
I got it back! Early this morning too!! TT u TT

But I didn't even update my other stories yet Q w Q;;

This story is long...well, i think it is long lol

Happy reading my little coffee drops xD


--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

The day has come and Tao was trying to find a nice outfit to go out with his former lover.

"Hm." Tao tossed the jacket onto his bed and grabbed a sweater from his closet. "Nah." He tossed the article of clothing to his bed and scratched his head. He huffed and looked over his clothes again. Tao looked up once he heard a knock coming from his door.

"Come in." The door opened, revealing Kris. "Oh, Sir." Tao stood up straight. "Is there something that you need?"

"Um, no. I was wanted to tell you…be safe tonight. Thats all."

Tao smiled at his Boss' concern for him. "I will. I promise."

Kris nodded. "So," He looked in his room, filled with clothes all over his floor and bed, and even on his chair. "A tornado hit here?"


Kris motioned the room, making Tao blush a bit. "S-sorry. I'm trying to find something to wear, but," He grabbed his jacket from his bed. "I'm having trouble I guess." He sighed, but quickly ce he heard Kris chuckle at him. "Are you laughing at me?"

Kris shook his head. "N-no. I'm not." He leaned down to pick up the clothing from the floor. "Why don't I give you something to wear. From my collection hm?"

The nanny's eyes widen. "But I can't do that! I might spill something on it and --"

"Tao, it's fine." He placed the clothes on the side of the nanny's bed. "I'm giving them to you."

"I…um, but I --"

Tao wasn't able to finish his sentence; Kris grabbed a hold onto Tao's wrist and led him to his room. Once there, the nanny followed his Boss to his studio. "Here," Kris motioned the clothes on the racks. "Pick any."

The nanny went up to the clothes as Kris took seat on a chair beside his working table. Tao was having trouble which clothes to wear; Kris sat there, chuckling at the wandering nanny.


The nanny turned. "Yes?"

"It's okay to take the clothes."

"I know."

"Then why are you taking so long?"

"Hm," Tao looked back at the clothes. "I can't seen to decide." He turned back to Kris. "Can you help me? Please?"

Kris chuckled and got up from his seat. "Sure." He went over to where Tao was and looked at the clothes. While searching, Tao stood back and watched his Boss help him pick out the clothes. The nanny smiled; he admired the fact that his Boss was willing to help him, even if it was simple as to find clothes. His eyes slowly trailed down on his Boss' back, landing on his .

"Here." Tao's eyes went up immediately with his face showing a tinge of pink; Kris was holding onto a white button up shirt and a black single-button vest in one hand, while the other was holding onto a navy blue zip-accent double-buttoned jacket. "Try this on. And over there." He nodded his head over to the table with a navy straight pant. "Is the pants." He turned back to Tao, who was looking down on the ground. "You okay?"

"Y-yes! Ah, I'll try them on." Tao grabbed the clothes and the pants from the table. He ran over to the Kris' bathroom and started to change.

Kris sat on his bed and waited patiently for Tao; he was checking his cell phone, when he heard Tao come out with the clothes.

"The vest is…a little big."

"Really?" Tao nodded."Come here for a minute." The nanny did what his Boss wanted him to do, standing now between Kris' legs. "Turn around."


Kris made a 'turn-a-round' motion with his finger. "Turn a round. There is an adjustment buckle in the back."

"Oh! R-right…s-sorry." Tao turned around. 'That was stupid. Why did I even stutter?' He sighed, while Kris adjusted the vest.

"There." Kris patted Tao on the waist, making him jump slightly. "Now it is all fitted.

"Thank you." The nanny turned around to show Kris the front. "Does it look good?"

"Yeah." Kris smiled. "It does." He pointed at the coat. "Try on the coat. I kinda want to see how it looks like on you." Tao nodded and wore the coat; he did a little twirl, making Kris chuckle at the little action. "Looks good."

Tao beamed at his Boss; he checked his watch and realized that Geunsuk was coming a few minutes.

"I should get down stairs." Tao looked up at his Boss. "He'll be here soo--"

"Tao! Geunsuk is here!" Both men heard Xiumin yell for the nanny. Tao went to the door and yelled back.

"Okay!" Tao was about to get his clothes, only to bump into Kris. "S-sorry!"

"It's okay." He grabbed Tao and made him turn around to face the door. "Go and I'll take care of your clothes."

