Chapter Four

The Me Time Bakery


An hour later, the bell rung and I practically ran out of the door. I couldn’t stand Jaehwa’s stare at all. She would glare at me mercilessly as if I hold stole her make up bag or something. After I left the class, I went in search for my locker or put distance between Mrs.Poophead and me.

“Yah! Minju!” I froze in my spot. Was it Jaehwa!? I bit my lip in fear. She’s going to tear me to bits. She really is! “Aigoo. You’re really fast! In just a minute, you made halfway around the school. What are you doing?” I immediately loosened up as I saw that it was only Hyunae. Thank goodness it wasn’t Jaehwa.

“Looking for my locker.” I responded.

“Okay. I can help you since you don’t know this school at all.” She snatched the paper from my hands. Her eyes widened in shock as she read the number and then looked up at me. I stared at her with the same amount of shock. I think I got a cursed locker or something because her eyes went bug eyed.

“Wh-what?!” I asked frantically.

“Your locker’s next to Jaehwa.” Hyunae whispered. My eyes widened. I couldn’t believe it. Is this what fate had in store for me. WHY ME!?

“How do you know!?”

“It’s right there.” Hyunae pointed behind me and sure enough my locker number was right next to Jaehwa, who was busily applying makeup.

“I’m doomed. I’m doomed. I’m doomed.I’m doomed. I chanted to myself. All my perfect senior year gone. Poof. A hand landed on my shoulder.

“You won’t be. Ignore her and she’ll ignore you. You’ll survive. I hope.” Hyunae said the last sentence barely but I caught it. Will I? “Come on. I’ll go with you.” She gripped my elbow, pulling me along with her. I hesitated as I got nearer. I can’t go. But before I could make a run for it, I was already in front of my locker, being pushed my Hyunae. I glanced at her panicked and she just handed me the paper. Steadily, I raised my hand to the lock and bit my lip, trying to contain my nervousness. BAM! I nearly screamed from the slam. Glancing to my side, I saw Jaehwa slam her locker shut but I didn’t dare to look at her. I heard her scoff loudly and my eyes widened as I stared at my locker. Is she going to kill me?!

“Babo nuen.” And with that I heard the clicks of her heels disappear. I leaned my head on the locker and exhaled loudly. Great. I’m probably now on her radar.

“Aigoo..That was scary even from behind the trashcan.” Hyunae leaned her back on the lockers and stared at me. So she left me to fend off for myself. Hmph! I won’t forgive her.

“Why is this happening to me?” I asked to myself.

“Just a rough start, Minjunnie. I had the exact same day in first year. Stepped on dog poo, late for class, chewed by Jaehwa. I think yours was honestly better than mine,” I chuckled with her. It was better. Squeals could be heard through the hallway and I lifted my head for a better view.

“Omo! It’s him!” Hyunae squealed. She hurriedly fixed her hair and put on a smile.

“Who?” Hyunae went wide eyed.

“Kris. The hunk. The handsome. The perfect. He’s everything.” Hyunae sighed with daydreamy eyes. He seems to be quite the heartthrob of this school. I leaned back to see Kris strolling cooly through the hallway with a few girls trailing behind him. He was almost like Hyunae had described. Almost like a statue. Perfect. He walked nonchalantly towards us two. Us two!? I quickly hid back in locker. I didn’t want to act all dumb again especially over a guy. I heard Hyunae gasp loudly and that’s when I saw her stare at past me wide eyed. I began to panic. Horribly. Was Jaehwa back  or what? I ever so slowly turned my head towards what Hyunae was staring at and at that moment I did the same exact gasp as Hyunae. Kris stood directly next to me, opening up a locker. HIS LOCKER! BUT NEXT TO ME!? I’m going to gain so many antis now. I held my breath as I stared blankly into my locker. I desperately had the urge to gulp but I couldn’t. I frozen completely over. I could hear the shuffling of books and murmurs behind me. I wanted to so badly throw my head into the locker and make myself invisible. It was just too quiet. I sighed in relief as I heard the slamming of a locker and the clicks of shoes leaving. I slowly turned to my right and I saw all the fangirls running after their ‘prince’.

“You’ve got some wicked luck, Junnie,” Hyunae appeared behind me. “Those girls were piercing you with their glares. But gosh. I cannot believe you have a locker next to Kris!” She squealed on the last part.

“He’s scary.” I barely muttered.

