Say U

Late Night Date [one shot]

You and Jay have been dating for the three months. In secret of course, but only to the public. Jay's back up dancers, friends, stylists, coordi and manager didn't mind that the two of you were dating. The two of you looked happy to them so they left you two alone.


After landing a role to be one of the contestants for Immortal Song 2, Jay has been filming diligently for the show for the past month. Tonight, Jay was up against Kim Taewoo who was a past member of the legendary KPOP group, g.o.d.


Since knowing who he was being up against, Jay and his crew has been working non stop for days, trying to perfect their dances moves and spacing in their dance studio while you've been quietly watching them and supporting them from the side at each session. As you watch them repeat the song over and over again, deep inside, you were jealous of the female dancer who will be posing as his love interest during the song, but you immediately shake off the feeling whenever Jay would smile at you.


Finally, all of you arrive outside of the filming studio. Upon stopping, all of you rushed out of the car and into the dressing rooms. As everyone began to prep up for filming, you stayed back and tried not to get in everyone's way. One of the camera men comes in to take Jay out for a pre recording. Jay nods and follows, but gives you a quick kiss on cheek before leaving.


______ ah.” The female dancer called out to you.


Yes, unni?” You answer back with smile. You weren’t really close with the girl, but you assumed she was older than you.


You've been with us since our dance practices, have you learned all our dance moves?”


I guess so.. but why? Unni, I notice that you always dance at the right parts.” You giggled which brought the girl laughter.


Why don't you show us your dancing skills.” A male dancer chimes in.


With that, he starts to beat box while another male dancer filled in with lyrics to the song. You sat down on the couch with the female dancer who posed as Jay. The two of you danced gracefully. All of your movements matched the timing of the song which surprised everyone in the room. Once the song ended, everyone applauded for each other.


You were great !” The female dancer grins with her hand on your shoulder. Before you could thank her for her kind compliment, the PA system goes off.


Park Jaebeom's performance recording in five minutes. Dancers please report to back stage.” The speaker says.


Everyone in the room got to their feet and went out the door. You were about to follow, but the female dancer pulls you back.


_______ ah, would you like to take my place?” She says with a wink. “Jay's your boo after all.”


Unni.. I can't possibly do that.” You protest, but she shakes her head and sits you down in front of the mirror.


You'll do great.” She says with a smile and took out some make up. After putting the same make up she had on you, she changed out of her clothes and gave them to you. Once you changed into her clothes, she begins to do your hair.


But unni !” You protest again, but she brings her finger to her lip and shushes you. She pulls you to the full body mirror and smooths out your mini dress. You examined yourself in the mirror and began to smile. Butterflies start to form in your stomach as you think about the millions of people that will be watching the recording live and those who will be watching after the episode airs.


Now, don't worry. Jay's going to be up there with you so don't be nervous.” The girl tells you. She was getting ready to take you out, but there stood Jay at the door.


Yah, Hye why aren't you out there?” Jay asks in confusion as he looks at his dancer and then over at you. Hye walks over and pats Jay on the shoulder.


You owe me one, man.” She laughs and leaves the room. Jay awkwardly clears his throat and extends his hand.


Y-You look amazing..” He blushes and takes your hand. At the sound of his compliment, the butterflies in your stomach began to fly rapidly. He leads you out the room and onto stage.


Upon getting to the stage, it was pitch black. Jay quietly leads you to the couch and sits you down. He fixes a stray hair of yours and brushed your cheek lightly.


Just keep your eyes on me. Pretend like no one is here, but us.” Jay whispers in your ear and not soon after, he takes his place in the middle of the stage.


The audience applauds his appearance which he gave them a low bow. He begins to explain what he'll be showing tonight. You look over at the crowd and swallow hard at the sight of so many, but you kept your cool by repeating Jay's word to yourself.


Everything will be fine.” You whispered and smooth out the dress fabric on your lap.


Soon, the intro of the song starts and Jay starts the cloud with clapping. The smile on his face brought a smile on yours because he seemed really happy being on stage. He begins to do a little bit of c-walking which made you smile even more.


The song slows down and he seats himself by your side, singing the first verse of the song. You try to maintain your straight face as you feel all eyes directed at you and the large cameras. You secretly glance over at Jay who seem very immersed in the song. How he was singing the notes made your heart beat fast.


The song gradually got faster and that's when the two of you begin to dance. As you did all of the original dance moves which was you playing hard to get, Jay switched it up a bit. He got extremely closer and touchy compared to how he was before during the previous practices with Hye. Even though he's suppose to be serious, a smile was tugging at the corner of his lips.


Eventually, you got up on your feet and began to do a ballroom type of dance with him which wasn’t in the original choreography, but you tried your best to follow. As the two of you got really close, the look in his eyes was extremely dreamy. You couldn't help, but be mesmerized by him. Soon, your dance sequence ended and you walked off the stage.