"I can do--"

"Go." Kris started to shoo Tao out.

"If you say so. Um, I'll be back as soon as I can." With that, Tao left Kris' room to where Geunsuk was waiting. Kris sighed and gathered Tao's clothes and started to fold them neatly. He didn't want to see Geunsuk, so he started to stall.

After a while, he went down stairs with Tao's clothes; he went to Tao's room, in which was still messy, and placed his clothes on his bed.

'He won't mind.'

Kris started to pick up Tao's clothes and folded them; he placed them in their respective places. He fixed the nanny's bed a bit and once everything seemed to his liking, he left the room.

"Oh, Boss." Chen came from his and Xiumin's room. "What were you doing in Tao's room?"

"I just placed his clothes inside."

Chen tilted his head. "What…were you doing with his clothes? Did you --"

"No you ert." Kris tried to hold down his blush. "He was just picking out clothes and he couldn't decide on what to wear. So I gave him some clothes from my collection."

"Wow Boss." Chen leaned against the wall. "You sure do pamper him."

"What do you mean?"

"First," Chen lifted his pointer finger. "You gave him a cell phone. Iphone 5 to be exact. And second, you give him some clothes for him to wear…from your collection."

"Okay, first off, I needed to upgrade and I remembered that Tao never had a cell phone. I might as well give him one right? I mean, what if there is an emergency? Tao won't have a cell phone to use."

"But Boss…Tao knows martial arts. Couldn't he," Chen started to make martial arts moves. "Like you know. Kick their ?"

"Hey shhh! Don't say that word!"

"What word?"

"The 'A' word."




"My son could hear that and start saying that word! I will not have that!"


Before Chen could continue, Kris left.

"Uh…what the hell just happened?" Chen scratched his cheek. "Did he just avoid…my…wow, I guess Sehun is right about this one." Chen hummed to himself. "Maybe…Kris is…nah. Jeez, Sehun is making me believe in this whole thing now."

Chen clicked his tongue and went to find Xiumin.

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

After dinner with Geunsuk, Tao was expecting to go home, but Geunsuk had other things in mind.

"Why don't we go to a club?"

"Um, I don't know." He checked his clock. 'It is close to Yitao's bed time.' "I kinda have to give Yitao a bed time story."

Geunsuk raised his eye brow. "But your Boss let you out for the night. Enjoy it while you still can." He slung his arm over Tao's shoulder, making him a bit uncomfortable.

"I should really--"

"One drink." Geunsuk pointed. "One small drink."

Tao sighed. "You know I don't do well with alcohol." He shrugged Geunsuk's arm off. "So --"


The nanny was mentally debating on whether or not he should go. 'I just won't drink then…and if Geunsuk gets drunk I can just call Chanyeol or Chen to come and get me. Sounds good.'

"All right."

Geunsuk smiled. "Great." He started to fish out his keys. "I know a place. It is brand new too."

"What is it called?"

"VIP…down by Lee and Kim street."

Tao nodded. "All right." He got his cell phone and started to search for Kris' number.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just gunna tell Kris that I'll be at the club." He turned to face Geunsuk. "I told him that we would be at a restaurant and then back home. So I have to tell him that I'll be at VIP. I just don't want him to--Oh hello? Kris?"

Tao turned his head to face the window; he told his Boss that he would be going to a club and that he would be back home a little late.


"I promise it will be just for a short while." The nanny told his Boss. "I didn't even know that he wanted to go to a bar." He said softly, enough that Geunsuk wouldn't hear anything. "Plus, I won't drink."

He heard Kris sigh a bit. "Fine. Just be careful."

Tao smiled. "I will…um, bye."


Tao hanged up his cell phone and placed it back in his pocket.

"Did your beloved Boss say it was okay to go?" Geunsuk glanced at Tao, who nodded in reply.


"All right then."

Geunsuk the engine of his car and started to drive to their destination.

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

Kris and company were sitting in the living room, relaxing and enjoying each others company. Kris was sitting with a cup of tea that Xiumin prepared, Chanyeol and Chen were playing cards, Sehun was reading, and Xiumin kept Yitao company by drawing with him.

Kris checked his watch and it was getting awfully late.

"He is late."

Sehun looked up from his book. "Hm? Tao is late?"

Kris nodded and placed the cup of tea on the table. "I have a bed feeling right now."

