Searching for my other half

We were meant for each other.

Jonghyun's POV:

The next thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the face of the nurse from earlier.

"Are you alright? You were tossing around like a maniac." She said worried and I managed to smile.

"I-I'm fine. Thank you." I stammered and I looked around. Where was Key? I didn't see him anywhere in the room. Although I had sent him away, I had expected him to be beside me again when I would wake up. Now he was nowhere to be found.

The nurse noticed me looking around and smiled. "You're searching for your friend? He's not here. I saw him leave like an hour ago when you were still sleeping. He looked really upset." She said and she frowned.

I looked at her with eyes big of shock. "WHAT?! Key is gone?!" I yelled and the nurse stepped backwards surprised. She hadn't expected such a reaction.

I wanted to get out of bed, but she pushed me back. "No, no, you're not going anywhere. You're way too ill to go somewhere. The doctor will come and check on you in a few minutes."

The doctor... I remembered the story of Key. Maybe the doctor knew where Key had gone. Maybe he was even responsible for it. If that was the case, I would seriously kill that guy. Hurting my Bummie once is asking for trouble already, but if you do it again you'll die for sure.

The nurse smiled and ran her fingers over my arm. She bit her lip and blinked a few times. "Now your friend is gone, we can get to know each other better. I'd love that..." She said in a low husky voice.

I looked startled, but then chuckled. She was flirting with me? Not that I wasn't used to it, but I wasn't really in the mood to flirt with someone. All I could think of was Key and his teary eyes when he had told me the story of his past.

I smiled a little to the beautiful nurse and took her hand. "I'm sure you're very nice and sweet, but you're not for me. I...I already have someone else." I hadn't planned to say the last thing, but it had just slipped out. Did I really have someone or had I just said that to get rid of her? I saw Key smiling before me. His perfect hair tickled his eyelids, but he didn't seem to mind. Suddenly the face of the girl from my vision appeared before me. I blinked a few time surprised and Key was smiling at me again. Wow... Maybe my brains really were hurt.

The nurse coughed and looked at me frowning. I realized I had spaced out again and I blushed. "I-I'm sorry. You do understand what I just said, right?" I asked and she nodded slowly.

"Don't worry. I always get what I want." She said and she smiled slyly. Then she walked out of the room and left me alone.

I watched her walking out surprised. Well, that girl certainly had an attitude. This was going to be interesting, I realized.

Not much later the doctor came walking in. He looked really satisfied with himself and I frowned. Did he do something to Key?

"So, how is our patient doing? Did you have a good sleep?" He asked with a sweet voice.

I didn't answer and just looked at him. "What did you do to Key?" I suddenly asked, but he didn't even seem surprised by the question.

He only smiled and crossed his arms. "I thought that little piece of a lesson. He should know his place in this world and I think he finally understood the misery he brought to the people around him. I saw him leaving not too long ago. You can thank me later. I just did what I felt was right to do for our patients. We can't have any terrible distraction around our patients, now can we?"

I looked at him shocked. "You did what?" I stammered, but I had heard him perfectly well unfortunately. He had done something to Key that had made Key so upset to leave me. I became deaf to all the sound around me and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and tried not to explode. I couldn't believe this. Who knew where Key could be right now?

I opened my eyes and looked at the doctor. I felt an intense hate rising in my body. I never thought I would be able to feel like this about someone. I slowly stepped out bed. I didn't even feel the pain and just stared at him, that terrible creature that had taken away my other half. Yes, it felt like my other half had been taken away from me.

The doctor just looked at me smiling and watched as I stumbled towards him. When he saw my angry eyes, his smile faded a little. He suddenly seemed to realize I was really really mad. He did a step backwards, but I didn't even had the strength to attack him. I just stumbled past him and out of the room. He looked at me surprised. That bastard had expected I would attack him. Well, I'm way too smart to not know I'll be the one who will get hurt if I attack him now. All I wanted to do now, was finding Key. I had to tell him I needed him in my life. I had to tell him he was my other half.


Key's POV:

"We're stopping here, Sir. I have to eat something."

The voice of the taxi driver woke me up and dazed I looked around. Where was I? Suddenly everything came back and I squeezed my eyes shut. I wished I was still sleeping and could sleep forever. The pain I felt was just unbearable. A tear slipped out of the corner of my eyes while I pictured Jonghyun smiling before me.

"Uhm... Yeah, that's okay. You can eat. I'm staying here." I said softly and the taxi driver left the car. We were standing on a parking lot and it was already dark. How long had we been driving already? I sighed and leaned backwards again.

What was I going to do in Busan? I still had to go to school, but I didn't really feel like going anymore at all. I didn't feel like doing anything at all. I just wanted to find a quiet place and lay down forever and die. Yes, die... That was the only option. That way I would never be able to hurt anyone. First Jonghyun had stopped me from doing it, but now I realized I was only a burden to him. The sooner I was gone, the sooner he could go on with his life.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"You !"

Shocked I shot up. Bewildered I looked around and realized I wasn't in the car anymore. I was standing on a parking lot, but it was a different one that where I was first. It was dark and a figure stood before me. I immediately recognized it as the man who had lay beside me in my last vision. I felt a chill go down my spine by the memories of him touching my body.

