Adapting to a Change, a Special Visit and Eunmi's Very Short Interlude


"Wow, Heechul looks really good." Hankyung said, hugging his roommate, who was wearing shorts and a pink hoodie.
"Aww, thanks Hannie."
"Does that mean you're able to cook for yourself now, since you're a female?"
Heechul jabbed him in the ribs.
"Arasso, arasso, I got it. Fried rice?" He said, giggling and standing up.
"Yes! Pwetty pwetty pwease~!" Heechul said, looking at the Chinese man with big eyes. Hankyung laughed and nodded.
"Aw, thanks! That's why I love you~!" Heechul said before reaching and kissing Hankyung's cheek.
The two of them sat down and ate their supper.
"Why is you not as awkward as Leeteuk hyung or Kyuhyun-ah?"
Heechul laughed. "Because I honestly don't feel any different. And by the way, Hannie, it's 'are'. Why are you, not is." Heechul said, patting Hankyung's cheek. "Why aren't you awkward with me? It's chaotic at the other dorm with Kyuhyun and Leeteuk, why are you not reacting?"
Hankyung laughed and finished his plate. "Because you don't feel different and you look just like Heechul from the U era. You've probably always been a female and just haven't told me about it...kekeke!"
"Yah!" Heechul said, but Hankyung heard the playful undertones and pinched her cheek.
"Will you call me oppa?" He said playfully, which caused Heechul to stare at him longly.
"Does oppa want to watch a movie~?"
Hankyung giggled shyly, and put the dishes away. "That sounds like a good idea. But never do that again, it was terrifying, noona."
They sat down in Heechul's side by side on the bed, as if nothing had changed between the two.

The situation was much different in the other rooms.
"Kangin you're drooling." Leeteuk said, as the younger male stared.
Kangin wiped the small trail of saliva on his chin. "I was not!" He defended himself. To Kangin's surprise the leader got angry. "Are you saying I'm not drool worthy?!"
"No, you look very good hyung!" He said, trying to escape the wrath of his leader,
"Oh so you're just helping me because of my looks?! You're a horrible person! That's not how I raised you, I am ashamed!"
"Wait- Leeteuk hyung! Aish! Why are you so freaking moody?!"
"Unless you've noticed, I've been turned into a female overnight, and you just keep staring at me like I'm some piece of meat!" The leader screamed in a high pitched voice that wasn't her typical male voice.
"Well excuse me if I'm not used to see that much skin from you. Give me at least a bit of time to adjust!" The raccoon yelled back.

In the living room, Donghae, Siwon, Yesung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Shindong and Ryeowook were trying the best they could to comfort their maknae. It was a perilous mission. Every time one of them would move within one meter of the maknae, she would let a small whimper.
"Look Kyun-ah, we're not trying to hurt you, we just want to make you feel better." Donghae tried.
"We're the same people, we won't do anything. Even if you're temporarily a girl, you're still our evil maknae." Yesung said.
They saw fear in the maknae's eyes, before they filled up with tears. Her lower lip trembled and soon the tears overflowed.
Yesung walked towards the crying maknae and pulled her into his arms, to everyone's surprise. Yesung certainly wasn't the most comfortable around females, but it almost seemed he didn't mind. After all, Female-Kyuhyun was still Kyuhyun.
"W-what if I stay like this?" She whimpered.
Yesung Kyuhyun's long silky hair. "Don't worry, we'll find something. After all, we need our evil maknae, don't we?" He said, smiling at the younger one who nodded weakly. Yesung released the maknae from his embrace, and she hid behind him, looking at the other members with big worried eyes.
"Kyuhyun-ah, what are you worried about? You know us, we're the very people you enjoy bullying every day." Shindong said, "do you want me to call Nari over so you can feel better?"
"I don't want to bother her." She replied softly.
"I'm sure she'll be happy to join us." Shindong insisted.
Kyuhyun shook her head softly. "I'll be fine hyung." She replied with a smile ghosting over her lips.
"Shouldn't you call us 'oppa' instead?" Eunhyuk suggested, but instantly regretted it as the now female maknae blushed and hid behind Yesung who began to glare at him.

The doorbell rang at exactly 6:17 causing the entire dorm to go silent. Shindong went to open the door, hoping not to frighten the poor girls with the abnormal eerie silence.

"I heard there was a problem..." She said, obviously caught off guard by the silence. Having been to her brother-in-arms' dorm several times before, she knew that it was never quiet. Not even at night. "What's going on? Did someone die?"
Shindong laughed awkwardly. "Not quite, but close... Why don't you come and see for yourself?"