Chanyeol looked up from his card game. "It is kinda getting late. I mean, Tao is never like this." He checked his watch. "By the time it is night time, he is home. He rarely goes out at night." He was starting to get a little worried himself.

Kris grabbed his cell phone that was on the table and started to dial Tao's number. Within a couple of rings, it went to voice mail. He ended the call and tried it again.

"He didn't answer."

WIthin a couple of rings, a voice broke out.




Kris furrowed his brow. "Tao…it's Kris."

On the other line, Kris could  here loud music, making it difficult for himself to hear Tao. It took awhile for Tao to respond; Kris had a really bad feeling in his stomach.

"I…h-hey Boss…what…what are you…um…yeah."

Kris raised his eye brow. 'His speech is broken.' "Tao…are you drunk?" Again, it took a while for Tao to respond. "Tao…Tao? Tao are you still --"

The next thing Kris knew, there was coming from the other side of the cell phone. His eyes widen and realized what is happening. Kris immediately hanged up and got up from his seat, grabbing his coat that was near by.

"Where are you going?" Chen called as he and others stood up as well.

"I'm going to get Tao." He said as he rushed towards the door.

"I'll come with you." Chanyeol said, but Kris shook his head.

"Its fine. I'll get him."

Before he could step out, he felt a tug; he looked down to see his son, rubbing his eyes. Earlier, he was taking a nap on Xiumin's lap, but woken up from the loud noises that the adults made.

"Mommy home now?"

Kris knelt down and brushed his son's hair away from his face.

"I'll get him okay?"

Yitao nodded and watched as his father exited the door. Xiumin picked up the young panda and carried him back to the couch.

"Lets wait for daddy and mommy here okay?"

Yitao nodded once again and yawned. He rested his head back on Xiumin's lap, drifting back to sleep. The chef slowly smiled, but soon faded; he was deeply worried about Tao and hoped whatever it was, that it wasn't horrible.

'Please be safe Tao.'

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

Kris soon arrived to the club that Tao told him. He parked and quickly got out, rushing to the entrance.

"Hey man, you have to get back in line." The bouncer said as he pointed the back of the line with his thumb.

"I don't think you know who I am." Kris flashed his license at the bouncer, who quickly looked it. Immediately, he was granted access to VIP.

"Sorry about that."

Kris didn't even bother answering the bouncer, he was too preoccupied in finding Tao and getting out of the place. He searched, but was still unable to spot the nanny.

'Where is he?'

Kris was starting to get irritated, but soon he spotted them deep in the corner. He started to rush towards them, only to have his heart stop and his eyes show off a glare. In front of him displayed Tao being ravished by Geunsuk; Tao's vest was open exposing most of his white buttons open, except for two, showing mostly his chest and stomach. Geunsuk was leaving marks on Tao's neck and with his hand, trying to undo Tao's pants.

Kris shot off such angry eyes; he quickly went over and pulled Tao out of Geunsuk's grasp. With such wobbly legs, Kris caught Tao by the waist and held him tightly, preventing the nanny from falling. Geunsuk was about yell, but Kris quickly punched him at the jaw.

While Geunsuk landed back on the couch, Kris took the opportunity to run out of the club. Once out, he quickly placed Tao in the passenger seat and buckled him up, ignoring the small whines that Tao was giving him. He started the car and drove back to the mansion. Kris glanced back at Tao, who seem to be at a daze. He noticed that Tao was still showing some skin; he grabbed the jacket that he gave Tao and draped it over the nanny's body.

"H-hey! I don't need this! I…I am very…really content!" Tao slurred out, trying to remove the jacket that Kris placed over him.

"Stop moving." Kris tried to prevent Tao from moving too much. "We are almost home."

Tao whined some, but soon started to relax.

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

Once they were at the mansion, Kris carried Tao bridal style inside. He informed Xiumin to take Yitao to his room, not wanting the young panda to witness his 'mother' in a drunk state.

"What happened to him?!" Sehun stood up from his seat and slowly approached the two.

"He is drunk." Kris stated, placing Tao gently on the floor.

Chanyeol went over and helped Tao to the couch. "Sit." Tao followed what Chanyeol told him to do and sat on the couch. "Jeez…Tao." He brushed some strands away from his eyes, making Tao giggle some.

"Ah, Chanyeol! How are you!!" Tao said in a happy tone. "I missed you!!"

"Erm, I missed you too." He pushed Tao gently on the couch. "Stop moving around. Rest."

