All Alone

All Alone
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All Alone




KyuHyun's POV


Never thought this day would come so fast....the day that I would wake up to find you've left me all alone to drown in my sorrow, I thought we would be together forever like you've....we've always dreamed of. I'm so stupid, I regret everything, I regret saying such harsh words...I regret letting her ruin us....manipulating me....






3rd POV


“Are you really staying with that worthless piece of ? Oppa, you can do better than him” she ran her hand up and down his arm in a very seductive way. It seems like she finally found her next victim to feed off of, and said prey had to be Kyuhyun. The boy who had his other half but somehow managed to let said girl manipulate him like a puppet.


Kyuhyun's eyes flashed a mix of emotions; confusion, doubt, submissive, anger, lost. Nothing made sense to him at the moment. All he could think about was how this girl was trying to get him to break up with his adorable, bunny-like boyfriend. All the crap she kept telling him, all the stupid things she said making his bunny look like a miserable, worthless guy. He wanted to ignore her but somehow that hand was making it quite difficult to ignore such harsh comments about his precious lover.


The confusion he was feeling was somehow replaced by agreement, making his doubts for ever being with his lover grow more ever since she first started talking. He was slowly giving in to her making him feel as if he had finally found the right path, no longer lost. His eyes took a dull look and the anger he felt towards her words disappeared in a blink of the eyes. She reached her goal. She made him feel like his true love was worthless, he he could do better, like he could get someone like her.


“You're right. I don't need that worthless stranger. Why hadn't I seen this earlier? Thanks waking me up to face the reality.” he said, clearly not himself. “Really oppa? You're really leaving him?” She leaned closer to him, making him feel intoxicated by her scent. Making his desires for her grow more than expected.


A light smirk grew on her face, she knew exactly how to play her cards, and she knew she had won the battle. She had the guy wrapped around her skinny finger. She was able to strap him and make him her personal puppet.


He nodded before snaking his arms around her thin waist, and brought her closer to him. “Does that mean, you don't love him anymore?” She peaked behind him to make sure he was listening. “Don't love him anymore? I never did. He was too bothersome and he was nowhere as pretty as you. I prefer a beautiful girl than him.”


“ that really...what've always felt about me?” a small cute bunny-like guy walked towards them. His voice shaky and his eyes looked glossy as they were creating small puddles of water. The poor guy's whole world crumbled down at the harsh words of his own boyfriend. He felt as if what they've been for the longest time, was a lie...


Kyuhyun snapped his head towards the all too familiar voice, the dull look in his eyes changed just as he saw his lover standing there with damped cheeks. He could see the pain in those doe eyes of his. He felt a

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Chapter 1: I read it again :'(

I still wanna stab that hideous potato with a butter knife/sphork
Chapter 1: totally want to kill that someone whoever she is...grrrr >.<
really a touching story and I love it...

but I'm sooo not over with that girl...
I felt green like HULK ... >:))))
Chapter 1: I'm going to sit on that slug and squish her to death!!! She broke Kyumin..... DX
Chapter 1: This was so sad.
I love this <3
can't wait for your update... :)))
Sounds interesting.
I like the idea.
Update soon <3
Sounds interesting.
I like the idea.
Uptafe soon <3