Chapter 11

The Seven Pillars of the World


Much to Cami and Nabi’s dismay, their double date was interrupted.  The two pairs of couples were walking down the streets of Peru when they were suddenly ambushed.

“Why is it always us?” Nani whined dodging the knife aimed at her head.

“I don’t know but this is definitely turning out to be the worst date every,” Cami answered blasting a strong gust of wind to knock down the line of enemies in front of them. Nabi used her psychic abilities to life the fallen debris to block their way to make their escape.  Cami grabbed Eli’s hand and followed Nabi and Kevin.

“Nabi can you get ahold of anyone?” Cami asked as they continued to run.

“Hold on I’ll try to tap into Patricia’s mind,” Nabi answered. Luckily Patricia had kept her psychic barrier down. Nabi had heard her thoughts and cries.

“No leave him alone!” she heard her cry out. Nabi felt Patricia’s panic and anger radiate.

“Sorry, dear, no can do! Orders are orders!” Nabi heard a woman cackled. Suddenly, their connection died. Cami noticed this and asked, “What happened?”

“Nabi explain please,” Kevin told his girlfriend.

“Patricia was screaming.  I heard a woman laugh then the connection went dead. We need to find the others Patricia might be in trouble,” Nabi explained with fear evident in her voice.

“We should head back to the hotel,” Eli suggested.

“We can’t they’ll expect us there. We agreed to meet at the rally point twenty miles to the north of the city.” Cami explained.

“Twenty-miles? I’m sure they’ve got the city surrounded and looking for us,” Eli stated.

“We’ll fly of course then Nabi will construct a psychic barrier that’ll keep up hidden,” Cami smiled gathering wind in her hands.  Soon they formed a solid, cloud like structure.

“Hope on,”

The four soon ascended up into the air away from enemy sights.

“What do you think happened to Patricia?” Cami asked no one in particular.

“I don’t know but I have a bad feeling about it. I can’t reach the others because they kept their barriers up. Let’s just hope no one is hurt,” Nabi mumbled leaning into Kevin’s embrace, while Eli had his head on Cami’s lap. Thirty-minutes later, the four arrived at the rally point. They called out their friends’ names but received no answer.  Just as Kevin was about to try, the ground underneath them opened and swallowed them. Thinking quickly, Cami and Nabi used their powers to cushion their landing.

“Good you guys are safe,” Ella said hugging each of them.

“Aghhhhh!” A loud scream interrupted their small reunion.

“Ella unni! Kat unni needs you to boil more water,” Dew said running to the oldest member. Ella nodded and quickly followed her dongsaeng.

“Aghhh!” another scream echoed in the underground cave.

“What’s going on?” Eli asked terrified from the screams of agony.

“It’s hard to explain. I’ll just show you. Follow me,” Maddy muttered gravely.  She led the four into the big open space in the cave.  They found Hoon, AJ, Kiseop and Dongho looking away while Ella, Dew and Kat were standing in front of an Earth made bed.

“What is going on?” Cami stuttered as another scream rippled through the cave.

“Come see for yourself,” Dew muttered letting some tears fall down her face. They walked up to the bed and found Patricia lying down with a torn up shoulder where the muscles were completely ripped apart.  Her side was also partially ripped and the only thinking keeping her alive was the healing waters that Kat had been making, which seems to have no effect on her. Cami gasped as her friend’s state.

“What happened?” Nabi whimpered, watching her friend thrash around in pain.

“Biotech has a new lieutenant. She’s one crafty , trained to take out every single one of us but to me she looked modified to go against Patricia.  The two of them fought.  They seemed to be equal in strengths until that son of a targeted Soohyun.  Patricia didn’t have time stop the scythe that was aimed for him, so she took the blow instead. Unfortunately, Soohyun was taken hostage. “Ella explained looking down on the ground.

“Where were you guys?” Nabi asked.

“We were evacuating the city.  I shouldn’t have let her go by herself,” Maddy muttered.

“It’s not your fault! Patricia wouldn’t want you to think that,” Dew said hugging her friend.

“Wait Dew can you heal her? You two are complementary to each other! You guys heal each other all the time in our past missions!” Cami suggested holding hands with Eli.

“Her body is rejecting Dew’s powers. We don’t know why if we don’t heal her soon though. She’ll die,” Kat said sadly.

“Don’t worry about me, we need to get Soohyun back,” Patricia groaned waking up. She turned to get up but Arinna’s hand stopped her. Everyone in the room gaped at the sun goddess’s unexpected appearance.

“I might have an idea why me and Dew’s powers are not working,” She mumbled her golden hair blowing gently behind her from the power she was emitting. Patricia bit her lip to keep herself from screaming as she sat in an upright position.

“Why is she rejecting it? I can’t even heal her with my water,” Kat asked looking at the goddess for an explanation.

“She found a similar source that is stronger than our power.  Her body is rejecting any treatment from us because of that,” Arinna explained calmly.

