Damaged Goods


I ran home as quickly as I could. As soon as I got the door unlocked I quickly sped off to my room to drop my bag off and rushed out the door without bothering to tell anyone that I had been there. Glancing at my watch I saw that it read 6:52. Jungsu would there any minute, if he wasn’t there already. Quickening my pace I checked to see if I was being followed and then took the path to my place.


It felt nice out tonight. It was cool and there was a breeze, the trees were in full bloom, lush and green. The breeze gently blew the scent of the forest around me; I smiled inhaling the scent, like I was being welcomed home.


Glancing over to my normal spot I spotted a figure lying under the tree. As quietly as I could I walked over to the figure to get a better look at him. He was leaning up against the tree with his head tilted to the side, eyes closed and his breath was deep, rhythmic so I’m just going to assume he was asleep.


His hair was down and glowing in the sun’s dying rays. He wasn’t wearing white today surprisingly. Instead he was a plain black t-shirt with a black jacket over it, jeans, and a pair of ordinary tennis shoes. Black didn’t look too bad on this guy. Maybe I should ask him to wear it more often later…


The breeze picked up and gently blew across the lake, creating ripples and a soft humming noise. It blew a strand of hair into his face over his eye. Biting my lip I had to practically force back my hand from brushing that strand back and caressing his smooth looking skin.


Jungsu shifted a bit in his sleep and the strand still stayed in his face. Finally just deciding, screw it, I gently lifted my hand and brushed the strand back and tucked it behind his ear. He gave a slight moan and his eyelids began to flicker.


Pulling my hand back and crouching next to him I waited for the disorientation to fade before announcing my presence. “Hmm Youngwoon?” he sighed as he began to shift into a slightly more comfortable position.


“Hey. Didn’t mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep if you want.” I spoke softly, as if not wanting to disturb the peaceful air that had settled around us.


Jungsu smiled at me and shook his head. “If I went back to sleep I think we would have a difficult time maintaining an actual conversation don’t you think?”


I laughed “Yeah I think it would be just a bit difficult.”


“Just a little bit.”


We chuckled at our little joke and just sat there in silence for a little while. Neither one of us felt the need to speak. I think we just enjoyed each other’s company and presence more then the actual conversation.


“You seem more relaxed today. Did something good happen?” Jungsu turned towards me.


“Yesterday when I went home, my dad scolded me for staying out too late and telling me how worried they had been. That was the first time they actually said they had been worried about me.”


Jungsu smirked at me. “See? What did I tell you? And you didn’t believe me.”


“Sorry next time I’ll listen to you for sure.” I laughed.


Jungsu just gave me a look that said ‘yeah, sure you will’. Laughing I elbowed him gently in the ribs and just leaned back against the tree with him. It felt nice really, just sitting here with him. It felt like I was at peace for once. Suddenly I remembered my little ‘discovery’.




“Yes?” he sounded curious.


“Uh…you don’t have to answer me if you don’t want and I understand if you get offended but, uh, are you…blind?” I whispered the last part out, feeling like I had just asked a forbidden question.


He stared at me evenly and decided to choose his words wisely before answering.


“Yes. I am blind. I’m sorry I never meant to hide that fact. Does it bother you?”


“No! I just…I just felt stupid for not noticing any sooner and of course it doesn’t bother me. Why would it?” I honestly didn’t understand why it would bother someone.


Jungsu laughed and then told me that some people felt uncomfortable around him because of his disability but I couldn’t see why. It’s not like it was super obvious. We talked about random things for a while and just got to know each other a little more.


In the end I found out that his favorite color was white, tch like I didn’t know that one already, he lives not far from here, he’s 20 so he’s my hyung by 2 years. Man I didn’t think he was older then me really. He’s lived alone for some time now and was used to getting along on his own. He memorized the path to the forest so he could find his way around easily in these parts. His nickname was Leeteuk so I decided to call him Teukie or Teukie-hyung.  In return I told him a bit about myself. I told him my nickname, about my school, my friends, my family, the basics.