“I guess you can see that but he’s really quiet and mysterious. That’s his other charm. You can’t help but feel curious about his personal life.” Hyunae giggled to herself. I raised an eyebrow at her. Why would they be so interested. It’s his life. The bell rung loudly, earning me a flinch. Hyunae chuckled at me and grabbed my elbow.

“Kyeopta!” And she pulled me along with her, no knowing where in the heck we were heading.

Lunchtime rolled around and I found myself headed blindly to the cafeteria line. Hyunae hadn’t been in my last two classes and I was too lazy to go around and search for here. Plus, she must other friends to hang out with. I quickly left the line with a tray loaded with food. I walked aimlessly around, looking for somewhere to sit but all the tables seemed occupied and all the students all looked so mean that I didn’t even dare to ask them. I decided to go outside since a lot of the students were headed out there. After a few minutes of searching, I finally situated myself at the of a bottom of a hill near the forest surrounding the school. It was lonely but I liked the silence and I got a chance to think to myself. Taking in small bites of my food, I thought about my bakery. Considering that I will open it in a two days’ time, I should figure out the name it should be called. But I’m not really creative in that field. I’ve come up with the most cheesiest names ever. Sweet Delights, Cloud 9 Bakery, etc. I want something more deeper, more meaningful. It times like these that I am forced to call my parents for ‘inspiration’. I chuckled to myself. I wonder why I got my father’s imagination, instead of my mo-
“Ahem.” I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to the sound. My jaw dropped. IT’S HIM! Kris! He stood a few feet away from with a bag that seemed to be his lunch. I gaped at him blankly. What’s he doing here? “Close your mouth, the rice is falling out,” He said cooly. I blushed hard and wiped my food harshly. I must’ve looked like an idiot.
“Sorry.” I whispered.
“You're in my spot.” I looked up at him. Crap. I took his spot. I immediately got up, stumbling on my backpack a little.
“I’m sorry. I just didn’t see anyone here so I assumed....” I trailed off. I mentally slapped myself for talking too long. “Umm. I’ll go now.” I lowered my face and nearly ran out of the field, making sure not to make any eye contact with Kris. It was too embarrassing.
“So much for lunch.” I grumbled and threw the tray in the trash cans back in the school hallways.
I roamed aimlessly around the hallways, familiarizing myself with the school as well. It was pretty big too. I made it to the library in a blink of an eye. It was breathtaking. Two stories of shelves piled with books. I quickly passed through the door and rushed over to the aisles. Books were practically my best friends in my lonely childhood especially after my best of friend moved in the seventh grade. Ever since I just fended off for myself in the lonliness. I smiled to myself as I lightly touched the hard covers. So many memories with all of these covers. An idea popped into my mind. I rushed through all the aisles, whipping my head excitedly at finding the book. I gasped happily as I reached the aisle I wanted. Cooking. Specifically baking. I searched frantically for that book. Having my nose practically against the shelves, my eyes widened with happiness! It’s here! I grabbed the cover and wiped of the dust. A Baker’s Nature. I grinned widely.
“Is that the book you were looking for so wildly?”
I froze and slowly turned my head. A boy about four inches taller than me, stood at the end of the bookshelves. His brown hair was in front of his eyes, making me wonder how in the world could he see. My eyes nearly popped out as he began to walk towards me. Did I do something wrong!? He grabbed my book out of my grip, causing me to flinch. How hostile! The boy skimmed through the book, while I stared at him dumbfounded. I had no words. Not that I had any anyways.
“For this insignificant book, you ran all over the library, disturbing all the other students?” He said, with a really sarcastic tone which annoyed me to no ends. I ripped the book out of his hands, earning a gasp from his part, hugged it to my chest and walked out with a frown. Who did he think he was!? Just grabbing my book and judging me! What an idiot. I quickly checked out the book, leaving just in time as the bell rung.

The day went quicker than I had expected. It all seemed like a faded memory. I not once saw Hyunae again so I pretty much spent the rest of the all alone but I was used to it. I often heard shrieks which alerted me where the Kris guy walked by and I avoided that direction. But I was satisfied with my first day and it went better than I would have expected except for the incident in the morning. I headed slowly to my moped, which was all slanted. You could easily see that I was in a huge rush. But who cares, I parked good enough. Stretching my arms, I yawned like a lion. Man, was I tired. Now I’ll have to balance two things in my schedule: the bakery and school. What am I getting myself into?

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Exotic_123 #1
Good job author-nim! Great story! Pleaseee uppdaattee~!
Chapter 1: Awesome story so far!!! !<3