OH MY GOD! YOU WERE SO HOT !” Hye greets attacks you off stage. “See ! I told you'll be fine.”


You were still in shock. You couldn't believe that you actually dance on stage with Jay.


Look, he looks so happy!” Hye points and you look over. Jay was dancing with his male dancer. “He better owe me something nice.” She crosses her arms with a laugh.


I hope he wins.” You said and kept your eyes on Jay.


The song ends and you were waiting for Jay to get off, but he stayed on. His opponent, Taewoo joined him on stage. The whole studio lights turns off, only the stage was lit up with two paths. One colored Blue the other colored Red. Blue was where Jay stood. There was a whole lot of talking till the announcing of the winner. Jay comes out with three hundred ninety while Taewoo's points are still being calculated. Sadly, Taewoo comes out as victor, beating Jay by thirteen points. [video here]


After a couple more minutes, the filming ends. Jay goes back to his dressing room with a heavy heart, but shakes it off when he sees you.


I lost.” He mumbles in your shoulder as you hugged him.


Aw, it's alright Jaebeomie.” You say as you rub his shoulder and he responds by hugging your waist tightly.


Yeah, Jaebeomie it's alright ! Let's go out to eat.” Hye interrupts. You and Jay release each other slightly and stared at the girl. “What?” She asks with a laugh. “I'm starving.”


Jay sighs and lets go of you. “We all did great.” Jay says and clasp both his hands together. “Let's go out to eat, my treat.”


With his announcement, his team starts to cheer and whoop. They pack their things and got into the car. They stop at their favorite bbq restaurant which had private rooms. Counting the amount of people they had, they ended up splitting into two groups. Just when you were about to walk into one of the rooms, Jay takes your hands and brings you to a smaller room. Inside, was only two seats.


I just want to eat with you.” He says and brings you around the table.


The two of you sit down across from each other. From next door, the two of you can hear the cheering and loud talking of Jay's team. Jay shakes his head and and laughs while the back of your hand. The two of you talked about his upcoming schedule, but your conversation was put on halt when the waitress walks in.


Omo ! It's Jay Park.” She gasps and puts her hand to . Jay smile slightly and nods. You unwrap your hands from Jay and place them on your lap. Jay raises his eyebrows at you, but turns his attention back to the waitress who completely ignored you as she walked in. She begins to flirt with Jay who politely tries to tell her that he's not interested. In the end, the girl doesn't give up. Eventually, Jay finishes his orders and she walks out.


Why did you do that?” Jay asks, trying to hold your hands again, but you wouldn't let him.


Oh, I didn't want her to know about us..” You lied. You really wanted Jay to tell the girl to back off and introduce you to her as his girlfriend, but to your disappointment, he didn't.


Alright.” He shrugs and pulls out his phone and begins texting.


Soon, the waitress comes back with the plates of meat, bowls of rice and other side dishes. She wished the two of you a wonderful meal before leaving. Jay immediately went for the raw meat and placed them on the hot grill. The sizzling sound brought grin on his face. The meat was cooked after a couple minutes. He picks one slice up with his chopsticks and tries to feed it to you, but suddenly, the door flies open.


There stood the waitress and a couple of her co-workers who were all females. They surrounded the boy with their cellphones, cameras and pieces of papers along with some pens. Since they were his fans, he didn't want to turn them down so the lovely dinner he had planned out turned into a meet and greet instead. You glared at the grill and quietly ate the food yourself. You were contemplating on leaving Jay and going to the rooms next door where everyone was still happily eating away, but you stayed. A several minutes go by and the meet and greet turned into a Q&A session. With that, you picked up your bag and left the room.


__________ ah!” Jay calls after you. You stopped, turned back and shake your head at him and slammed the door before going next door to where Hye was.


You knocked on the door and to your relief, Hye was the one who opened the door.


Eh, what are you doing here?” Hye asks with a mouthful of rice. You blink away the tears that formed in your eyes and motioned her to follow you into the washroom. Inside, you fixed your eyeliner while explaining what happened between you, Jay and the waitresses.


THOSE GIRLS NEED TO BACK OFF.” Hye shouts and stomps her foot. “I can't believe they ignored you like that ! They're so rude.”


I guess this is what dating a idol is like.” You sigh and walked out with Hye.


I can't believe Jay didn't do anything! I'm going to pound the living hell out of that boy.” Hye shakes her fist angrily in the air, but you caught her hand.


No, unni. It's fine.” You lie again. You were glad that Hye was willing to stick up for you, but you just didn't want to cause a scene at the restaurant. The two of you go back to Hye's room and once again, to your disappointment, you can hear Jay's and the several other waitresses voice from next door. Hye puts her hand on your shoulder and gives you a squeeze. You nod and followed her inside the room where the rest of the backup dancers where in. They all looked puzzled at you as you walk in with Hye, but they didn't dare to ask. Instead, they made you eat lots and told you many jokes. Since to them, you seemed really down.