“Hey are you hungry?” I suddenly asked him.


He looked at me oddly for a second but then nodded his head.


“There’s a little ice cream vendor down the road by the park. We could go get some ice cream if you’d like.” He suggested.


Smiling I got up and offered my hand out to him. He seemed to sense my hand and, looking up at me, smiling, took my hand. His hand was small, slim fingers, kind of like a girls but they felt firmer in a sense.


Without even thinking about it we walked hand-in-hand down the road and to the ice cream vendor. When I realized that we had held hands the entire time I couldn’t help but blush a little. Jungsu seemed to sense my embarrassment and squeezed my hand a little. ‘How does he do that?’ I mean come on the guy is practically psychic really. We both ordered vanilla cones and walked over to one of the benches in the park.


It was now nearing dark but neither one of us really cared. We just sat on the bench enjoying the night, and our ice cream of course. I looked over to see that Jungsu had gotten a little dab of ice cream on his nose and without even thinking about it, instinct I swear, I leaned over and the ice cream off his nose.


His breath caught and his face turned about 5 different shades of red. I turned away, so immensely embarrassed that I had just done that.


“Sorry.” I mumbled out.


Jungsu just giggled a little and gently leaned into my side. I smiled looking over at him. Maybe this wouldn’t turn out to be so bad after all would it? I mean come on. It’s pretty obvious that I like the guy and considering how he’s responding I’d say I’m not alone in that category. We quickly finished our ice creams and walked back to the entrance of the park. By this time the moon was high over head and the stars were shining down on us brightly.


“Thank you for tonight Youngwoon. I had a lot of fun.” Jungsu intertwined our hands and gave them a little squeeze.


“Thank you. I had lots of fun as well. Good night Jungsu. Go home safely.” I squeezed his hands back.


I was about to ask if we could meet up again when he suddenly lifted his head and gently pecked my cheek. My eyes widened and I saw that a slight blush decorated his cheeks as well.


“Good night Youngwoon. See you tomorrow.” He smiled at me and turned to walk away, going home I was assuming, hell I needed to be getting home but my feet wouldn’t move. They were rooted to the spot.


I lifted my hand up to cover the place that Jungsu had kissed and smiled. Hell I was probably smiling like a mad man but I couldn’t help it. I pretty much just had my first date with Jungsu. This was the most fun I’d had in ages and I was determined to have more dates in the future. I knew what it was like to be with him and I was going to make sure that we had a lot more times ahead of us. Who knew maybe he’d even say yes when I asked him out in a little while. What do you think?


Still grinning madly I turned around and began to walk home, though I knew I probably wouldn’t get much sleep thanks to Jungsu but hey, I’m not complaining about that one. I’d be an idiot to complain about that one.


“I wonder if I should suggest going out to eat more often…”


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superjxnior #1
xspecialxsjx #2
Chapter 1: When you will update this story dear please update soon don't give up on this story please is beautiful
TeukTeukTeuk #3
Chapter 15: update pleasee;;;;
Chapter 15: It's beautiful.... Please continueeee ... :_;
teejay2013 #5
Hi,I just found this story and its really good.No more update?
hebteuk #6
i found ur story an hour ago nd i read it all...ahh my kangteuk ~
everything happens quickly here...i can't wait to know more about teukie..i liked all the sweet moments they had, but that 'blindness' issue :(..i'm not object or something..but i couldn't prevent my mind from thinking about "isn't there any solution for that cute kind boy to see his lover with those gorgeous chocolate eyes?".. u know as a faithful shipper, i want the perfectness for my otp <3 (∪ ◡ ∪)
Chapter 15: I love this story, I read all chapters today <3 and omg I can't wait to read what happened to Teuk, I'm really curious about it.

And~ I need to tell you that I love you for writing kangteuk stories, I needed them so much now T^T

Anyways, great story, I'm waiting for your update~ ^^
Chapter 15: Im soo curiousss!!! *now thinking of shinees sherlock>.< hah well gteat storyy!!! Can't wait for the mext ome:)