The Stained Glass


Chapter 5:   


Saturday came about, and Yuri cautiously approached the café. She didn't feel like she belonged...

"There you are, Miss Yuri!" Yunho exclaimed as he came out of the store with a garbage bag in his hands. "We've been expecting you. It's still bright and early, you go on ahead inside, I'll just go get the tree!"

Yunho opened the door for her, beaming widely at her, before skipping off whistling to himself a merry little tune. Without the formal wear, he didn't seem anything like his brother at all.

As soon as she entered the café, the sight of Taemin clad in a waiter's outfit welcomed her. He was craning his neck to look behind him, where Ailee was fixing the coat and demanding that he stop squirming.

Sungjong got up from where he was sitting, busily sticking the designs on cards they were going to put on display. He stomped over to his friend and grabbed his face and began screaming at him--playfully. The latter squirmed even more, but his grip was tight, and just before he broke free, Ailee announced that his outfit was good. Sungjong beamed and let go of his friend.

"I still don't get why I have to wear this here," Taemin insisted. "It's going to be Christmas, not an industrial expo."

"But you look amazing like this, Taemin. You promised me you'd help me with the café whenever you're free. You're free right now, aren't you?" she asked, pouting.

"Yes, I am, and I did, but-"

"I have my own as well," Sungjong stated.


Hangeng wrapped his arm around Taemin's neck and ruffled his hair. "'Cause you two are just inseparable."

"Geng, please let go of him, you'll ruin his hair!" Victoria screeched playfully. Taemin's hair was her masterpiece for the day.

"Yes, master," Hangeng replied playfully.

The atmosphere was merry, so much so that it felt like a painting to Yuri, as she stood there watching them interact. The scene was disrupted, however, when the door opened and a fumbling Yunho who held a tree in his hands exclaimed, "Miss Yuri, why are you just standing there? Join the fun!" before Hangeng and Zhoumi came scurrying over to help him. How he managed to carry a tree almost his size on his own, they never really figured out.

"Hyung, do I really have to wear this outfit?" Taemin asked, bouncing over to his brother.

"Yes, Taemin, you promised you'd help," he replied with a decisive nod.


"It's part of the help," he added. "But Ailee, why are you making my brother wear this outift?"

"It's a theme, and this theme is 'Flowerboy Coffee Shop'," Ailee replied, slinging her arms over Hangeng and Zhoumi. She had to stand on her toes, however, as they were both so much taller than her.

"But Ailee, that's the uniform we've been pushing for," Zhoumi commented. "It's quite bothersome to keep on thinking of what to wear."

"Are you a girl?" Victoria asked.

"But actually, it is, even for guys," Yunho interjected. "It's difficult to find that outfit that will make you look put-together yet casual at the same time. Be thankful they don't come here in sweatpants and baggy shirts."

"Sorry I'm late!" Henry screeched as he toppled into the store, panting.

"Henry-ah, I asked you to come earlier!" Ailee tutted, helping him up. "But anyway, meet our new friend, Miss Yuri."

Henry quickly fixed himself up, and greeted her.


Christmas has never really crossed Yuri's mind as 'fun' or a season to look forward to, because it only meant tacky-themed outfits at the bar and the freezing-cold weather she would have to endure on her way to her clients. But today, as she was decorating the shop with those working at Ailee's café, Christmas seemed different.

"Enjoying yourself, Miss Yuri?" Taemin asked, holding a pen and a small pad of paper. Ailee had sent him to do the bidding of her clients, attracting many in the process. The majority had suspended their decorating activities and busied themselves with serving the customers.

Zhoumi was the most efficient of them, with his long limbs and all, with serving the customers, and Hangeng was efficient behind the counter, with his dexterity. His coffee was exquisite, Yuri noted, and it was the perfect blend. Henry preferred cleaning the tables, and assisting the customers with the little details. Today, Victoria was the cook, and the 'twins' were waiting on tables. They attracted a lot of customers, which didn't really surprise Yuri, as they looked like idols. Plus, they entertained the customers well, something that shocked her.

Actually, what shocked her was how they helped out at the shop. Earlier, while the shop was still pretty much closed, she found out that the three--Yunho, Taemin and Sungjong--weren't getting paid to do anything around the shop. They just volunteered for it. She couldn't believe her ears because such big-shots like them weren't the kind of people she'd assume to work for free. They were the sons of one of the most prominent companies in the country. The Jung brothers the sons of the owner, Sungjong the son of the trusted president.

"I love the atmosphere," she replied, and he smiled at her.

