ya, you have to go meet your husband now" Kris laughed lightly, ready to hook his legs under your knees and carry you out of the car.

"What? I'm meeting my husband now? I thought I was just getting a second mission!" You said, alarmed. 

"She really is the maknae huh?" 

"Yes, she's the baby of SM" Victoria joked lightly.

"She's only 18, getting married this young surely would scare her a little"

"Ah really? You didn't know you were meeting your husband?" Victoria asked, bewildered. You let your arms dangle limply at your sides before you shot up right. 

"Of course I didn't know! If I did, I wouldn't have dressed like this!" You whined, gesturing to the shorts and tank top you had been wearing. 

"She wanted to look good for her husband. Hopefully he'd be okay with what she's wearing" Mi Sun said with a happy smile on her face. 

"If not.." Jung Min trailed off, 

"Divorce!" Seulong and Jinwoon exclaimed together. 

"It didn't say I was going to meet my husband on the mission card!" 

Victoria took the card from your hands and let her eyes scan the card. You noticed her lips move along with her eyes and bowed your head. 

"Yah, maknae, it says right here: Go to the bridge and call out for your husband. He possesses the flower with the most meaning. Happy Marriage!

"-______-ssi still isn't very good with the hangeul as she grew up in Australia!" 

"Ah, it's okay, we forgive her"

You watched as the van drove away, Victoria and Chanyeol's arms flailing out of the window as you heard them scream "Maknae-ya fighting!"

You sighed and made your way into the park, your heart pounding faster and faster. Luckily the cool breeze of the park had cooled down your hot skin. You were mostly scared of how your other half would react when he saw you, rather than being alone in a park. You went straight to the bridge and peered over the edge where there had been another walkway.

"Husband!" You yelled out, "Huuuusbandd!" You yelled out again, chuckling to yourself as you heard you echo. You turned back around and leaned against the bridge. You took a moment to take in the beautiful scenery, the flowers, the colour of the grass but you were pulled out of your thoughts when Jonghyun of Shinee jumped into your line of sight. 

"Oppa!" You screamed, obviously shocked at his cameo. "Oppa you scared me!" 

Jonghyun chuckled and walked forward towards you, his charismatic smile on full view. 

"My little maknae, I'm only here to give you this flower" You stared at the yellow rose in his hand and watched as he placed it in your own. 

Good luck. 

"Ah! Yellow roses mean good luck!"

"Congratulations on your marriage, maknae-ya" He managed to say. You hadn't even gotten the chance to say thank you when he disappeared. You decided to try again, turning back around and taking a deep breath. 

"Husband!" You were only responded with another echo. "Husband-ssi!" 

"How cute! Husband-ssi!" 

"_______-ssi!" You jumped at the sound of your name and whipped around to see Himchan of B.A.P. You wondered if he was your husband but at the sight of the blue rose in his hands, all thoughts were washed away.

"Himchan oppa?"

"For you" He grinned at you, placing the rose in your hands. You bowed and thanked him, the meaning of the rose going over and over in your mind. 

Mystery and ambiguity. 

"She learnt from her Vic-umma. 90 degree bow!" 

"No no, _____-ssi sometimes does more than 90 degrees, she does 110 degrees even!"

"Happy Marriage ______-ssi!" Himchan called as he disappeared just like Jonghyun did. "Thank you!" You called back towards him before turning back and peering over the edge of the bridge. 

"Husband! Come out please! My voice has been cracking all day, I don't want to lose it" 

"Yah, what did appa say about screaming anyways?" You heard behind you. Instantly familiarizing yourself with the voice, you whipped around with a huge smile on your face.

"Nichkhun-appa?!" You chuckled as he spun around with a wide smile on his lips. He bowed just as you did and you moved forward to give him a hug. 

"A rose for my daughter!" He smiled happily before turning to walk away. "Congratulations on your wedding! My daughter is all grown up"

It was an orange rose, I am so proud of you. 

"Ah! Nichkhun-ssi!"

"Nichkhun-ssi has come to wish his daughter a happy marriage!" 

"Nichkhun-ssi being a good appa"

You smiled to yourself as he walked away, turning around hopefully for the last time to call out to your husband. 

"Husband-ssi, please come out! My voice hurts and I want to know who I'm married to!" You said loudly, sighing softly at the lack of respone. "Yeobo-yah!" You screamed out just as you heard someone clear their voice behind you. 

"That's what he wanted to hear! Yeobo-ya!" 

"Myungsoo-ssi!" You gasped, embarrassed that he had heard you scream out yeobo. He bowed with a shy smile on his face and you did the same. 

He stepped forward and held out a white rose for you. White roses were your favorite and so was the meaning. 

"I am worthy of you" You mumbled softly. 

"I am worthy of you?! Waahh so romantic!" 

"It is indeed the best meaning!" Mi Sun cooed, clapping her hands together happily. 

How did you feel hearing ______-ssi scream out yeobo-ya?

"At first I heard her scream husband but I wasn't too sure who she was. I knew her voice but it hadn't clicked to me yet and then I heard her say 'Husband, where are you, my voice hurts' and I thought it was very cute" He chuckled lightly to himself, "_____-ssi is very cute. And then when I heard her scream 'yeobo-ya' my heart was like-" Myungsoo brought his hand to his heart and patted his chest to the beat of his fast racing heart. "I've always wanted to call my girlfriend yeobo-ya, I think it's very cute" Myungsoo ducked his head, a shy smile on his face. "I think ______-ssi is very cute"

"Cute! Cute" 

"Yeobo couple?"

"Yes, yeobo couple!" 

What were your thoughts about meeting your husband?

