Friday Night...Hooray!...?


"Chug! Chug! Chug!"
"Aigo, just one more!"
"What?! No more soju?!"
"Why is the room spinning?"
"I love you hyung."
"Yah! Get off me!"
"Can you speak Chinese?"

It was Friday night at the Super Junior dorms. The members had gathered and decided to drink. A glass lead to more drinking which lead to complete chaos, involving Yesung octopus dancing, drunk texting each other, singing with all the wrong notes, speech in half Chinese half Korean, a passed out Eunhyuk, Donghae wanting to jump in his fish tank to join his brothers, bible reading and many out the ordinary activities. This was a typical Friday night at the Super Junior dorms.

By the end of the night, Donghae ended up with marker all over his face because Heechul had managed to convince Sungmin he was jiggylpuff, and it was his duty to draw all over Donghae face for falling asleep while he sang a tone-deaf version of Gee ("Gee-gee-jiiiigllllypuuuuf~ baby baby, Gee-gee-gee~"). Siwon had gathered all the pets of the dorms, including Yesung's turtles, who were mysteriously covered in glitter, for a bible reading session. Heechul then declared Siwon that his title as Simba should changed to Snow White ("Everything is perfect! He talks to animals, he makes us look like dwarves, I swear he's Snow White in disguise!"). Hankyung was immersed in a deep conversation with a roll of Duck Tape, while sitting on Shindong's stomach. Heechul was prancing around the dorm almost dragging his cat like a rag doll. There was pudding on the ceiling, and no one knew exactly how it got there. Yesung was hiding behind the couch and jumping on anyone who dare to sit to touch their philtrum, after his hour long session of octopus dancing on the kitchen table. Ryeowook had managed to get to the kitchen and create the most bizarre cake, emptying the fridge in the process. No one dared to take a bite, to the eternal maknae's dismay ("Come one guys! It's cake!" "The cake is a lie." "What?"). Leeteuk had gone mad and began gathering everything white and storing it in his bedroom, including Eunhyuk's underwear. Kangin was showing his aegyo to Eunhyuk, while sitting on him. The poor anchovy seemed terrified and showed an awkward gummy smile when his hyung uttered "aing" while clawing at him. Shindong was sleeping after having dared to take a bite of the eternal maknae's dangerous looking cake ("See, it's not that bad!". Finally Kyuhyun was sitting amongst all of them making a card castle and making use of rather colourful language whenever someone made it fall. He dare to call Siwon a "alien-bible-loving-freak" and Leeteuk an ahjussi ("Did you call me what I think you called me?" "Ah, the age is affecting your hearing..."). This was a typical Friday night at the Super Junior dorms.

Towards midnight, Kibum stepped inside the dorms after a night of late filming for his new drama. He began picking up the corpses of his fellow bandmates, sighing loudly each time. After being d by Siwon, having located all of Yesung's turtles and briefly pondering why and how they were covered in glitters, endured Leeteuk's ranting on how his body ached and he was too old, picked up all of Heechul's clothes that were mysteriously stored in the kitchen cupboards, doing the dishes after having removed Ryeowook from the kitchen sinc, picked up the maknae and his card castle and listened to his disrespectful vocabulary, attempted to drag the snoring Shindong and Kangin to their respective rooms, removed the marker from Sungmin's hands (he had already done enough damaged on the poor fish's face and the walls) and sent him off to bed, dragged the sleeping Yesung from behind the couch to his room, attempting to remove the Duck Tape roll from Hankyung's hands and nearly getting killed, Kibum decided to simply drive back to his appartment and leaving his bandmates to clean the mess the next day. This was typical Friday Night at the Super Junior dorms.

"You're nothing but a failure!"
"Why are you showing your face here? Only prodigies like us deserve to be here."
"Go away, even your presence gives me a headache and makes me less awesome."
"Aish, are you even related to us? Is your only purpose bringing shame to our family?"