"No way! The night it still young you know!" He turned and spotted Chen and Sehun. "Hey guys! I…I didn't know you guys were here…you…you live here? At Chanyeol's apartment?"

Both Chen and Sehun looked at each other, then back at the nanny.

"Um, Tao," Chen started. "I think…you need to go to bed. You're not right up in here." He motioned his head. "That alcohol probably got to you --"

"No. No. Alcohol? I don't drink!"

Chanyeol sighed. "Tao you drank some. I can smell it." He scrunched his nose.

"B-but I don't drink! I'm a good boy!" Tao pouted, crossing his arms in the process.

By then Xiumin came out. "What happened to --"


"What?" Xiumin went wide eyed. "Minnie?"

Tao nodded, giggling at the chef's reaction. "You don't like it? I like it. What about you Chen? You like the nickname?!"

"Um, sure?"

"I..had a blast today." Tao suddenly said. "It was ahhhh-mazing!" He turned towards Chanyeol and slung his arm around his shoulder. "You know…Geunsuk said that he wanted me back."

Kris went wide eyed, tightening his fist.

"But I told him that he can it because I…I love someone else!" Tao laughed off, making the other workers shocked, yet worried for the nanny. Tao rose from the couch and staggered his way to his Boss; tripping on his way, Kris luckily caught him before he fell. Tao giggled more, wrapping his arms around his Boss' neck.

"The person that I love more than pandas, which are my favorite animals, is you!" He smiled at the taller.

The others, especially Sehun went wide eyed. Kris turned a deep red; unsure what to say, Tao took the opportunity to continue. He started to say in a sing song voice that he finds him handsome and gentleman like, giving off praises to his Boss, making him blush even more. Soon, Tao started to cry.

"W-why are you crying?" Kris stuttered out; Tao brushed a few tears away from his eyes.

"It isn't fair!" He half yelled out. "You're straight! That is not fair!" Kris kept his mouth shut, while Tao continued to cry. "I…I want to have what they have!" He pointed at Xiumin and Chen, who bore shocked expressions. "I want to have a relationship like that! And Chanyeol!" He quickly pointed at Chanyeol, who displayed a sad face. "He has my best friend…he i-is in a relationship!" Tao coughed a bit, and pointed at Sehun. "I…I don't even ing know if you are in a relationship. I don't want to end up like Sehun who loves cameras! What a ert!! He takes pictures of me and the others!!"

"I'm not a ert! Its a hobby!" Sehun defended himself. "And I haven't found the right one yet!"

Tao narrowed his eyes and wiped more tears away. "I want what they have! I want it! I want it! I want it! I want to be in a relationship too!!" He whined like a child. "But the person that I love just happens to be ing straight! It's not f-fa--"

Tao soon passed out, leaning his head on Kris' chest. Kris sighed and looked up at the other workers, who were shocked at the whole drunken confession.

"I'll take him to his room."

Kris lifted him up bridal style and went straight to Tao's room. He placed him gently on the bed and brushed a few strands away from his face. Kris sighed a bit and was about to leave, only to stop when he heard a vibration. He turned around and noticed that it was Tao's cell phone; quickly, he got it out from his pants pocket and checked to was calling him. His eyes narrowed as he saw the name displayed on the front.


He answered, only to immediately end the call.


He looked at Tao's cell phone, only to blush once again, to see a picture of himself sleeping.

'When did he…this is from the time we were at the park.'

Kris locked the cell phone and placed it on the bedside table. With that, he left the nanny's room.

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

The next morning, Tao woke up with a horrible headache. He slowly got up and noticed that he was back in his room.


Tao rubbed his head, trying to remember what happened last night, but the only memory that he can remember was Geunsuk and himself making out at their table in the club. He blushed at the memory and placed his hands on his face. He heard a knock on his door.

"C-come in."

Chanyeol came in with a cup of coffee at his hand. He slowly smiled and walked towards Tao; he sat on his bed and handed him the cup of coffee.

"Here…drink this."

Tao nodded and sipped the cup of coffee.

It was silent among them; Tao kept his eyes on the cup, while Chaneyeol looked around his room, thinking of how he should start the conversation.

"Um," Tao started. "W-what happened? L-last night."

"Well," Chanyeol adjusted himself on the bed, crossing his legs in the process. "First off…you were drunk as hell and Kris brought you home…second…you…um, said things."

Tao raised his eyebrow. "Like…?"