My heart stopped a second when I felt someone grabbing my hand. I looked to the side and saw another boy standing beside me. He smiled at me reassuring and immediately my fear disappeared. I squeezed the hand and knew everything was alright.

"Don't call her that! She chose me, so accept it! Just go away and leave us alone." The boy beside me said and I recognized his voice as the boy from my first vision when I had kissed him.

"She's a , that's why she chose you! In a week she will be ing someone else. You took her away from me. Screw you!" The man screamed and his eyes glittered in the dark. That was not the only thing that was glittering in the dark. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him holding a knife that was reflecting the moonlight.

"Please be careful, honey." I whispered to the boy next to me and he answered by kissing me on the head.

"Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you." He whispered back and he looked at the man again.

Actually I wasn't really worried about myself. I was more worried about the person standing beside me. I looked up to his face, but couldn't really identify his face. I realized it looked kind of familiar to me and suddenly I could see Jonghyun's face smiling to me. Confused I looked to the man before us again. Why was I thinking about Jonghyun right now? 

Suddenly it became really quiet. With my heart in my throat I looked around. I felt something was going to happen, but I didn't know what. The silence almost hurt my ears. I felt the boy next to me moving nervously. He also felt something was going to happen. 

Just when I had the feeling it was going to happen, I felt my head spin. *Oh no, not now!* I thought frustrated. I knew this feeling from my other visions. I knew that this meant I was leaving again. I tried to keep my eyes open, but they slowly closed. No, no, no! I wanted to know what was going to happen. Just before my vision disappeared, I felt the boy beside me tensing up. I vaguely saw the man before us storming towards us, his knife flickering in the moonlight. 

Helplessly I had to watch how he came running towards us and just before he reached us, my eyes closed completely and everything went black. The last thing I felt was a huge stab of pain in my heart. I screamed, but no sound was coming from my mouth.

"Sir, Sir? Are you alright? Wake up, Sir, we're leaving again."

The worried voice of the taxi driver made me open my eyes again. Growling I sat up and wiped the sweat of my forehead. When I closed my eyes I could still see the image of the man with the knife coming towards us. 

I grimaced and reached for my chest. My heart hurt like hell. It didn't feel like a heart attack, but more like... like someone I cared about very much had just died. 

A few tears rolled down my cheek and quickly wiped them away. I nodded to the driver and he began driving again. 

I stared outside the window into the night, thinking about all my visions. What did they all mean and why was I always with the same people? Suddenly I knew what I was going to do in Busan. I was going to find out more about my visions. I wanted to know what they meant and who those people were. 

I sighed and brought my hand again to my chest. The pain was slowly fading away, but when I thought about Jonghyun alone in the hospital the pain was crushing my heart like a tsunami. 

*I'm so sorry, Jonghyun.* 



A/N: Hi guys! I really want to thank you all for still reading this story. And of course a big thanks to the three people that have voted up this story. You're the best! ^_^

I would still really love comments, 'cause they really motive me to go on. So please tell me whant you think of the story! 

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I'm in Denmark right now and my internet is not that great, but when I have time and interneylt I'll update.


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Mawyna #1
Chapter 38: Don't worry author-nim.. Just update when you have time & inspiration.. I won't forget this story easily especially my poor Jongkey. I will only be satisfied with the dead of KwangDae.. Yah! Why is evil spirit always stronger that love? I hope Kibum will stay strong and never forget Jonghyun. Maybe Kibum should tell Jinki, Minho & Taemin his problems and with their caring and love, can defeat KwangDae..
Thanks for updating, author-nim.. See you soon..
Chapter 38: ohhh!! you're here!!! missed you and your story~~~ ^^ welcome back...? ^^ i was so happy when i saw this update ^^ i actually thought that i won't find it interesting anymore but i still love it!!! this whole thing is making me worried though :/ poor boys can't be just happy :/ but there's still a hope! i wish Kibum will help Jjong to come back ^^ thank you so much for update I loved it! ^^ you did great job once again and i'm looking forward to next chapter~ good luck~
Chapter 37: Oh! Angle tae~ so nice to key^^ Plz kwangdae go away from jjong's sprit^^ I want happy jongkey ^^ I hope it'll be come soon^^ Thankkie for ur update:)
Mawyna #4
Chapter 37: Poor Key..he must be very tired and sad.. That Kwangdae guy, I feel like to slaughter him.. Now, what happened to Jonghyun? I hope Eric can help him again and this time kill Kwangdae..
Yah! Here comes the trio..Glad that Taemin was so persistence to help Key or else he would be lost alone in the new neighborhood..poor Jongkey.. Come on author-nim, give them a break..a bit of fluffy moment will do..kekeke..
Great update, author-nim.. Thanks..
tokeyy #5
Chapter 37: omg.....this is kinda like supernatural freaks me out especially when I read this at night but I really like this story though
Chapter 36: KangDae have now in Jong's body... so poor Jjong :'( Thank u for ur update^^
Chapter 36: its good u had fun.chp was nice.i liked it
Chapter 36: Lol if my bf was foaming at the mouth i wouldn't just stand there watching.
Chapter 35: God damn. Just when I thought he was dead, he attached himself to Eric.... stupid Kangdae just won't die!
Chapter 34: nice chp thanks for the update.update soon