Chapter 5

The Me Time Bakery


“Minjunnie!” I jumped and turned around, meeting Hyunae, dashing towards me. I smiled and gave a small smile. “Where were you all day?!” She asked out of breath, after catching up.


“School.” I suddenly felt dumb after answering.. Hyunae responded with a laugh.


“Obviously. I was looking for you during lunch. I didn’t see you anywhere,” Hyunae asked.


“I went outside to eat.” I answered. Hyunae nodded.


“Well, next time wait for me near the cafeteria.. I had to spend lunch in the library. So boring. Plus, there was this crazy girl running through the library so I couldn’t focus on my book. Can you believe it!?” Hyunae placed her hands on her hips. I immediately blushed and lowered my gaze. Was I that loud? Gosh, I need to be more careful.


“Is this yours?” Hyunae pointed at my moped. I nodded in response. “That’s so cool! It must feel great to have the wind all over your face.”


“Yeah and the mosquitoes feel great too,” Hyunae burst into laughter and I grinned.


“Where are you heading?” asked Hyunae after composing herself. I didn’t know whether to tell her about my bakery or not but what is there to lose. Maybe she can bring in customers.


“My bakery.” Hyunae’s eyes widened.


“A bakery!? Like your own!?”


“Yup.” I smiled proudly.


“You're kidding? Waahh, that’s amazing!” Raising her arms upward, making sure to put her point across. I giggled. “When are you opening?”


“In two days.”


“That quick!? How long have you been working on it?”


“About two weeks and a half. Pretty much as soon as I arrived to Korea.” I replied with a smile. Hyunae shook her head in astonishment.


“You’re one amazing human being, Minjunnie.” Hyunae smiled and looked at me with hopeful eyes. I stared back with widened eyes. What was she planning? “Do you mind.......if I go with you today to your bakery!?” I stood confused for a moment then chuckled and nodded my head rapidly. Hyunae shouted in victory, afterwards saying. “Maybe I can get a discount too now. Ehhh?” She elbowed me with a smirk.


“I don’t know about that.” I replied.


“I understand. Well, let’s go then!! I want some sweets” Hyunae yelled. I smiled brightly and headed off with my newly found friend.


I unlocked the back door and flipped on the lights. Taking off my shoes, I trekked to the front door and turned the rest of the lights on. Hyunae entered the bakery and she gasped. I grinned at her reaction. Means my bakery is awesome.


“It’s so big!” Hyunae twirled in a circle.


“I know it is. In fact, you would never guess where I live.” I said, more comfortably.


“Where?” Hyunae asked while roaming the area.




Bwoh?! Is that possible!?” Asked Hyunae with wide eyes. I nodded and pointed to the door on the right of of the back door. “It's up there? Maan, you have it so convenient, Minju!” I agreed with her.


“Hyunae, where do you live?” I questioned after we both sat on the floor, chowing down on some ramen.. Hyunae blew on her bowl.


“I live alone.” She said with a hint of a sad tone. My head turned. Alone? Like me? Bt it sounded as if she didn’t like it.


“May I ask why?” Hyunae gave me a sad smile, making me wonder even more.


“My parents didn’t agree in letting me come to Seoul. to study and so sent me on my way. They said they never wanted to see a failure of a daughter, telling me they were too embarrassed to even tell them I was their daughter. Both of them wanted to pretty much control our lives and assign us jobs that would only benefit them.” Hyunae sighed, picking at her ramen thoughtfully. I didn’t know whether to stop or continue talking. Hyunae suddenly looked up and smiled. “Don’t stop talking. I thought we were going to engage in a thrilling conversation. Besides that’s the past. I talk  with my parents every once and awhile so don’t worry.” She waved her dismissively. “Shoot me another question.” I grinned. She was so cool and laid back. I thought of another question immediately.

             “How long have you’ve been in Seoul?”

“Since junior year which was a little over a year ago. Despite a rough start, I managed to cope with the city life really well. I really love it here. It’s so........” She touched her chin thoughtfully, making me chuckle. She was definitely the dramatic type. “Magical.” Finishing with her finger wiggling. I giggled and nodded. Seoul was really magical. Just in these two weeks, I attached myself to this city so much. I couldn’t see myself anywhere else.

             “So tell me about you. Where are you from? How did you end up here?” I told her pretty much everything. From my dad telling me to come to South Korea to me being a hybrid of some sort.

             “Waah. No wonder you don’t look that korean. You have this exotic look to you.”

             “What do you mean?” I asked confused. Hyunae pointed at me with her chopstick.

             “First of all, your eyes are half of your face. Their huge compared to our eyes. Plus the color of your eyes light brown instead of dark like most of us. Your nase is a little bit more elevated than us too. All of those differences make you stand out. Especially those eyes.”

             “You make me sound like an alien.” I grumbled. Hyunae laughed.

             “Obviously your not. You do look like a mixed child, so it makes you distinguishable but with hints of Korean so don’t put too much thought into it.” I chuckled and continued eating. Hyunae looked at her watch, her eyes bulging. “Shoot, I’ll be late for work.” She got up in a rush, grabbing her backpack and keys. I stood up slowly. She’s leaving so soon? “Mianhe, Junnie, I have to go like right now.”

             “It’s alright.” I reassured her. She gave me a quick hug and practically ran to the door.

             “Thanks for the food! I better see you tomorrow at school, kay?! Annyeong!” Hyunae shouted right before slamming the door. I waved, stopping midway, since she was gone already. Sighing sadly, I turned to my bakery, realizing I was alone once again.

             “Back to work, Minju.” I said to myself and resumed my work on the bakery.

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Exotic_123 #1
Good job author-nim! Great story! Pleaseee uppdaattee~!
Chapter 1: Awesome story so far!!! !<3