
Trick or Sweet


“Yah, why are you blushing like that?” Donghae said looking at you through the side of his eye.  He swept the sweat dampened tips of his hair from his forehead before he his bottom lip into his mouth and bit down on it. He kept his eyes set on you, eye brows furrowed, blinking slowly. You just curled up in the corner of the bed covering your face with a blanket.  You just shook your head causing your damp hair to fan out in all directions then cover your face.  Donghae scooted near you and swept your hair out of the way, to kiss your forehead. He pressed his head to yours and sighed between your faces. His eyes were closed but you stared at him with huge eyes.  Why were you freaking out so bad? You felt weird and awkward and wanted to leave as soon as possible. “Um, let’s go back?” you said shyly causing Hae’s eyes to shoot open. “Wh-why? Are you okay?” Donghae reached to grab your hands but you jumped out of the bed and reached to pick up your sandals. “Um, yeah I’m fine. Anjie texted me while you were in the bathroom and she’s pissed we disappeared again and she wants us back th-“ Donghae was still staring at you, making you feel somehow sick “there so we can all go to the amusement park so, we should get back so I can shower and.” You lied, and you were pretty bad at it but he didn’t seem to notice. “You can shower here.” You just shook your head and headed towards the door. “Come on Hae” you tried to lighten your voice and heighten your expression with a half-smile even though you really felt like vomiting. “O-oh okay.” Donghae jumped out of bed and after putting his shoes on followed you out the door. You had grabbed the keys from the kitchen counter on your way outside and jumped in the car, Donghae’s car. You’d spent most of the day taking a million and one buses to get to Donghae’s house, it was a nice house but you we’re more than ready to run from it.  He finally caught up with you and got into the driver’s seat, looking in the rear view mirror he scrunched his face. “Why are you sitting back there?” You’d put on your seat belt and put your feet across the backseat. “I just want to stretch my legs out.” Another lie, you just didn’t want to sit next Hae, not at the moment. “Oh your legs hurt?” Hae asked smirking in the mirror. You just looked away. “Let’s go.” You demanded. You texted both your friends that you were coming back and that you were going to the amusement park by night fall and to get ready. That should help support your first lie and your legs hurting wasn’t a big deal. So you didn’t worry about it.

                Hae kept talking to you, the whole time but you didn’t listen to a word you just stared out the window trying to zone out his voice until he called your name and you looked up at him. “Are you listening to me?” He sounded kind of annoyed you just slowly shook your head. “Sorry” You noticed you’d already made the hour drive back to the house and jumped out the car before it was turned off or even in park. “See you later Hae!”  You scurried inside and ran up into your room, not that it was a really good hiding place because he could easily walk in but you made sure you stayed in your bathroom with the door locked. You cradled yourself on the floor of your shower while the water ran and you sobbed.

                (You don’t you know it but Hae is outside the bathroom listening with his hand on the door and one tear runs down his cheek before he leaves back to his room…..that he kind of destroys a bit from anger).

Caimin’s Point of view

                I knocked on his door even though it was partially open. I didn’t want to intrude, but I really couldn’t help wondering why I was the only one who didn’t know Sungmin wasn’t feeling well. Why didn’t he tell me? I started feeling like he didn’t tell me because he doesn’t like me. I mean out of the three, Sungmin and my “relationship” was the most awkward. Even If I’ve never seen Donghae and _____ actually interact I don’t think it’s as weird as how Sumgmin and I are. Kyuhyun and Anjie are perfect and I just felt like he was avoiding me to avoid feeling like he had to be with me because his friends were already sort of matched up with mine.

                I could hear him talking in the background like he was on the phone. He really didn’t sound sick but maybe that was insecure me being skeptical and still thinking that he just hated me and was hiding out in his room all day so he didn’t have to see me. “Don’t all girls like roses?” I heard him say, laughing a bit. He was definitely on the phone….or talking to himself. “Any girl that’s gotten a rose, from me especially, has been ecstatic so yes I’m going to- hold on” He said, covering his phone and looking toward the doorway….and I only know that because I’d become so curious that I stuck my head in a bit and looked inside. Really all he could probably see was my big eyes creeping inside. “ah Minnie-ah I see you there.” He smiled, though his expression seemed a bit burdened. His eyes became large and he was being suspicious. Okay suspicious to me. What does he mean that any girl he’s given a rose to seemed ecstatic? So he does give all the girls roses~ that figures. I kind of wanted to turn away right there I felt really stupid for falling for him. I wanted to ask who he was talking to or what it was about to make sure I wasn’t misunderstanding but I didn’t even feel like I deserved to know. I wasn’t anything to him anyway. I just slowly came inside his room when he opened the door..I was still in my creeper peaking in the door position but eventually straighten-up and tried to forge a smile to hide what I was feeling and thinking. “Do you need me for something Caiminnie?” He asked, sounding a bit softer and sweeter than I originally thought. I just shook my head. “I heard you were sick so I wanted to check on you to see if you needed something.” I have never been inside his room before I just looked around him at everything. “Oh, they told you I was sick?” He smiled again, as if it was a lie. “Aren’t you?” I inquired quickly.