"I was so scared about who it was because first, Jonghyun oppa appeared and as much as I love Jonghyun oppa, he is only my oppa. Luckily he was only giving me flowers. And then Himchan oppa came and I was very excited because he is very pretty but then his flower was blue and when I saw Myungsoo-ssi I was so embarrassed but he is my favorite overall." You blushed at your choice of words

"Do you want to go and eat?" Myungsoo was the first to break the silence. You nodded with a smile and let him lead the way. 

"The park is somewhere I like to go. It's easily my favorite place. It's very peaceful, and I wanted to share it with my wife" 

You blushed and nodded your head, "Thank you. I hope to share something I love with you" 

"I thought for a second she said I love you. Wah" 

"It hasn't even been an hour!" Na Young scolded at Jung Min. 

Myungsoo lead you to the outskirts of the park where there was a night market, something you had loved even as a kid.

You seemed very happy when Myungsoo-ssi  brought you to the night market

"Yes, I was very very happy! It reminded me of the time when I was child and I used to visit Korea and my parents would take me to the night markets and I would eat lots and lots of food" You chuckled to yourself shyly, "And I was so happy that Myungsoo-ssi was able to share with me, something close to his heart"

"Myungsoo-ssi likes to eat a lot doesn't he?" Na Young asked randomly. Jinwoon who had been holding paper nodded. 

"It says so in his profile" 

"Yah where did you get that from?!" Seulong exclaimed, leaning over to look at the paper. 

"On the table" Jinwoon grinned

"_______-ssi loves to eat a lot too. Almost every five seconds, Vic-umma can you please make me something.. I love you. It's really hard to say no to her" Victoria laughed lightly. 

"Ah, she is very cute!" 

Myungsoo had told you to sit down by the grass whilst he order your food. You took in everything, the smell, the bright lights, it really felt like old times. You hadn't even realised that Myungsoo had returned. 

"So, since we're married now.. should we think of a nickname?"He said suddenly. You blushed and nodded your head, your smile widening along with his. 

"Not Jagi" You both said instantly, resulting in the two of your bursting into laughter. 

"Ah, already reading each other's minds"

"Yeobo-ya? You were screaming it out over the bridge" Myungsoo laughed lightly. You made a face and shook your head. 

"To be honest, I was only screaming that because I wanted my husband to come quicker. I don't respond to nickname's very well"

"Oh..okay then, but you can call me oppa" Myungsoo said with a bigger grin on his face. You chuckled and nodded your head. 

"Oppa.." You let the word roll of your tongue. It sounded nice and you felt yourself blush. Myungsoo ducked his head and smiled when he heard oppa coming from your lips.

"Oh Myungsoo-ssi really likes it!" 

"Who wouldn't want _____-ssi calling them oppa?" Jung Min defended easily.

"Even I wouldn't mind ______-ssi calling me oppa" Na Young joked.

When your food was ready, the ahjumma called you both over. You sat down and grinned at the food. 

"Wow, it looks delicious!" You said, clapping your hands together happily. 

"Oh, she does it like Victoria-ssi!"

"Cute" Myungsoo muttered under his breath, but you had been to involved in making a wrap for Myungsoo to even notice. 

"He called her cute but she didn't hear it"

"Why do you have to mumble!" Jung Min shouted, leaving the rest of the MC's laughing.

When you had prepared the wrap, you brought it up to Myungsoo's lips. 

"Oppa.." You said with a smile on your face. Myungsoo looked at you with a big smile and opened his mouth gratefully. You leaned over the table and watched his reaction. 

"Delicious!" He said, even with his mouthful. You smiled happily, clapping your hands together. You picked up the chopsticks, still fumbling slightly as you were usually used to forks and spoons. 

"Ahh, ______-ssi isn't used to chopsticks because she was so used to using forks and spoons in Australia" 

How did you feel using the chopsticks?

"I felt really embarrassed and sad, because I didn't want Myungsoo-oppa to see me struggling. Um.. I tried my best but I was still very embarrassed" You sighed, ducking your head. 

Myungsoo leaned over and offered his samgyupsal to you. You were shocked to have him feed you but you took his offering easily. You had thought that he was only offering you food but he had begun to feed you, taking away your chopsticks. You felt your cheeks deepen in colour. 

"Thank you oppa" You said quietly.

"Ohhh so cute!"

"Yah, I wished I was married" 

"Na Young noona, you are married!" 

"Yes, but I wish to be married like this again!"

What were you thinking when you noticed your wife struggling?

"Because I know ______-ssi is still very new to this country, I knew she would struggle with the chopsticks and as a husband I felt like I had to look after her.  I wanted her to know that she could depend on her husband" Myungsoo said, his eyes curving along with his smile. 


And that's the end of the first episode haha, let me know if you like it or if I should keep going. This is the first time I've ever written reality. Leave lots and lots of comments please! (:

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The charm bracelet really wasn't supposed to look like that but I'm not bothered looking for another picture


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awesomebear #1
Chapter 6: Will wait for this! :) Good luck! :D
awesomebear #2
authorrrrrrniiiiim please update! :)
Myungiewufan #3
Chapter 5: I will read it! THE BEST STORY I EVER READ!
Khixxie17 #4
Chapter 5: Yes! I will read it. Please Continue your story..
Chapter 5: YEUUUUS YEUSS I WILL DAMN WELL READ IT!!! I'm sad thought that you're not continuing the story but I'm curious on how you're gonna re-write it thought!!!!^^
Chapter 5: YEUUUUS YEUSS I WILL DAMN WELL READ IT!!! I'm sad thought that you're not continuing the story but I'm curious on how you're gonna re-write it thought!!!!^^
Chapter 2: Homaigawd Seulong and Jinwoo are so hilarious!!!! xD
Chapter 5: I want to read!! ^^