"Well, it was more of a confession."


"You confessed to Kris that you love him."

Tao turned a deep red color and buried his face in his hands. He mentally punched himself in the face.

'Oh god…oh god…oh god!!' "Please tell me that you are joking!" Tao looked up to face his best friend's boyfriend. Chanyeol shook his head, making Tao scream inside.

"Mommy?" Both Chanyeol and Tao looked at door, to see a young panda standing there in his pajamas. "Mommy are you feeling better? Uncle Sehun said that you weren't feeling well and that I shouldn't bother you."

Tao slowly smiled. "I'm okay now." He patted on his bed. "Come here please."

Yitao ran towards his 'mother' and jumped on his bed. "Here mommy." Yitao showed him a picture. "I drew you something. I get well soon drawing." There were 2 pandas and 1 dragon in the picture. "There is me and you…and daddy too. See! He is the big dragon because daddy big like a dragon!"

Tao nodded. "Thank you for the picture. I'll treasure it forever Yitao."

"Tao," The nanny looked up at Chanyeol. "Baekhyun is here."

"He is?"

Chanyeol nodded. "I called him and told him about you. He demanded that I take him with me…so, he is here."

Tao gulped a bit; Baekhyun would be giving him a full on lecture and go on in mother mode. He slowly nodded.

"I'll get dressed then."

"All right." Chanyeol picked up Yitao. "We will see you out then. Come on Yitao, lets wait for mommy to get dressed okay?"

"Okay!" Yitao wrapped his small arms around Chanyeol's neck.

As Tao watched the young panda and Chanyeol leave, he got up from his bed and headed to his closet. Surprisingly, everything was folded neatly and placed accordingly.

"Who did all of this?" Tao looked through his clothes. "I didn't fold…oh…Boss probably did." A tinge of pink formed on his face. He still couldn't believe that he confessed to his Boss. Tao took a deep breath and started to change out of his clothes from last night.

Once he was done, he slowly got out of his room, looking both ways, making sure that no one was there, especially his Boss. Once the coast was clear, he headed towards the kitchen.

As he entered, he saw Baekhyun sitting with Xiumin, chatting. Baekhyun looked up and saw Tao; he got up and excused himself. He walked towards the nanny, and led him to the backyard. Once Baekhyun closed the door, he turned towards Tao with angry eyes. The nanny was in for it.

"Tao! I'm really disappointed in you!" He placed his hands on his hips. "A club?! A club Tao! You know what alcohol does to you! Why did you even go?!"

"I-I was planning on not drinking --"

"That doesn't matter! A club is a club! People can put things in your drinks Tao. Oh my god." Baekhyun placed his hand on his head. "You know, I'm just glad that you weren't ." He glanced at Tao. "Because I would have to search that mother fuc…" Baekhyun took a deep breath to calm himself. "Why…why Tao."

"I'm sorry…I don't even know how…all Geunsuk gave me was water."

"It was probably vodka or something!" Bakehyun rubbed his temples, while Tao glanced down. He knew that he deserves some scolding. He could've been and caught a disease; judging from the clothes from last night, his vest was open, his white button up shirt was open revealing his chest and stomach, plus his pants were slightly open. He was lucky that he wasn't.

Soon Tao started to shed tears; Baekhyun sighed and tried his best to calm the younger.

"Hey…its okay. You're fine yeah?" Tao slightly nodded. "Just…next time…think wisely. Because you were lucky this time…Kris came before Geunsuk could do something. And yes...Chanyeol told me the whole thing...Kris told everyone." Baekhyun brushed some tears away from the nanny. "Heard that he punched the guy on the jaw. Luckily the club was packed because he could have been caught and be placed in the media. That wouldn't be good for him right?"

Tao nodded; his best friend gave him a hug. "Next time Tao…think wisely." Baekhyun leaned back and lifted Tao's chin to the side. "Now your neck is messed up with marks." He let go of the nanny's chin. "I strongly hate him Tao. I really do."

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

Kris was in his room, sitting in his chair, deep in thought. After the incident, he didn't fall asleep. Events kept replaying in his mind; the one from the club, Tao's appearance, Tao's confession, and even the wallpaper picture of himself in the nanny's cell phone.