It was Friday night at the house of the young witch Park Eunmi. She had come home from the Young Witch Academy of Seoul, with yet another B. Her four older sisters were all prodigies and she was unable to equate to them. Like every Friday night, she went to her room, while her sisters would fond over a human idol group called something along the lines Awesome Seniors or Wonderful Freshmen. This was a typical Friday night for Park Eunmi. But tonight, she decided that she had enough. She would show them she was good. While they were ogling the computer screen, she slipped out of the house without making a sound with her magic wand and broomstick and flew towards the dorms of the Cool Midleschoolers.

Landing on the balcony, she noticed a lot of noise was emanating from the living room of the Fabulous Novice. Then she saw them, all laying on the floor surrounded by empty bottles.
"This is what they fawn over?" She muttered to herself.

A man walked in the living room and began picking up corpses and bringing them to their respective room. Eunmi hid on the balcony, being as silent as she could. Finally the tall man turned off the lights and go to his room.

When everything was quiet, Eunmi slid the door open and entered the living only to trip over the bottles and wrappers on the floor.
"Yah! Heebum, don't make such ruckus in the living room!" A voice slurred, coming from one of the room. Eunmi glanced around and saw a cat staring at her, who mewed and trotted away. She let out a small sigh of relief and continued her dangerous journey. Halfway in the hallway, she heard a door creak open. She pressed herself against the wall and prayed he, whichever member of Fabulous Preschoolers, wouldn't notice her.

The man passed her, went to the kitchen and quickly came back to his room, without noticing the intruder.
Eunmi let out a sigh of relief and went into the first room. "Lucky!" She whispered, seeing her eldest sister's favorite member. "I'll show her that I'm good. This ought to do, I'll make his face full of pimples. Abracadabra!"

She left the room chuckling quietly to herself. She went to the next room.
"Double lucky! This is unnie's bias. I'll make his nose bigger! Abracadabra!"

She left and went to the next room, but was unable to find her target. "Where are they?" She mumbled. After two rooms she found who she was looking for. "How many people are in the Marvelous Highschoolers? Anyway, you'll have..bad hair. Abracadabra!"
She visited all the rooms, but couldn't find the last member of Fantastic Undergrads, so she decided to leave before she got caught. She slipped in her house quietly and went to bed without anybody noticing.

"Mischief accomplished!"

Yay! First chapter is done! Let me know what you think of the story and ways I can improve... I'm still having difficulties dividing this into chapters, so I have no idea how long this will actually be. I also apologize for any grammatical errors, English isn't my first language.

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394 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wow, so much for being drunk hahaha...
Chapter 7: Ending is super cute! Omg. Hypothetically of course...waaaaaaaah
Yesssss it was Kyu who made the move! *confettieseverywhere*
Chapter 4: I love how Fany is a fairy! Ok a witch lol... She's my snsd bias. And Ye is my suju bias. Heenim my second and Kyu my third, but kyusung my forever otp. So I feel sooo, hmm, blessed? With this fic. Haha
Hmmmm is this kyusung or yekyu? Because I lean more towards the former. Always top!Kyu for me lol.... But anyway, Imma still read because... It's the 2 of them... So... Ok, here I go hehe
akxshi #6
Chapter 4: Nice fanfic gahd amazing! ;A my kyusung feels~
zuzuaikha #7
Chapter 7: i love this soo much ..
Chapter 7: My God! My God! I'm really so happy to read this! KYAAAAAAA ANOTHER AMAZING KYUSUNG FIC! :D
I'm extremly Happy! :D aww bur you did scare me when I first read about my evil snaky dominate Kyunie beginning... a girl?!! O.o I was like: 'WHAT THE HELL?! WHY IS HE A GIRL! HOW COME! >.< WHO WILL PROTECT MY BABY YEYE?! GOD, DON'T TELL ME HE WILL REMIND LIKE THIS... :'('
Well, hihi :p thank you really so much for the beautiful story and the great ending! I loved Kyunie here especially in the end! He is so Cool! *o*
And my Chulie! HAHA LMAO at his character! >.< he is really unique, the best :p
I really hope to read more of your KyuSung's stories! It's very good! Keep it up! :)
Chapter 5: KYUSUNG! frbworifnreoiufrofr!!!! MY FEELS! I CAN NOT CONTAIN -explodes-
I love this so far D: Please update soon and I wish this story was longer OTL
Chapter 5: Kyusung!!!!! ^^ Thanks for the update! ;)