Chapter 4

Not what it seems

Aron: I don't know how to tell you this but... Ren may be your brother...

RiEun: WHAT?!

Aron: Yeah... well, this is awkward...

RiEun: You think? How could this be? You told me NO ONE survived that incident, and now the guy I'm dating is my Brother?!

Aron: Wait... Dating?! I thought I specifically told you, no dating without my consent and before you graduate?

RiEun: Seriously? We're having this talk now?

Aron: Well, you are important, Princess...

RiEun: Well, I don't think I am... You don't know me that well, so stop acting like you do! *runs up to her room*

Aron: Wh-what?

-A while later-

Aron: knock knock, Princess... *enters your room*

RiEun: What do you want?

Aron: Princess, we need to talk...

RiEun: There's nothing to talk about...

Aron: How about you tell me more about you before the incident?

RiEun: *clench fist* I know I have a brother... 

Aron: What?

RiEun: I know I have a brother... But we were never close, I was the youngest, that means I'm always in his shadow... He always gets the best you know, the best toys, the best food, the best clothes, everything... And me? I'm lucky to even receive a toy... My parents, always wanted two boys, so when I was born you could imagine the disappointment on their faces...

Aron: Wow... that's tough...

RiEun: It would always be "Oh look RiEun, your brother just got an award! He is so smart! Why can't you be like him?" "RiEun, Why can't you play the piano like your brother? He is so talented!" Or "Look at your brother, he's better looking than you! Why aren't you like him?" I hate it... Everything is about him, right? And when I got awards and score A's for my exam, I get nothing... no praises, no hugs, nothing...

Aron: Must be so hard on you...

RiEun: You won't know how it felt... It was horrible to live in someone's shadows all the time.... then one day, I saw the truth...

Aron: What do you mean?

RiEun: That I was useless, I was a mistake...

Aron: No one is a mistake, we are here for a reason, there will always be someone who loves you...

RiEun: I can't tell anymore... I thought I found a guy who truly loves me, and it turns out he is my brother, who by the way is the Kingka of the school. Everything revolves around him like always...

Aron: Don't think that way, there's always gonna be someone who will truly loves you... I'm here, I'll always be here... I promise. I love you, RiEun.

RiEun: Thank You Aron oppa... *hugs Aron*

Aron: *thinking* What is this strange feeling inside of me? Am I falling for RiEun?!



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BlueJoker427 #1
Chapter 7: So good ! Y U leave me with cliffhangers D: please update soon
daphnelaughter #2
Chapter 7: OMO!! i love it so far! Keep writing plzzzzzz! I like the way you styled the cliffhanger by the way :)
Chapter 6: so...... is ren her bro??? still antisapating update soon :D
Chapter 5: huh? wow ren might be her brother? woah but theres still aron in the stands update soon
Chapter 4: Yay!! Hallelujah! ! Its aron and oc~~