Damaged Goods


Before I knew it 3 months had past since I had met Jungsu and asked him out, we were still going out actually. Honestly I’m surprised that we’re still together, I thought for sure that I would have screwed it up by now but so far so good. My parents and I were getting along better, meaning they listened sometimes, and actually talked to me. They acknowledged my grades and were honestly surprised because they have never noticed them before.


Heechul and the others got to know and hung around Jungsu more. We all even went wandering around together sometimes, even Jungsu went with us. They knew about us and were completely cool with it, they teased us when they heard something or when we held hands but it was just for fun, Jungsu and I knew they didn’t mean it. Then there was my parents. Of course I hadn’t told them about Jungsu, or even that I was gay. Not that I hadn’t wanted too but Jungsu convinced me not to tell them. I still remember the conversation we’d had not even 3 days ago actually.






We had been at our place, as usual. I was leaning up against the tree with Jungsu in between my legs leaning against my chest, playing with my hands.


“Jungsu I want to tell them. I really do. I feel like I’m being unfair to you by hiding this from them. Plus they’re just now starting to notice me…I don’t want to lie to them.”


Jungsu stopped playing with my hands and turned slightly. “You shouldn’t tell them yet Youngwoon. It isn’t the right time.”


“What do you mean ‘it isn’t the right time?’ We’ve been going out for 3 months already! 3 months I’ve hidden you from them! Hell they don’t even know I’m gay for crying out loud!” I ranted.


“You already explained it yourself in a way. You’re parents are just now getting to know you. Do  you know how they feel about homouals?” He was serious.


All I could do was shake my head no, I knew he could feel it. “Exactly. Plus you’re still in high school and need their support. What would happen if they didn’t accept you? You still have about 1 ½, 2 years left. You need their help to get through school and you won’t get that if they kick you out or shun you.”


“But-“ Jungsu placed a finger on my lips to stop me.


“But nothing. You are staying in school. I’m not going to have your school career falling out because of me. You’ve worked hard to gain what you have. Cherish while you can for now. And once you graduate we will tell them. I promise you that. But for now you need them more thanthey need to know.”


I sighed and hung my head. Even if he worded it that way I still felt like I was hiding him and treating him like an embarrassment. Jungsu slid his hand up my cheek and lifted my head to look him in the eyes. “Youngwoon I love you, you know that don’t you?”

I grabbed his hand and kissed him palm, “And I love you. We won’t tell them till after I graduate but I still don’t like it.”


Jungsu smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back, his smile, his laughter, all of it was contagious.  







“Kangin! Oi! Kangin!” Heechul smacked me over the head.


“Ow! What the hell was that for?” I growled at my hyung.


“You were spaced out. We called you for like, 5 minutes, you didn’t even respond to Teukie. We were getting kind of worried.” Heechul gave a skeptical glace.


“Sorry. Just thinking about something.” I apologized.


Heechul looked me up and down before walking off, the others soon following. Jungsu grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it.


“Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been stressed lately, maybe it’s best for you to go home.”


“Then who would take you home?” I smirked at my boyfriend.


“I can go on my own you know. Really, it might be best if you got some rest. You need it.” Jungsu was concerned. Really concerned.


“I swear I’m fine! Honestly! I was just thinking of some things is all.” I persisted.


He studied me for a moment but eventually decided to let it go. “Alright. I’ll believe you. For now.”


I smiled gratefully at him and pecked him on the lips. “Thanks.”


“Hey! Come on already!” I heard Heechul yell at us.


I groaned and Jungsu just laughed at us. “Come on Youngwoon.” He started walking ahead, of course, with me in tow.


We walked around the town, aimlessly just looking around and hanging out. Finally we all just got tired after about 2 hours of walking around and decided to head home for the day.


We all went our separate ways and Jungsu and I went to the park to spend some alone time. We didn’t speak on the way there. We didn’t need to. I heard a bell ringing and looked up to see an ice cream vendor. Grinning I untangled my hand from Jungsu’s and told him I’d be right back. He gave me and odd look but nodded anyway.

I went over and ordered 2 vanilla cones and walked back to him. I gently tapped the ice cream on his nose. His face scrunched in surprise and the sudden chill. I laughed and handed him the cone.


“That wasn’t very nice.” Jungsu pouted.


I laughed out loud again at him. He was just too cute for his own good, and mine. I put my arm around his shoulders and brought him close to me so I could gently kiss him cheek.


“I can’t help it you’re too damn cute to resist such an opportunity.”


Jungsu merely stuck his tongue and I suddenly felt very evil.


“Don’t stick that out unless you know how to use it.”


“Oh but you know I know how to use it.”


As soon as I heard that I chocked on the ice cream I was eating and looked over at him. Oh man! How can he say that with a straight face! That man wasn’t even blushing or batting an eyelash while I felt my face heat up to the same temperature as the sun!


“Hah! Got you!” Jungsu smirked victoriously.


I sighed and for the first time noticed that they sky had turned grey. Just then a raindrop landed smack dab on the end of my nose. My nose automatically twitched and then literally without warning it started to just pour down. We jumped up and then Jungsu ran ahead of me and grabbed my hand.


I didn’t know what he was doing but I let him lead anyway. We passed by the entrance to the park and just kept going up the path ahead just after it. Within minutes a mansion, a big assed mansion, appeared in my line of sight. I thought he lived passed the mansion but he just grabbed a remote out of his pocket and the gate opened just in time for us to run through and shut right after. We ran up to the porch and he entered his pin into the machine and the door opened and we ducked inside, completely soaked.


