Chapter 1

Be Mine Infinitely



“Lina pass me the ketchup.” Sunhee said as she watched Infinite, Nell, Tasty, BabySoul, Jisun, and Yoojia give a press conference for an upcoming charity event that Woolim Entertainment was sponsoring. They all looked good but for some reason, Infinite, who were known for their dazzling fashion sense, were missing something in their outfit. Sunhee could not pinpoint what it was.

“It seems as if lasers will shoot out of your eyes any second now.” Lina commented as she passed Sunhee the ketchup.

“Infinite’s outfit is kind of off.” Sunhee said simply.

Lina looked Sunhee up and down “Like you should be talking missy, you are wearing some old faded pink, ugly as hell, pjs, with an oversized white T, and your braid is in a mess.”

“Forget it; you don’t get what I mean.” Sunhee said with a shrug and then squeezed some ketchup on her plate.

“Actually no, I think I know what you mean. Their outfits are look a little hastily put together, seems like their stylist was having a bad day or something. But since they are Infinite they pull it off quite nicely.” Lina assessed.

“Yeah, that’s what I meant, but let’s forget about Infinite for now. I need to go buy some art supplies along with some books.” Sunhee said as she eyed the clock. It was 5:10, enough time to shop and come back before Unni got here.

“Oh yeah, I need to buy new sneakers and maybe we need to buy  you a new pair of pjs while we are at it, oh and we need to buy some new clothes as well. Who wears pjs at 5 p.m.?” Lina teased.

“Apparently I do.” Sunhee said as she dipped her french-fry in the ketchup. She munched on it like It was morsel offered by the Gods themselves.

“No going out for either of you.” A voice invaded into Lina and Sunhee’s little sanctuary.

It was Kang Dana, or better known as Unni in this house.  Dana and Sunhee shared the same father while Dana and Lina shared the same mother. Before Sunhee’s parents were married, Sunhee’s father had an affair with Dana’s mother and the product of that affair was Dana. Sunhee’s father didn’t know he had a daughter until Dana was about 21 years old and after that Sunhee’s mother threw a huge fuss about it which led to Sunhee’s parent’s divorce, well almost divorce. The night before the divorce they both died in a car accident. Sunhee was 15 at the time and she was passed around from relative to relative until finally her older sister, at the young age of 22 became Sunhee’s legal guardian. Lina and Dana shared the same mother. Dana’s mother got married later on and had Lina with her new husband and Lina is only about 8 months younger than Sunhee but both were born in the same year.  Lina’s parent passed away when Lina was about 12 and Dana was 19. Dana had taken responsibility from a young age, and Dana, now at the young age of 25, is very much strict yet loving with her younger sisters. More than a sister, Dana was like a mother to both of them. Lina and Sunhee were also very close to one another. They were one another’s best friends and they got along pretty well. Sunhee and Lina helped out at Dana’s boutique and in her design company from time to time. It was how they also got their allowance. Dana is a world renowned fashion designer and stylist whose clothes and styles were wanted by everyone and Dana was pretty busy.

“But I thought we don’t have to go to the boutique with you today?” Lina asked confused.

“Not the boutique, it’s more like a job that I think both of you would enjoy more than going to the boutique.” Dana said with a wary smile.

“Unless it dressing up idols, I think I will pass.” Sunhee joked.

“Oh then I think this will be perfect. You don’t need to pass. You two will be working with Infinite, as a part of their new style team and their assistants.” Dana said.

“MWO!!!! WAE??” Lina was surprised.

“Unni, I doubt we are qualified or even old enough to be their stylist.” Sunhee said nervously.

“Well obviously I know that. You won’t bet their stylists per se. Look at it this way, you will be like their assistants and sort of like assistant stylists. The CEO of Woolim is an old friend of mine. Infinite’s current style team is kind of lacking. Their lead stylist had to leave due to pregnancy and now they are stuck with interns who really don’t have any clue as to what they are doing. I will personally become Infinite’s main stylist, but I will leave most of the work to Gyuri and Jiyeon.  We will keep Infinite’s hair stylist, Lee Brandon and his assistant because his work is beautiful and I worked with him before so I know he is an asset.” Dana rambled on.

“Unni, let me get this straight? No Gyuri Unni is on top of the makeup department and she can also pick out accessories to match with outfits you and Shin Jiyeon Unni select, and help out Jiyeon Unni. That Brandon guy handles the hair department along with his assistant. Why do you need us there?” Lina questioned.

“As assistants, the CEO and their manager asked that if I could find two that were willing to be Infinite’s assistants. Their previous assistants took pictures and videos of Infinite, while the members were having their private moments. They asked for it to be someone I trust and I trust the two of you very much. It also helps you two don’t fangirl over everything. You two can also be of help to Brandon, Jiyeon, and Gyuri. So now, no more questions put your French fries away and come to the car.” Dana left no room for argument.  

“Oh and Sunhee, please get rid of those pjs.” Dana through over her shoulders.

“I told you they are ugly as hell.” Lina said after some moments.

“Shut up, here go wash the dishes, let me go change out of these pjs.” Sunhee walked away leaving Lina with the dishes.

“… now I have to do the dishes.” Lina pouted with no one there to sympathize. 


I hope you guys enjoy. I will make the next update more fun xD. And Infinite will be introduced in the next chapter.


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Chapter 1: hahaha left with the dishes!! i know how that feels ¬_¬

hehe sounds really interesting cant wait 4 ur next update!! ^~^
ohhh this sounds awesome!!!!! im so gona subscribe so u have 2 update soon ok?!! >.< yay im also the first commentator!! (is that even a word??) keke well update soon!!!! and is this a fic where Woohyun is the main lovver?!!! (he's kinda my ULTIMATE bias hehe) but looks like ur also adding the Yadong couple! im so loving this right now!!! so update soon ok?!! ^~^