Kris kept questioning himself why he reacted the way he did when he saw Tao having a make out session with Geunsuk. He was angry, but the question was, why was he angry. Did he dislike the scene that was in front of him? Impossible, Xiumin and Chen sometimes do it, so what makes it different? Was it because it was Tao and Geunsuk? Kris sighed; like what he said before, Tao was nothing but a friend and a nanny to his son. He narrowed his eyes, and remembered the appearance that Tao had, he was almost exposed, for everyone to see. Kris shook his head; he buried his face in his hands and groaned a bit.

'Why am I even mad?'

He started to have a mini debate with himself.

'Why should I be in the first place? I'm straight!' He sighed. 'Plus he confessed to me…that isn't right…right? I mean, employee and Boss relationship? Isn't that like wrong!?' Kris scratched his head furiously. He soon looked up once he heard his door being knocked.

"Come in."

The door opened, revealing a puffy eyed Tao; he was holding a up of coffee in his hands.

"C-coffee…Sir." Kris didn't say anything, making Tao slightly uncomfortable. "Should I…place it h-here or --"

"Just place it there."

Tao nodded and quickly placed it on the table. He turned to face his Boss, only to see him looking down, deep in thought.

"I…I wanted to…um, apologize for my behavior…l-last night." Kris looked up, staring at Tao. "I…um…it is truly embarrassing that you have to see me like that…I was --"


Tao looked up. "Um…I-I…--"

"It was stupid." Kris stood up from his chair. "You could've been in deep trouble Tao. If I knew before hand that you weren't good in holding down your alcohol, I wouldn't have let you go. Actually, why did you even consider on going? You should've told that bastard to take you home."

Tao stood there, shocked that Kris was yelling at him. In his months working in the mansion, even if he did mistakes, even stupid ones, Kris would brush it off and say that it was okay. But this time, he believed that he truly deserves it.

"You are not thinking Tao. What you did was incredibly stupid! I thought you were smarter than this. A club? Do you know what people do in clubs? Besides dancing and drinking their asses off. Some people are so sick…or desperate that they would slip a little drug…what is it called…oh yeah, a drug. Roofies…ever heard of them?" Tao was about to answer, but was quickly cut off my Kris. "Of course you haven't!" He sighed. "He probably planned this! He told me that the only regret in his life was losing you. He probably wanted to…to you know! Have one little fling with you, but he knew that he couldn't get it on with you while you are conscious. Bet he was like 'Oh…I have to get him drugged. Then I'll have a fun time with him!'" Kris brushed his hair back. He knew deep down that he should stop yelling at Tao and comfort him, but he was just angry. Angry mostly at Geunsuk, but instead he was taking it out on Tao. He was merely a victim, yet Kris didn't stop. "And you know what…that confession you did…"

Tao held his breath.

"Stop having his love for me. It's not going to work."

Tao's heart dropped.

"You know damn well that employees can't have any relations with their Boss." Kris' mind was begging for him to stop saying anymore, but his mouth kept on talking. "It's not even right. So stop it…it is even stupid of you to have a crush on me anyway."

"Well, I'm sorry for being human…I have feelings and they just happen to --"

"Stop it. Just…stop."

Kris walked passed Tao, grabbing onto the door handle. "This better stop Tao…you know this relation can't even work. I won't fire you…but you better stop having this…crush on me. Sickening and it is stupid." 'Shut up Kris!! Shut up!!'

He slammed the door, making Tao jump. He stood there, in the middle of Kris' room. Tears started to fall from his eyes.

"I'm not stupid." Tao said softly. He slowly turned around and walked out of Kris' room.

--- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) --- (TAORIS) ---

Comment if you want & mistakes = ; 3 ; im sorry

Hope that it made sense too ^^;;;;

I was going to continue to the next part, but that will be in another chapter. 

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Thank you!
[nanny fic] Baekyeol demands ice cream. ice cream! ice cream!!


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Chapter 31: Awww this so cuteee! Yitao is really clingy hahaha
Chapter 28: why did i imagine ken from barbie as tao when it said that he screamed? lol
Chapter 25: -insert lay's honey music video-
Chapter 22: That moment when you, a full on adult (daddy material too heehee), can't be as determined as a 4-year-old kid xd
Chapter 20: Me: creeper
Sehun: Aw man
Chapter 17: dnewiunyue my wife hyuna is here :') I'm so ing happy rn ????????
Ugh this brought so much feels, glad to have re-read again
Reading..... agaiiiin
Chapter 17: Oh god, rereading never lessen the hurt. T.T
After five months, I come back.
♡~♡ soooooo great!