I just stood, dumbfounded, in the door way looking out at the room. The entry way had a hall that lead to the main room. A stair case twined up to the next level while there were doorways leading everywhere, the dining room, living room, a bedroom, bathroom, everything. The room we were in was tall and had crystals hanging from the ceilings and dim lights around the walls. I noticed that none of the rooms were very bright.


“This is where you live?” I had to ask.


“Yeah. I know it isn’t that great but try to make yourself at home alright. You can go home after the storm passes.”


He took off his shoes and motioned for me to do the same while he went to get some towels. Of course I took this opportunity to stare at him. I mean how often do I get to see him in wet clothes. Let me think here…NEVER.




He smiled he handed me a towel. I took it silently because I couldn’t speak. The shirt, a damn white shirt too!, clung to him like a second layer of skin and showed off his perfectly toned abs and stomach while his jeans clung to his muscled legs. I had to clamp my mouth shut to keep from drooling. Oh man I could just imagine running my hands over those abs or my tongue for that matter. Either worked for me. Or working on his s or…oh boy Kangin! Stop it. Now. Don’t go there.


I heard the rustle of clothes being taken off and looked over just in time to see Jungsu peel his shirt off and throw it too the side. I felt all my blood rush south and had to bite my lip to, unsuccessfully, hold back a moan. Jungsu heard my moan and looked over at me.


“Kangin…what’s wrong?”


Oh god how could he ask that? Does he not know what he’s doing to me!? The toned and muscled body, water dripping down him. Pants that showed off every part of him…oh is it any wonder I was hard?




“Kangin..what’s wrong?”


Groaning I lashed out and grabbed him, pulling his body flush against mine, pushing every part together. He gasped as he felt my arousal rubbing against him. Using this as a chance I leaned down and kissed him right on the lips and shoved my tongue into his mouth. Groaning at the roughness of the kiss Jungsu kissed back just as fiercely as I did.


I pulled apart from him and leaned my forehead against his. “You really can’t do that to me Jungsu. Neither one of us is ready for a ual relationship I know, but damn it you are making it hard to resist you!”


“Sorry. Didn’t  mean to.” He smiled at me sheepishly.


Sighing I just hugged him for a while then I noticed how cold these clothes actually were.


“Come on. I should have something that will work for you.”


Jungsu pulled me up the stairs and down a long hall till we got to his room. His room was all white. Everything was white. His bed, the sheets, bookshelves, book covers, dresser, walls. Everything.


He dug in his drawer and pulled out a loose set of sweats and a shirt. Tossing them at me, then pulling out a set for himself, we got changed and went downstairs to the living room and just curled up on the couch together. I had my arm around his shoulder while he snuggled into my side. We just watched tv and talked about nothing in particular, waiting for the storm to pass. Around 11:45 the winds began to die down and the rain had stopped so I thought it was safe enough to walk home. Jungsu was hesitant to let me go at first but let me go anyway not wanting to keep me any longer knowing that my parents were worried.


He walked me to the front porch and out the door onto his side walk. I hugged him and kissed him on the lips, telling him goodnight and that I’d see him later. He smiled at told me, “Good night Youngwoon. Get home safely please. I love you.”


“I love you too Jungsu.”


I started to walk down the path towards the park and looked back to see him waiting at his door, arms wrapped around himself waiting to make sure I got out okay. I smiled at him, he’s so much like a mom at times.


As I walked down towards my house I couldn’t help but notice this feeling down in the pit of my stomach. It was…a bad feeling. I felt like something was going to go wrong but I didn’t know what. Glancing back up I saw the Jungsu had gone back inside and I silently thanked the lord for that. I didn’t want him out alone this late.


The farther I got from his house the worse the feeling got. As I entered my home I saw my parents waiting for me in the living room. They were relieved then mad that I had stayed out. I explained what had happened and they understood and let the matter drop. So-Yung came out and hugged me as well before going to sleep. I dropped my wet clothes into the bathroom and went to my room to lay on my bed.


I tried going to sleep but I couldn’t. I still had that bad feeling in my stomach and I was worried about Jungsu. Something didn’t feel right but I couldn’t place it. I thought I was being overprotective but that didn’t help lessen it at all. Finally sighing and giving up I turned and fell into a restless sleep, praying that Jungsu was okay.

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superjxnior #1
xspecialxsjx #2
Chapter 1: When you will update this story dear please update soon don't give up on this story please is beautiful
TeukTeukTeuk #3
Chapter 15: update pleasee;;;;
Chapter 15: It's beautiful.... Please continueeee ... :_;
teejay2013 #5
Hi,I just found this story and its really good.No more update?
hebteuk #6
i found ur story an hour ago nd i read it all...ahh my kangteuk ~
everything happens quickly here...i can't wait to know more about teukie..i liked all the sweet moments they had, but that 'blindness' issue :(..i'm not object or something..but i couldn't prevent my mind from thinking about "isn't there any solution for that cute kind boy to see his lover with those gorgeous chocolate eyes?".. u know as a faithful shipper, i want the perfectness for my otp <3 (∪ ◡ ∪)
Chapter 15: I love this story, I read all chapters today <3 and omg I can't wait to read what happened to Teuk, I'm really curious about it.

And~ I need to tell you that I love you for writing kangteuk stories, I needed them so much now T^T

Anyways, great story, I'm waiting for your update~ ^^
Chapter 15: Im soo curiousss!!! *now thinking of shinees sherlock>.< hah well gteat storyy!!! Can't wait for the mext ome:)