NU, Established, Style, Tempo aka NU'EST

My Masked Prince {Discontinuing}

02: NU, Established, Style, Tempo aka NU'EST


"Every day I Shock (shock)! Every night I Shock (shock)!" 

The alarm on your phone immediately goes off. You got out of your warm, comfy bed and sleppily walked over to your phone that's lying in the floor, plugged into the wall, charging, to turn off the alarm. You slowly make your way to the light switch and the lights, tightly closing your eyes as the light flashes. "YA! TURN THAT OFF!" Lina yells as she covers her head with her blanket. "Wake up guys..." you manage to say and walk out of the room to make your breakfast in the kitchen. 

After long minutes that felt like hours, the girls finally make it down the stairs to the kitchen table, all with sleepy faces. "Here." you say, giving each of them a plate of bacon and eggs. You slowly make your way to the washroom to brush your teeth and comb your hair. 


Thid Person P.O.V

"WAAAA!!!! WE'RE LATE!" Rose screams and the girls quickly run out of the house in their uniforms with their bags and arrive at the bus stop. Lucky for them, the bus arrived when they arrived at the bus stop. They got on the bus and urged the driver to drive a little bit faster. "Come on come on!!!" Jae says. When they finally arrived at Pledis High, they quickly rushed out of the bus and into the school. "Thank goodness the first bell didn't ring yet." Rose says with a sigh of relief. The girls nod and head to their lockers. 

"KYAAAAA~!!!!" screams a large group of girls. You and the rest of NERD turn around to see 5 boys being surrounded by many girls, shouting their names and complimenting on how hot they were. "Wonder who they could be." says Jae. "Want to find out?" You reply with a shrug. The girls nod and you walk towards the boys. The screaming girls stop screaming and all eyes are on you and your group. "Hey everyone!" Rose says in English which makes the girls crazy! The next thing you know, your surrounded by girls and boys, shouting your names. "YA! Mind giving us space?!" you exclaim as you remove your headphones from your head and put it around your neck. Obediently, they move back, making a path for you to walk. Your group walks up to the boys. You notice that there's one person who looks like a girl.

"Uhm..Are you a girl or a boy." Rose asks the short, blonde, femenine looking person.

"Boy." he grunts and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "It's alright Ren, she was just asking so she doesn't call you a girl for the rest of the year." the tallest one says and pats him on the head. Jae giggles. The bell rings and you all bow to the boys, walking away as you try to make your way to class without being squished like pancakes. 


Rose P.O.V

As we walk to homeroom, the school's newspaper club interviews us, shooting questions at us while we try to stay focused on where we're supposed to go. "Thanks for letting us interview you guys." the head of the newspaper club says and the group walks away as we enter the class. Immediatly, the girls start screaming and the boys start giving us flowers. I roll my eyes and sit down in my seat beside Violet. 

"Alright class settle down now! We have some old students joining us today. I'm sure you remember them." the teacher says as he drops a pile of paper on his desk, causing everyone to jump in their seats. "You can come in now."

The boys from earlier enter the class, and everyone starts to scream. "Aish" mutters Violet as she puts on her headphones. The boys constantly bow as the teacher tries to calm the screaming children. "Show Time, NU'EST Time! Annyeonghaseyo! Urban Electro Band, NU'EST imnida!" the boys say and the children squeal and scream once again. I mentally facepalm myself as I look around the class. "SETTLE DOWN!!!!" the teacher yells and the class goes silent. THANK YOU! "Now, where would you boys want to sit?"

The boys scatter and all sit a different tables. The tallest and who I think is the leader sit infront of Violet and I while the 2 blondes and the American looking one sit near Lina and Jae. "Hello, I'm Rose and this is Violet." I introduced Vi and I. "I'm JR, the leader of NU'EST and this is Minhyun, one of the vocalists." says the boy with dark brown hair that's parted to the side. His hair is a mixed of black and red. The other boy flashes a smile and they turn to look back at the teacher, knowing that he would spaz at them for not paying attention. 


Aron P.O.V

"Hyung. Hyung. Hyung. Hyung. Hyung."

"WHAT?!" I yelled and the whole class yelled at me. I quickly apoligized and sat back down, giving Baekho a death glare. "I just wanted to know when lunch was." he whispered and turned his head toward Ren. This boy will never stop thinking about food, will he?

Finally the bell rang and we packed up our things. "FOOD!" Cried Baekho and did a fist pump. As soon as we got out of the class, girls of all classes started crowding around us, screaming our names and trying to hug us. 


Third Person P.O.V?

As soon as you leave your classroom to go to lunch, people start to crowd you but you notice that it's less than usual. "That's good." you mumble and leave with your group to the cafeteria. When you enter, everyone's eyes are on your group. You give them a small smile and go line up for some lunch. As soon as you get your lunch, a group of girls enter screaming. "Hey, aren't those the new boys?" asked Jae. You squinted your eyes, trying to find the boys. You finally spot them, one by one, trying to get out of the grips of the girls. "At least that isn't us." Rose smirked. You all start laughing and exit out of the cafeteria with your food and into your secret place. 

"AHHHHH~!" You at put your food down on the ground, sighing at the beautiful scenery. "Alright! Lets practice guys."

You plug in your iphone into a docking station and put on SHINee's Clue+Note. The group gets in position and soon enough, your body and mind is lost in the music. 



We sit down at a table, finally out of that chaotic mess. "AH! I'M SO HUNGRY!" exclaims Baekho and he immediatly starts eating, already finishing half of his lunch. "Hyung! You're going to choke if you eat to fast!" says Ren, taking Baekho's food away. 

"NO!" and Baekho takes it back.


Sometimes being the second oldest is good since you don't have to fight with the members. 

"KYAAAAA~! THEY'VE STARTED!" A girl yells and everyone in the cafeteria quickly run out. "What's going on?" I ask a girl. "WHAT?! YOU DON'T KNOW?!?!?! AHH! FOLLOW ME!" she yells and scurries out with the group. I look at my group and shrug. We follow the crowd to the rooftop of the school and hear music blaring out from somewhere. 

"Oh I'm curious yeah sajin song-nega sun-gan misojio we

Oh I'm so curious yeah I'm so curious yeah

Tonight SHINee's in the house wo ho

So give it up give it up give it up for SHINee

Give it up give it up give it up for SHINee"


"Kamsamida!" The performers bow and wave to the crowd. 

"Hyung! It's those girls from before!" yells Ren and points to the little group. He was right. One of them turns their gaze toward us and smiles. Inside, my heart feels weird and starts beating really fast. What's going on???


A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading Chapter 2! ^^ I'm sorry this chapter isn't very interesting...I don't like it when I have no good ideas... =____= Thank you for your support~!

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omo... writer's block! =__=


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Chapter 19: I can take over ^^
lotusren #2
Chapter 17: Unnie Please update soon ! You are doing such an awesome job of writing this story ! Since this story is so amazing I'm thinking of writing one because you got me think up of one ! Please continue writing Unnie ! Hwaiting !!
teleporter97 #3
Chapter 17: Although i got confused over the dream part i still love this fic!! Its soo cute and original with its own plot and twists :)

Two thumbs up! XD
Chapter 17: XD exo~ Mama.
Omo ~ update soon~
torinicole #5
Chapter 17: Oh this is good
Chapter 16: /Bricked. Update soon author-nim this was quite interesting c;
Chapter 15: please update soooon