The three of them had gathered in the living room. Upon arrival, Tiffany's eyes widened noticeably. "Oppa?"
"Yeah, as crazy as it may seem, they woke up like this, as girls, this morning. We really have no idea what happened. Jessica told us you could help us." Siwon explained.
"Oh, I see. Did anything strange happen last night? Did you meet anyone weird, drink anything out of the ordinary?" She questioned, taking a closer look at the three strange occurrences.
"We were pretty much all drunk last night, so I don't think we would've noticed if we met or drank anything strange." Heechul replied.
"Oh. Well that's helpful. From what I can deduce, the effects of the spell should be gone in a week or so. I can't really help you." She said, laughing at the incredulous looks the members were giving her. She heard a couple of them mumble something along the line of a week being too much time, and there was a general murmur of disapproval. "Or..." A few gasps were heard. "Or true love's kiss will turn them back into normal. Unless you find the caster of this spell, you cannot counter or cancel the effects."
"Spell? What? But most importantly 'true love's kiss'? Are you crazy?" Kangin muttered rather loudly.
"You're the one telling me that three of your male band members have turned into females overnight and you call me crazy?!" She replied, not bothering to hide her laugher.
"Kissing?" Kyuhyun whimpered slightly.
"What?! A week?!" Leeteuk snapped angrily.
Heechul stared at her nails and smiled at Tiffany.
"The awkward moment when Heechul oppa is behaving the most normally..." She muttered. "Well, that's about all I can do for you. See you later, oppas."

"What?! Oppas are sick?! Man, I waited all week to see this show with my lovely oppas." Her four sisters whined, sitting in front of the TV.
A ghost smirk ghosted over Eunmi's features. "Serves them right" she mused, "for once in their lives they'll feel what I feel every Friday night, when they all sit in front of the TV and watch those stupid Terrific Infants. Go me!" She heard her sister's cellphone go off, playing the newest song of Glorious Middle-agers.
"Hello Tiffany unnie, how are you? What... What?! Oppas got turned into women?! But unnie, that is something only advanced witches can do! Even we can't do it. And we would never even try to harm oppas! Yes...yes I understand. Bye unnie!"
Eunmi frowned. Why had her sisters said the Divine Children had turned into women? She had clearly made them uglier, not into females...right?


Her sisters were going to kill her...


Happy Halloween!

(and I'm not even trick or treating, now I really feel old).

The next few chapters are going to be really short, sorry... or I may make just one massive chapter instead of 4 short ones, I haven't decided yet.

(I feel my titles are too long....maybe it's just a feeling....)

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394 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wow, so much for being drunk hahaha...
Chapter 7: Ending is super cute! Omg. Hypothetically of course...waaaaaaaah
Yesssss it was Kyu who made the move! *confettieseverywhere*
Chapter 4: I love how Fany is a fairy! Ok a witch lol... She's my snsd bias. And Ye is my suju bias. Heenim my second and Kyu my third, but kyusung my forever otp. So I feel sooo, hmm, blessed? With this fic. Haha
Hmmmm is this kyusung or yekyu? Because I lean more towards the former. Always top!Kyu for me lol.... But anyway, Imma still read because... It's the 2 of them... So... Ok, here I go hehe
akxshi #6
Chapter 4: Nice fanfic gahd amazing! ;A my kyusung feels~
zuzuaikha #7
Chapter 7: i love this soo much ..
Chapter 7: My God! My God! I'm really so happy to read this! KYAAAAAAA ANOTHER AMAZING KYUSUNG FIC! :D
I'm extremly Happy! :D aww bur you did scare me when I first read about my evil snaky dominate Kyunie beginning... a girl?!! O.o I was like: 'WHAT THE HELL?! WHY IS HE A GIRL! HOW COME! >.< WHO WILL PROTECT MY BABY YEYE?! GOD, DON'T TELL ME HE WILL REMIND LIKE THIS... :'('
Well, hihi :p thank you really so much for the beautiful story and the great ending! I loved Kyunie here especially in the end! He is so Cool! *o*
And my Chulie! HAHA LMAO at his character! >.< he is really unique, the best :p
I really hope to read more of your KyuSung's stories! It's very good! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 5: KYUSUNG! frbworifnreoiufrofr!!!! MY FEELS! I CAN NOT CONTAIN -explodes-
I love this so far D: Please update soon and I wish this story was longer OTL
Chapter 5: Kyusung!!!!! ^^ Thanks for the update! ;)