~The fifth memory where Hangeng finds Skye’s report.~


Hangeng, Im going out to the park again. CAUSE IM BORED WITH YOU! Skye shouted at her brother who was just reading a book he brought with him.

Its only been a few or odd hours since we came here and you are bored already. We still have 2 and half weeks to go, you know Skye. Hangeng said, not looking away from his book.

Well, you are a boring company! So Im going now bye- The bell rang, cutting Skyes voice off. Urr~ Who could that be now?! After they came home from shopping, people around the neighbourhood where telling them how happy they are to be back for a holiday. Skye trudged off to open the door. Hangeng stayed put but he covered his ears as Skye screamed.

JINO!!!! Oh no Not that kid! Hangeng thought. He walked over to see Skye looking like shes strangling a boy her age. When Skye finally let go, Hangeng can see how Jino looked like now. Jino used to be that little baby faced kid with braces and a know it all. On some subjects. But now, hes changed. Well, apart from his face, its still baby faced, no spots of blemishes, no braces. He still looked like a baby to Hangeng. Jino grinned and waved at Hangeng, his pink lips parting to show pearly white teeth.

Hello Hangeng! he greeted Geng. Skye rolled her eyes at Hangeng and looked at Jino.

Thats Hangeng why are you greeting him? Skye scoffed and pulled him in the house. Hangeng never liked him as he suggested Skye back then to cut up her bad school report.

Hey mum, I have my school report! Do you want to see??? Hangeng sang to his mum, holding out his yellow school report.

Oh! his mum said, That would mean Skye would have one…” Just as she said that, she said that, Skye came in the room, looking like she was about to throw a fit.

oh, Skye have you got your school report today? their mum asked her. Skye looked from her mum to Hangeng and onto the floor.

Skye? Hangeng smirked.

The teacher said theyll give it to us tomorrow. Skye stuttered. Hangeng narrowed his eyes at his little sister. Shes lying and he knew it. With that, Skye ran upstairs to her room, cursing in Chinese to herself. Hangeng followed her to her room quickly and leaned by her doorway.

Err Why are you stalking me? Skye asked her brother when she looked up from her homework book.

Tell me, wheres your report? Hangeng pressed. Skye swallowed hard and pretended to be busy.

I told you, our teachers will give them out tomorrow. she lied to him. Hangeng sighed and pulled her small bag from her clutches.

Everyone knows that every single school year gets their report today Skye. Hangengs eyes widened as he tipped Skyes bag. Small pieces of yellow paper fluttered down by his feet. Whats this?

Confetti…” Skye lied again. Hangeng, being smart with puzzles fixed the yellow pieces of paper, putting them together to their right places to reveal a big fat red F on the front. Skye acted quickly, kicking the pieces of paper under her bed.

You got an F?! Hangeng screeched.

Dont tell mummy! Skye pleaded.

She will find out sooner or later! And this is so not you Skye! Even if you have a bad report you would still give it to mum! Hangeng told her off, You wouldnt hide this! Why change now?!

If I did give this to her, she will take my CD player away, my phone, my pig soft toy! Skye cried. This is my third report with that same F on the front this year!

Oh Skye Gaish!!! Hangeng threw his arms around, You couldve gone to me for help! I would have gotten you out of that taking your stuff away business of mums!

Sorry…” Skye mumbled, I should have gone to you instead of Jino…”


Shhh Keep it down will you! Skye hissed in a low tone. Yes, I went to Jino for help and he told me to tear it up Sorry. Hangeng sighed and sat down on the edge of her bed.

You are so going to be toasted!! Hangeng glared at Skye, And Im going to Jinos house to tell them about that stupid suggestion he made to you! Skye suddenly shot up and went on her knees and began begging.

Please, dont! Jino would hate me forever and I wont have any other friends! And mum would surely take all my stuff away! Please Gege!!

Dont call me that! Youre only- Hangeng stopped and then smiled in an evil way, I wont go up to Jinos parents and tell mum if you do as I say. Skyes eyes widened but she bobbed her head back and forth, agreeing to his proposition.

Good we have ourselves a deal…” Hangeng shook her hand.

Please nothing evil…” Skye whimpered.

I cant make any promises little sister. Hangeng chuckled.

Hangeng remembered him telling Skye to make his bed in the mornings, make him snacks, give him her pocket money so he can spend it on some sweets and do his house chores. He remembers it lasting a whole good week until their mum found the report under the bed of Skyes when she was cleaning. Their mum told Skye off so much and Hangeng felt really sorry for his sister so he asked his mum to think things over. He even suggested that he will tutor Skye if that helps.

So, Jino…” Hangeng started.

So Hangeng, dont you have a book to read? GET TO IT! Skye hissed. Hangeng was about to give her a good comeback when their mum came down the stairs and eyed them carefully. Hangeng gave up and left Jino and Skye to catch up.

How are you, Jino? Skye asked, Ive missed you so much!!

Im good a bit lonely without you but hey! Youre here for the next 2 weeks!! Jino clapped happily, We can hang out again! Skye nodded in agreement and hugged him again. In Jinos mind, he did miss her so much. And the truth is, is that he is in-

Oh, Jino did I tell you I have a boyfriend? Skye asked, breaking his thoughts away. Jinos smile twitched but he kept it on show for Skye.

Really? Who?! he asked.

Leeteuk, he is like only 2 years older than me and he is Hangengs friend. Skye told him, How about you, have you got a girlfriend?! Skye began bouncing up and down on the spot.

Well, Ive been liking this person for a while now but Im now keeping my distance…” Jino gulped, As she might not really be that interested you know…”

Oh Jino!! Skye crooned, You do know that any girl who declines you is plain stupid! Jino scoffed and shook his head.

Youre just saying that…” he blushed. Anyway, would you like to go around my house for dinner maybe Saturday?

Sure why not! Skye grinned, Catch up with my best friend! What could be better.


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Fighting author nim! XD
immaninja13 #2
Chapter 9: So sweet :)
congrats <3
congrats on the feature ouo♥
Congratulations on getting featured!
congrats on the daily feature :D omo hangeng <33
congrats on the random feature
Infinite_8 #8
congratsss~ :D
ilikepron #9
congrats ^^
congrats ^^