“I’m feeling a bit, heavy.” He said, his choice of words were confusing. I figured he meant burdened and through his eyes It felt like he was saying that I was burdening him. Excuse me for interrupting your call about buying roses for other girls. I really was being overly jealous for something I knew nothing about. I had to keep that inside “So…we’re heading out to the amusement park tonight. The girls and I, Kyuhyun oppa and Donghae oppa. Are you coming? If you’re feeling burdened maybe  coming out and having fun with us would relieve that?” I offered, I  really didn’t want to be out with the kid couple and …whatever Donghae and _____ were and  not have Sungmin there. And if Sungmin really wasn’t burdened by me I figured he’d just come along with us he had nothing else to do and he wasn’t actually sick, more like stressed. But… “um, no I’ll stay here. I’m not really interested in coming out but you five should have fun yeah? Let me know how it goes? Bring me something back?” He just smiled and sort of closed the door slowly before I could respond or even step out of the doorway. “Do have fun Caimin.” He waved and I was just outside his room feeling….like a total idiot for even considering that I’d fallen for him.  F--- everything right now.

                After crying so much I vomited, I met my friends downstairs by Anjie’s car. ______ looked a bit disheveled. She was wearing a bit more eyeliner than usual, it wasn't bad but I noticed it immediately. She was just standing there wide-eyed and silent. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked. Her lips parted like she’d never talked a day in her life, like they were mended together with glue and she forced them open. She just shook her head. “Nothing, what’s wrong with you?” her voice was really light like she didn’t want to say anything. The thing with her is when she doesn’t talk she’s thinking and if she’s silently thinking something is wrong. I didn’t have the energy to pry since I wasn’t feeling too great at the moment either. Anjie on the other had was really excited. All she wanted to do was get to the amusement and ride rollercoaster and play games and eat sweets. It’s so typical of her to be the happy one out of us three. I knew tonight was going to be a problem if I didn’t snap out of it. Likely _____and I would be near each other, in a bad mood for our separate reasons and we’d be touchy about everything while Sungmin is home and Donghae is roaming around oddly and the kid couple have fun completely oblivious to it all. We had to get over it and soon because the second we got out of the car at the amusement park it was going to become a big problem.  

Kyuhyun came downstairs and outside where we were. Since the whole slapping thing this morning _____ and him were a bit awkward, I think he was just afraid she’d hit him suddenly again. Donghae looked a bit awkward when he came out but I thought nothing of it. I don’t know what goes on so I wasn’t concerned. Kyuhyun was going to drive again and Anjie went to sit beside him in the front passenger seat …of course. My best friend pulled on my arm as we went around to get in on the other side of the car and she whispered. “Sit next to Donghae please.” I just nodded and got in before her. Then I knew something was weird and I really wanted to know about their relationship because anytime they got together they were distant but then again they were always disappearing together.  She leaned her head on my shoulder while we listened to super junior (eh heh heeeh) on the way to the amusement park. This vacation was nothing like any of us imagined and I was really worried about her.

She was clearly way more uncomfortable with Donghae since they got back today. Her eyes were puffy, her forehead was sweaty slightly and her heart was pounding just from being in the same car. He was hot but I wanted to tear him apart if he hurt her. She just broke up with her boyfriend, he just broke up with her. It isn’t wise for her to be with someone that’s causing her any pain at all. I was calmer now that I was concerned about her and not what was happening with Sungmin and I if anything was happening at all. ….She actually fell asleep, that never happens…ever. Something really was wrong but I wasn’t going to ask until I thought it was appropriate.

Your point of view

                You opened your eyes and the door next to me was open and Hae held his hand out for you. Oh yeah, Hae… You smiled for a millisecond then pointed to the other door. “I’ll just go out this way.”  You began scooting finally got out. You already heard Anjie and Kyuhyun “arguing” as you all walked into the park after getting your tickets and wrist bands. “Do you want me to win you something in one of these games or not?” Kyuhyun asked with an incredulous expression aimed at stubborn Anjie. Anjie rolled her eyes “Oh please I could win my own toy, do you want me to win you something too?” They were such a competitive couple it was incredible. But they really we’re too perfect for words. Donghae had more or less got the picture that you didn’t want to be near him but he kept glancing at you here and there. You’d still gone ahead and worn his grey hoodie that he gave you at the mini golf course. It was still cold out after all and you didn’t have anything warm in your suitcase that you brought for the trip so you just wore it. He smiled at you and you pretended not to see it. The rest of the walk toward any rides or games was just him glaring his shimmery eyes at you. You brushed it all off and walked next to Caimin with your arm wrapped tightly around hers. You weren’t actually wondering why Sungmin wasn’t with us, he was sick after all so it worked out that you’d have someone keep you company and distract you from Hae.  “Ooh ooh let’s get on that one!” Anjie said pointing at a rather laaaarge rollercoaster. Your face was somewhat like LOL *poker face* “You know I’m not getting on that.” You said frankly, not even close to being amused. Caimin untwined your arms, since she was getting on the ride. “Donghae oppa are you coming?” Caimin asked. He looked over at you then waved them to go on without him. Crap…

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one more chapter....hope its good when I do write it :) thanks so much for reading! Saranghae


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Chapter 17: -sniffle- Q_____________Q
Chapter 13: Lol I finally caught up and goodness I love every second of this story ^0^
Chapter 7: O.O oh god
Chapter 6: Just hold me I can't. I really just can't.
Chapter 5: Please excuse me while I die.