An hour goes by and slowly, everyone begins to leave. It was only you, Hye and two other male back ups left. A knock comes from the door, interrupting a drinking game between the two male back ups. Hye reluctantly gets up and opens the door. Once opening slightly, she slams the door shut.


Who was it?” You ask as Hye sits down.


Someone you don't want to see.” Hye sighs and joins in on the game with the two guys. The door opens and Jay walked in. All of you looked up, but looked away when they saw Jay.


We can leave now if you guys want. Manager-nim dropped off the company car, the driver is waiting for us.” Jay awkwardly says. The three dancers got up without a word and Jay attempted to take your hand, but you avoided his touch. The car ride home was silent. The driver drops off the two male dancers at the bus stops the first couple minutes of the ride and soon later, drops Hye off at her huose. Now, it was just you, Jay and the driver. Jay was talking with the driver while you were reading the frantic texts from Hye.




How are you feeling right now?”


You alright?”


Don't look at him. You should be mad. Don't even speak a word to him.”


I'll make him apologize, don't worry.”


Suddenly, Jay's phone rings. He greets the caller and then goes silently. He glances over his shoulder and at you, but you looked away.


I know that already.” He sighs and roughly ends the call. From the corner of your eyes, you can see Jay lean over to the driver and whisper to the man. Not soon after, the car stops at another bus stop.


Goodnight, Jaebeom-ssi.” The driver nods to Jay before they both got out from the car. From inside you can see the two bow to each other and the driver leaves. Jay takes the driver's seat and as he sat down, he turns around and picks at his fingers.


I'm sorry, ______ah. It's my fault that I let those girls ruin the dinner. Please forgive me.” Jay says with sincere in his eyes and voice, but something inside you knew that something like this would happen again so you weren't to quick in forgiving him.


You're not going to kill me in this car, right?” You ignored his apology and hinted at his bad driving skills. He gives you a tiny smile and shakes his head.


No, never.” He whispers and turns back to the wheel and starts the car. He swerves the car onto the road and begins driving at a surprisingly steady pace. In your mind, you were thinking that he'll drive you home, but after a couple turns and stops, that thought left your mind.


Where are we heading to?” You ask and pressed your hands against the car window. The car soon stops at a parking lot. Jay had to try three times before making a completely stop. He laughs in embarrassment before getting out of the car. He opens the door for you and helped you out. With the click of the button, the car beeps and locks itself.


Let's go, shall we?” Jay smiles and entwines his hand with yours.


He leads you into a park and onto a pathway that had white Christmas lights lining it. Off in a distance, a round gazebo was also decorated with the white Christmas lights. You gasped at how beautiful the sight looked. He continues leading and soon, you were under the roof the pavement.


Suddenly, Jay begins to sing the first verse of the song he sang today on stage in acappella. Once he sings the chorus, he engages you in the slow ballroom dance like before. He wraps his right hand around your waist and entwines his left hand with your right. Slowly, the two of you begin to dance in circles. The smile that you tried to hide, revealed itself as Jay continued to sing. After two more rounds, he stops the dancing, but still sang. He brings his right hand to your cheek and caresses lovingly while dropping your left hand. With his free hand, he holds your waist and pulls you closer to his body. He repeats the chorus and stares into your eyes.


Yeah ~ Yeah ~” He ends the song and brought his hand under your chin. His eyes flickers down to your pink lips and then back to your eyes. Without warning, his lips met your which turned into one long kiss. Once he finally breaks the kiss, he pulls you into a hug. “I'm very, very sorry.”


He releases you, bites his lips and waits for your reply. You start to laugh a bit since his actions was way too corny and he laughs with you because he knows why you're laughing, but even so, you still liked what he did.


Say 'U' and hold it for a second.” You said. He furrows his eyebrows, but does what you say.


Uuuuuu – “ He says in confusion. This time, it was your lips that met his. His eyes widen in shock, but soon close like yours. In between the kisses he would smile which brought more butterflies in your stomach. You break the kiss and rested your head on his shoulder.


I forgive you, pabo.” You whisper. He wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your head.


I love you, pabo.” He whispers back.




A/N: Annyeong ! How was it ? Okay, I KNOW I said two amazing dates.. well .. was this date amazing? keke. I know I said two dates, but I decided I'd only publish one because it won't be a oneshot ! So, intsead I decided to keep date two as a soon to be full story with Jay and you ! I'm thinking of writing it during the times he's still in 2PM or maybe the month he left 2PM :o so stay tuned ! Please keep subscribing for further details on the full story.


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To those who haven't watched the video :
Chapter 1: NAww, the ending was sooo cute!! ^^
Chapter 1: I love it ! So great! y, funny, dramatic, xheesy, sweet! Good job!
Chapter 1: Aawww, i just find myself grinning from ear to ear :D i love it! :D
storyofmydream #5
Chapter 1: really nice to read... ^^
mochidokki #6
Chapter 1: cute. very cute. :3