"I'm glad you think that way! I find it bothersome to stay in a shop where I can't enjoy myself, particularly in a coffee shop. These places are supposed to be niches, not commercialized, uncomfortable spaces," he commented. A new customer entered the shop and Taemin said, "Call when you need something, okay?"

She nodded and he scurried off to attend to the customer. She bid them good-bye not long after, and went on her way.


A red sports car slid into the driveway, and out came Siwon. He had a stern expression on his face, gripping the keys tightly as he entered. Sungjong, who was closest to the door then, merrily chirped a greeting to him, but did not receive any in return.

He stopped behind Yunho, who was busily suggesting something to Ailee with regard to the decorations. His presence was only felt by his brother when Ailee bid him a good afternoon.

"Hyung, you're supposed to be at work," he said sternly.

"Siwon, you're supposed to know when to take a break," he replied, not really diverting much attention to his brother.

"Hyung, we have to prepare for Monday's stock exchange."

"We have a store to decorate."

"Hyung, we also have contracts to sign, deadlines to finish! You're wasting your time galavanting all over the place and setting up these useless things," Siwon complained, throwing one of the stuffed bears that would decorate the tree on the ground. "I work all day long, all week long, I deserve your attention."

"I am your hyung!" Yunho lashed, turning to his brother with livid eyes as he stood up, causing Ailee to shrink behind her things. He met Siwon at eye level, jaw clenching. It was good that there were no customers at the moment in that little corner of the shop. "And you will do well to remember that."

"What sort of hyung are you?" Siwon challenged.

"The hyung that knows his place, unlike you."

"Knows your place? You do nothing to help the company, and you have time to come here and fiddle with worthless things?" Siwon demanded.

"Friends are hardly worthless, Jung Siwon. Know your priorities before you come and lecture me about them!"

"Hyung!" Taemin squeaked, disrupting their screaming match. "If you're going to just fight with Yunho-hyung, Siwon-hyung, then get out! This is a café, not a boxing arena."

"Jung Taemin what in the world are you wearing?" Siwon demanded.

"A uniform," he replied calmly.

"Get yourself dressed properly, a Jung does not wear such silly clothes," Siwon commanded.

"A Jung?" Yunho asked, scoffing bitterly. "Do you hear yourself, Siwon?"

"Do you know what you're doing?" he challenged. "You're not hyung. You're a man pretending to be one. Look at the example you've set for the maknae. Horrible."

"You're incorrigible," Taemin seethed. "Siwon-hyung."

"Me? Are you blind or what?" Siwon asked, approaching Taemin and forcefully tugging the younger's arm upward. "What trash are you wearing?"

"These are clothes, not trash," he replied indignantly.

"You have poisoned our brother's mind, Hyung," Siwon spat spitefully when Yunho slapped his hand away from Taemin's. "Such nonsense."

"Know your priorities," Yunho warned

"Know your priorities," Siwon retorted.

"Know your boundaries," Taemin spat. "The almighty Jung Siwon's reputation will be ruined if someone sees you seething like this."

Siwon snorted, then dragged Taemin out of the café. "I will teach you, Taemin, to be a real Jung."

When the car screeched off, Yunho sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Siwon was being difficult again.

"You should go bring your brothers back before Siwon kills himself with speeding. You know how reckless he can get," Ailee said gently, placing a comforting hand on his arm.

"Ailee, I'm sorry. The trouble it's caused you again," Yunho apologized sincerely. "Your customers-"

"Will understand," she assured him. "Now go get them, and bring Sungjong with you, you might need the help."

"Thanks," he replied with a tired smile. "That boy needs a thorough whipping, I swear."

"Gentleness, Yunho, gentleness," she reminded.

Good thing they were all upstairs where no one was around to hear it.


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Chapter 12: This goes to show that people can write touching stories without the need for a love line or a lot of unusual drama. Another beautiful fic my dear friend :)
Towards the end of this story a quote came to my mind - "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". I guess we've all heard of this but honestly, it's difficult to bear that in mind all the time. Even though this is a work of fiction, it really served as a great reminder, thanks :)
Chapter 12: you're good~ and this was detailed as possible where i think i had a few new ways of seeing new person or any events :) thanks for the story ^^
Chapter 12: Waa finally yuri have a happy ending life :D
this is really beautiful story...
blacknwhite #5
Chapter 12: im glad yuri has a happy ending :)
iloveyul #6
Chapter 10: Taemin really care to yuri...:-)

Why yuri refused him?T.T
Chapter 9: Woah~ this is so amazing story... getting interesting...
can't wait for the next :D
blacknwhite #8
Wonder y does yuri want to put up with this life. Someone please save her! :(
Chapter 4: Ooohhh! YulWon! Thanks for making this story and update soon!