"Killer" shopping (Kyu and Minnie)

Trick or Sweet


It had gotten awkward again when Anjie, Caimin, Sungmin and Kyuhyun got on the shuttle bus to the nearest mall. Anjie was grumbling to herself about her car being gone. It was actually a really long ride and Sungmin had fallen asleep on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. Meanwhile Anjie and Caimin listened to music and tried not to stare at the cute sight. A guy got on, well built, strong jaw line, Slick black hair and a million dollar smile.  He was wearing a suit even though the weather didn’t allow such weather. It had just stopped raining and it was humid outside. If he weren’t so handsome it would have been hard to even look at him wearing all those layers of clothes. He took a seat by Anjie and smiled. Anije smiled back, next to Kyu he was kind of her type too. “Hai.” He said, smiling goofily. Anjie sort of gave him a weird look but greeted the man back. Kyuhyun was glaring from the opposite side of the bus. Now that they had all sobered up they weren’t all acting like a huge anymore. But Kyuhyun still felt he had some type of thing of Anjie so he kept an eye on the guy as they talked. Caimin just kept her eyes on peacefully sleeping Sungmin.

The stop for the mall came up, Sungmin woke up, Caimin put her ipod away and Anjie said goodbye to the her oppa Siwon that she’d just met. As soon as they all stepped off the bus Kyuhyun secured Anjie to him with his arm around her waist. She was always so confused by Kyuhyun’s actions, she couldn’t help that she was so pretty and so other attractive men wanted to talk to her. It wasn’t like she and Kyu were dating so she could really talk to whoever she wanted…right?

Caimin’s point of view

We had to break it to them eventually. “We have to get bras and , that’s really why we wanted to come out here. You can wait out here okay?” I said standing outside of Victoria’s secret, it was the biggest one in the whole district. We’d looked it up and we were prepared to get our money’s worth with our discount cards and we’d have a lot to choose from we were actually excited. Anjie just sipped on her strawberry lemonade quietly. I felt a little bad since I knew we would be in there for a while, that last time we went to a regular sized Victoria’s secret we killed an hour in the store in no time and all we came out with was Anjie’s new bra. Imagine how long it’d take if it the biggest Victoria’s secret we’ve ever been to. “um..well okay. But what will we do until then?” Kyuhyun studdered turning red.

“I want to help, I’m mature enough to go inside.” Sungmin pouted, after just saying how mature he was. He was seriously too cute for his own good. But since he insisted and Kyuhyun took too long stuttering to even talk his way out of going inside so we all just went in.  “Caimiiiin I want to see if they have the one set I wanted from the Dream Angel’s collection.” Anjie whined pointing across the room at a huge sign of a blonde in an all-white lacey underwear set and angel wings. And it began~

“It’s this one HA! I found it!” She yelled holding up the light blue underwear set both having delicate snippets of lace over it, the ’ lace forming a skirt like look. She held it up to her body “Seeee It’s so cute!” She said showing me, I nodded and while spinning in happy circles turned toward Kyuhyun whose eye nearly popped out of his head at the sight. “You know you have to try that one on Anjie.”

I told her sternly. “Ah Caimin but I want to buy it noooow.” After hearing the conversation Kyuhyun was sitting on the floor in front of the bench Sungmin was sitting on, fanning himself.

Kyu really isn’t mature enough to be in here.  An employee walked by them and told them to get involved in their “girlfriend’s” shopping because they had to know how what they were working with before they tried to “get them off.” I wasn’t even Kyuhyun or Sungmin and I was red in the face hearing that. Poor Kyu really looked like he wanted to pass out only after a few minutes in the store. It was really adorable how much he liked Anjie, even when she held up different bras to him, just for opinion he didn’t look and just nodded. I really wanted him to ask her out.

                Sungmin was a bit …different while I was browsing. He was involved…really involved. “How about this?” He asked holding up a red push up bra with black lace innocently. “What size are you?” He asked shuffling through drawers of different sizes with the same design. A lot of women were eyeing him wearily and I decided to pull him away from the tables of bras. Only I’d just realized how toned his arms were when I did that. He was holding a different bra in his hand then. “I think if you wore this one with like a nice v-neck shirt your s would look really nice but like not over the top.” He really was trying to help I didn’t even feel like punching him in the face for mentioning how my …s look. I did slap the bra out of his hand though making it fall back on the table. “Sungmin can you go over there and make sure Kyuhyun oppa is ..alive?” I said, looking around him and staring at Kyuhyun still on the floor while Anjie continued holding up underwear. “I think he needs you more than I do right now.”

                We got our final “try on” picks and headed to the fitting rooms. Mine was directly next to Anjie’s. Everything was going to plan until…the bra of doom came up. “Caimin I need help, I can’t tell if this one fits because it has so many hooks. It hurts my arms to latch them all.”

“I can’t help you I’m trying to put on my own. You should’ve picked a simpler bra.” I ranted from my room. “But I like this one hmph.” I could hear it in her voice. She was pouting…again. “Don’t pout woman! Just ask the lady to help you.”

“Noo she looked like a total .” She said a little lower. “Then have Kyu help or something I don’t know.” She got quiet for a while and I knew she wouldn’t complain anymore after I suggested that.

I went back to focusing on the fit of my bra, the wire was a too uncomfortable and there was too much padding it was more padding than in that bra. That one was out. “Kyuuu can you help me?”

Is she serious? She cracked the door slightly and I guessed he actually helped with the hooks. Brave girl.

“Anna don’t forget to make sure it actually fits, like bounce a little.” I heard something hit the floor and I hoped it wasn’t Kyu. I was praying she waited until she closed the door to do the bouncing. “It fits, I’m so happy.”

“You aren’t the only one. “ I heard Sungmin mumble before he said ow. Oh God these boys were too much fun, I was really happy about this vacation but we were still hardly spending any time with _____ and I started to feel bad. We bought the underwear and left the store. Kyuhyun’s color finally returned after we left. I mean he’s pale but not a ghost. “Were you even breathing in there?” Sungmin teased then giggled cutely. “I miss _____” Anije stated. I did miss her too …but then I rememebered. “But she did ditch us this morning…and she stole YOUR car.” There was a small silence. “Oh yeeeah, that !”

“I wonder if Donghae was with her. He wasn’t in his room earlier.” Sungmin said.

“He could’ve been with Wonyi, you never know.  But he likes to walk around the house sometimes so maybe that’s where he was.”  Kyuhyun responded but then took it back “Nevermind he hates being alone but he would never be around Wonyi, that’s his least favorite ex-girlfriend and I do remember him talking to your friend at the party so maybe they hooked up last night they both did disappear around the same time.”

I looked at Anjie and she looked at me.. “No way, she was drunk off her . She wouldn’t be with any guy, she just broke up with her boyfriend recently.”

Sungmin just shrugged. “What next?” He asked, grabbing my empty hand and swinging it. “Anna wants a new bathing suit, I still refuse to go swimming so..”  We kept walking while Kyuhyun stood behind “Bathing suits?” his voice cracked.

Anjie really was trying to kill the poor boy today.  Luckily he fell asleep in the in store. Then again on the bus, who knew underwear and swim suits could make a guy so tired.

Okay…actually from the things Anjie was picking out and with her body..plus how much he obviously liked her..he was probably dead…

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one more chapter....hope its good when I do write it :) thanks so much for reading! Saranghae


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Chapter 17: -sniffle- Q_____________Q
Chapter 13: Lol I finally caught up and goodness I love every second of this story ^0^
Chapter 7: O.O oh god
Chapter 6: Just hold me I can't. I really just can't.
Chapter 5: Please excuse me while I die.