An Afternoon With Dangkoma and Girls' Talk on a Park Bench


"You're really cute aren't you?" Kyuhyun said in a happy voice to Dangkoma.
Yesung was standing by the doorway, unnoticed by the maknae, who was totally engrossed in the observation of his tortoise.
"Almost as cute as your master." She said with a little giggle. "He's been so nice to me, to the extent of letting me play with his beloved turtle."

She poked the unresponsive reptile. "Everyone has been so nice to me recently. Honestly I don't deserve it, I'm rude, snarky and I like to play pranks a little bit too much. But I'm happy, you know, I'm happy that they finally accepted me. At first I was scared, everyone seemed to hate me, and I didn't deserve it at all. I was just a 18 year old brat who wished to be a singer and had landed in a group that had been together for a while. It was really hard and I cried a lot. But after the accident I guess they finally got used to me. I'm glad I didn't give up like I almost did."

She gave lettuce to the tortoise. "But knowing this really doesn't help me with this situation. I still can't figure out who's my 'true love'. I'm having so much trouble with my emotions, wanting to burst into tears every two second, how am I even supposed to find that out. One minute I want to eat chocolate, the next one I feel like curling up in a corner and sleep, then I want to rip someone's head off. Do girls really feel like that all the time?"

She poked the tortoise playfully. "I feel like I should be doing something. Everyone is so busy, and I'm staying home. Normally I'd be bothering someone, or playing Starcraft, but I don't know, it doesn't appeal to me today."
She petted Dangkoma's shell. "Maybe I'll ask Yesung oppa to watch a movie or something. Omo! I just called him 'oppa'. Good thing no one heard me. Aigo, I'm really turning into a girl, this is bad."
She stood up and saw Yesung standing by the door. She gave him the 'deer in the headlights' look and blushed. "I-ah-you-heard-ah..."
"I'm sorry if I hurt you. I know an apology won't make up for the sufferance you've been through, but I'd like you to know that I regret everything I did that hurt you."
Kyuhyun shook her head and smiled at the older man. "It's fine, I'm just fretting the small stuff, it doesn't matter anymore."
Yesung nodded, but still had a sad air.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" She said, trying to cheer up her sad hyung.

As they sat down on the couch, with Yesung beside her, holding her hand, Kyuhyun felt her stomach do a little flip.

Kyuhyun had finally managed to convince Heechul that she would be perfectly fine going to the grocery store and buying the ingredients needed for supper, since everyone else was busy. After spending nearly an hour arguing with the diva, Kyuhyun managed to get permission. She slipped out of the house in skinny jeans, a light pink hoodie and sunglasses, imposed by Heechul. After 15 minutes of warnings and safety tips, Kyuhyun was out on the streets, happily walking on the sidewalk. She stopped in the park, where she got ice cream and sat on the park bench.
"I wonder why I'm so happy today." She mused to herself. She glanced around and saw birds happily chirping, couples holding hands and looking lovingly at each other, kids playing, dogs and owners walking peacefully. She smiled and took another bite of her ice cream.
"Excuse me, unnie, is this seat taken?"
She looked at the two young girls standing in front of her.
"Of course not!" She said, patting the bench beside her.
The two girls took a seat and began sharing their ice creams while Kyuhyun went back to observing her surroundings.
"Unnie seems very happy." The oldest chirped, while the other nodded.
Kyuhyun let out a small chuckle. "Unnie is very happy." She replied.
"Is unnie in love?"
"Unnie doesn't know what is love."
The two little girls giggled. "Unnie is silly! Everyone knows that!"
Kyuhyun gave them a fake pout. "Could you explain to me what it is then? Unnie isn't very smart."
"Love is a feeling you have when you like someone!" The younger one squeaked happily.
"It's when your heart feels weird, and you have butterflies in your stomach, and you can't help but feel happy and smile when you see that person."
Kyuhyun smiled and patted their heads. "You are both very smart! Who told you that?"
"Eunmi unnie. Our big sister. She's very smart and very nice. Like you, unnie."
"Aww you guys are so nice and cute. Here, unnie will be back in five minutes, stay there."
She came back with two ice cream cones in her hands, and smiled gently at the two young girls who began squealing in delight at the apparition of ice cream.
"Thank you unnie!" They both chanted.
"You welcome. You have been so helpful to me, I decided to treat you!"
The three of them sat back on the bench eating their ice cream.
"Kyuhyun-ah!" A faint, but familiar voice called.
"Unnie, I think that man is calling you."
A soft smile spread across her features at the sight of Yesung.
"Is that who unnie loves?"
"It looks like unnie loves him. Is it true unnie?"
Kyuhyun nodded uncertainly. "I think unnie is in love."
Yesung reached the bench and smiled at Kyuhyun. "What are you doing here, silly goose?"
"We were having a girls talk." She replied, in mock disdain. "Didn't you have a schedule? What are you doing here?"
"My schedule ended early and Heechul hyung sent me after you, but I figured you go distracted and went to the park instead. You're too predictable, Kyuhyun-ah." He said, patting the maknae on the head gently.
"Sorry ladies, I have to go. Thanks for the advice!" She said, standing up and smiling at the two girls.
"Good luck unnie!" They chirped and waved them goodbye.

Hello~ happy Friday~

... only one chapter left~ (two, if the teeny-tiny epilogue counts)

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394 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wow, so much for being drunk hahaha...
Chapter 7: Ending is super cute! Omg. Hypothetically of course...waaaaaaaah
Yesssss it was Kyu who made the move! *confettieseverywhere*
Chapter 4: I love how Fany is a fairy! Ok a witch lol... She's my snsd bias. And Ye is my suju bias. Heenim my second and Kyu my third, but kyusung my forever otp. So I feel sooo, hmm, blessed? With this fic. Haha
Hmmmm is this kyusung or yekyu? Because I lean more towards the former. Always top!Kyu for me lol.... But anyway, Imma still read because... It's the 2 of them... So... Ok, here I go hehe
akxshi #6
Chapter 4: Nice fanfic gahd amazing! ;A my kyusung feels~
zuzuaikha #7
Chapter 7: i love this soo much ..
Chapter 7: My God! My God! I'm really so happy to read this! KYAAAAAAA ANOTHER AMAZING KYUSUNG FIC! :D
I'm extremly Happy! :D aww bur you did scare me when I first read about my evil snaky dominate Kyunie beginning... a girl?!! O.o I was like: 'WHAT THE HELL?! WHY IS HE A GIRL! HOW COME! >.< WHO WILL PROTECT MY BABY YEYE?! GOD, DON'T TELL ME HE WILL REMIND LIKE THIS... :'('
Well, hihi :p thank you really so much for the beautiful story and the great ending! I loved Kyunie here especially in the end! He is so Cool! *o*
And my Chulie! HAHA LMAO at his character! >.< he is really unique, the best :p
I really hope to read more of your KyuSung's stories! It's very good! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 5: KYUSUNG! frbworifnreoiufrofr!!!! MY FEELS! I CAN NOT CONTAIN -explodes-
I love this so far D: Please update soon and I wish this story was longer OTL
Chapter 5: Kyusung!!!!! ^^ Thanks for the update! ;)