“I don’t care about that now Arinna.  I need to kill that hag and get Soohyun back. I will not stay here and wait. I’ll die saving him first,” Patricia yelled, feeling her wounds open more.

“I’m not here to stop you, merely to offer some aid,” Arinna chuckled. She placed her hand on Patricia’s wound and gold bands wrapped themselves around it.

“You have three days.  You need to find that source and save Soohyun.  Those golden bands will give you movement but I can do nothing for the pain. My dear, I believe you and your friends will find the answers you are looking for and stop the end of the human kind,” Arinna smiled, ruffling Patricia’s hair before giving Dew her control back.

“Three days guys. We can do this,” Patricia said placing her gears back on.

“But the source, we need to find it or else you’ll die!” Hoon spoke up this time. The short girl flashed him a pained smile, “If we can save mankind before I die then my life has been fulfilled. Now let’s get UKiss’s leader back!” Team Alpha didn’t argue anymore. They immediately packed up, confusing the idols.

“Wait you’re letting her go through this?” Dongho asked in disbelief.

“Just like Patricia said.  Her death versus the end of the world, just look at it in her point of view. To her, the life of one is not more important than the rest of the world the only thing we can do is cherish the three days we have left with her,” Kat explained.

“Her choice wasn’t a tough one to make.  When we became the seven pillars of the world, we became its protectors. Our lives became less important compared to everyone else.  Anyone of us would have done the same thing.” Ella mumbled. Hoon wiped her tears away and kissed her cheeks as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to his muscular chest.

“Is that true?” AJ asked his girlfriend. Dew nodded sadly.  AJ pulled her into a kiss mumbling, “Don’t ever leave me. I love you.”

“Seven Individuals,” Cami started their story, leaning on Eli’s chest.

“All serve a purpose,” Nabi continued lacing her fingers with Kevin’s fingers.

“Fire, Water, Earth and Wind gather together as the four corners of the world,” Maddy recited while sitting next to Kiseop.

“Emotions hold the four,” Dew said still in AJ’s loving arms.

“As the Sun,” Kat mumbled.

“And the Moon,” Ella whispered.

“Come together,” Patricia said holding her sides to stop the pain.

“To Watch All of the Others, These are the Seven Pillars of the World,” They all finished together.

“We should go, We only have today and the next two days to end it all,” Patricia muttered ignoring the searing pain. The group started their journey. Luckily, the main headquarters was located in the most deserted part of Peru. The thirteen travelled by foot since they didn’t want to alert any enemies nearby. Their travel would take them two days to reach the facility and one day to stop it all. 


When nightfall came, everyone gathered around the camp fire.

“If Patricia unni is right by the time we get there we will be weak. We need to destroy those devices and plant all of the bombs to destroy it all. We need to put them in these positions. The boys will help to get things done faster that woman back at the city was designed to counter Patricia’s powers. I have no doubt that they’ll have someone for each of us. Keep all of your psychic barriers down so we can stay connected. We can lure then together and destroy them together,” Maddy said using her powers to draw the diagram.

“Patricia’s job is to find Soohyun. Your window of opportunity is only TEN minutes. No more. If you are not out by then we blow it up,” Kat continued looking at the injured girl.

“Yeah, I understand.”

“Okay, we should sleep. We have another day of travelling tomorrow,” Ella stated as she placed her sleeping bag next to Hoon. Patricia jumped on the tree branch and looked up in the night sky before going to sleep.

“Maddy can I talk to you for a second?” Kiseop said to his best friend. The Earth girl nodded following him. When the two were a good distance away, Kiseop started, “Maddy you’re my best friend but I don’t want to be that anymore.”

“You don’t want to be friends anymore?” She whispered quietly. She could feel her heart break multiple times.

“Wait let me finish,” Kiseop said holding her in place to keep her from leaving.

“I don’t want to be friends anymore because I love you Maddy. Please be my girlfriend,”

“Say yes!!!” Maddy’s unnis yelled through their psychic connection.

“Nabi! You have the connection open!?”

“Sorry you didn’t put the barrier up!” Nabi replied.

“Maddy you should reply to Kiseop is going insane,” Ella and Patricia laughed.

“Oh right!”

Maddy turned to Kiseop and nodded, “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.” Kiseop smiled and pecked her lips.

“It’s about time!” Dongho yelled. 

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1Q84__ #1
Chapter 15: Omg i have no words for this story. It is beautiful and well written :)
erialc #2
Chapter 8: Awwwwww Kevin is so sweet! :D EEK I love it!
erialc #3
Chapter 7: Oh my god Kevin confessed! I am officially a happy girl :D
itzmekitkat #4
Kat? :))))) imissyouuuuu Tricia! :3
erialc #5
Chapter 6: You update really fast :P I was reading chapter 5 and chapter 6 appeared out of nowhere :P Write more Nabi and Kevin please :D
Chapter 4: awww the couple's scenes are soo lovely :)
Chapter 3: lol! too bad, Eli. the three agents are faster than you
Chapter 2: OMG the secret agent tools are mindblowing.