Are you Pregnant?!


the title is misleading btw no mpreg here. haha



"Alright class, now, to prepare you for the assignment coming up this month, how about we do some exercises and practice shots?" The teacher excitedly announced while pointing outside to the sunny sky outside of the classroom window.

A few uttered out a small, "yay", causing the teacher to smile.


"Lets not focuse on perfection, okay? This is going to be fun, enjoyable! So just take as many random photos as you can of the outside with your cameras! Oh, and if some of you could share that would be great because I know a few people here didn't bring their cameras."

Minseok should be happy, but he wasn't.


He had forgotten his camera.



And now what was he suppose to, that thing that he dreaded the most?

Asking Jongdae to share his.

Minseok was afraid he was annoying the other, thought it seemed like Jongdae was eager to share with camera with Minseok, maybe even a little too much.


The teacher instructed for them to get up and follow her.

Students got up and picked up their cameras, walking with their friends, muttering things about why the teacher seemed so happy today.


"Um..Jongdae? Can I—"

"Share my camera with you?" Minseok was cut off by Jongdae, who laughed.

Minseok blushed from embarressment and nodded his head.

"Of course you can." Assured the taller.


Minseok smiled shyly and walked with Jongdae, following their teacher into the corriodors, making their way to the doors outside.




Chairs squeaked as all the students got up to leave the class to attend the next one.

They collected their books and left quickly, not wanting to miss next class.


Luhan turned around and erased the chalkboard from their earlier lesson.


His heart beated rapidly, as he erased the already clean chalkboard, not daring to face the class.

A few seconds later it was silent, and Luhan put the eraser down, and turned around mentally cheering.


"Aw, did you think I would leave without getting my goodbye kiss?" Luhan gasped and shocked, and backed away, the back of his head hitting the board.

The taller caged Luhan's face with his arms and hands, taking a good look at the baby faced teacher.


The student dove in for a kiss, but Luhan turned his head. He dove for another but Luhan repeated himself.

He grew frustrated, and cupped the small blonde's cheeks so there was no escaping.

"Sehun-ah..y-you don't want to b-be late for your n-next class.."

"Not without my goodbye kiss."


Luhan denied it as much as he could, but he just couldn't.

More than a week has passed from their incident that envolved a small and Sehun under a desk, and ever since then, Sehun would never leave without his "goodbye kiss", even if it meant cornering the small blonde and caging him on the floor much like a few days ago.


"Come on, if you kiss me now, I won't need a goodbye kiss tomorrow." Promised Sehun, a small mischievous glint in his eyes that Luhan didn't catch.

His teacher's doe eyes brightened up. "Really? No kiss tomorrow?" Sehun nodded his head excitedly, almost like he was teasing the other.

"Okay then."


Luhan had a second thought when he saw a devious smirk on his student's face. "W-Wait no! This is inappropriate—"


Luhan gasped for air when Sehun matched their lips up for a kiss. "Mmm!"

The small blonde's hands found its way to Sehun's chest, and tried to push away, but Sehun easily took his hands and smashed them against the wall.

Sehun wrapped an arm around the shorter's small waist while the other found its way to Luhan's , squeezing it, earning a gasp, making it the perfect time to enter his tongue and bite on the other's roughly.

Luhan whimpered.


As much as Sehun was enjoying this, he pulled apart not wanting to be late for his next class.

He somewhat smiled and smirked all at the time and pecked Luhan's soft cheek, before exiting the classroom.


Luhan, who had saliva running down the corner of his mouth stood still for a second.

He then gasped and cupped his mouth, while letting out a whine and groan. "Not again!"

The small blonde wiped his mouth with his shirt sleeve and pulled his honey hair in frustration, for being tricked by Sehun into giving him a kiss.






Jongin quickly hid behind a few students, deciding on when was the right time to approach Kyungsoo.




Jongin stepped up, but many students ran past him, almost bumping into him.

He grumbled.




"Jongin oppa!" A girl with a shy smile approached the boy, stopping him from running to Kyungsoo.

Jongin looked at her with frustration. "What?" He said, in a whiny tone.

"I-I'm having trouble with English I thouht maybe Jongin oppa could help me?" She asked nicely, while holding a worksheet that most likely Luhan had handed out in the earlier period.

"Nope sorry, English is my worst subject, bye. Kyungsoo!" Jongin quickly ditched the girl and back hugged the boy with large eyes.


Kyungsoo turned around with a glare and kicked the taller's shin, causing the arms that were around his waist to loosen.

"Ow! What the hell?" Jongin rubbed the area he was kicked.

"Go away. How many times do I have to tell you?" Kyungsoo hissed.


Jongin groaned slightly from the pain, but continued on. He pushed Kyungsoo against the wall and caged his head with his two arms. "Well aren't you precious." A smirk found it's way to his face.

Kyungsoo gritted his teeth. "Gosh! Is it so much to ask for?! You're so annoying!"

Jongin abruptly leaned in, inches away from the other's face. "I don't it?"


Kyungsoo's cheeks were dusted with pink as he gasped from the action. "J-Jongin.."

Jongin smirked, feeling satisfied with himself. "You're so cut—"


"Get away from me!" Kyungsoo let out a scream and kicked Jongin's other leg.

Jongin groaned. "F-..are you pregnant?!"


Kyungsoo gasped. "Excuse me?!"

"You're having ing mood swings everyday! First you get mad at me, then you start blushing like some crazy school girl, then you get back to being mad at me— ah!" Jongin let out a girly shriek, as he slowly sank to the floor from the kick Kyungsoo made to his lower region.

"Y-You..g-get away from me!" Kyungsoo screamed again and lift his foot up to injure the boy on the floor again, but was stopped when a soft voice called his name.


"Kyungsoo-ah? What are you doing?" Baekhyun gasped and put his hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder.


"Jongin? Oh my gosh, who did this? Hahaha!" Chanyeol randomly appeared and eyed his friend who was still not so happily laying on the floor.

Chanyeol looked up from the floor. "Hey, did you do thi—"


An awkward silence erupted once Chanyeol and Baekhyun made eye contact.

Chanyeol mustered up as much courage as he could, which wasn't a lot, and tried to break the silence by talking to Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun..I need to talk to you as to why I've been avoiding you lately. You se—"


"Lalalalala! Lalalala!" Baekhyun muffed his ears and began shouting out nonsense.


"Lalalala! Lalala, I can't hear you! Lalalala, bye Kyungsoo! Lalalala~!" The short boy with eyeliner turned around and ran down the hallway as fast as he could to his next class.


Chanyeol stood with his mouth agape. "What..b-but..I need to.."




"No!" Minseok laughed and tried to runaway, but Jongdae grabbed his wrist and snapped a photo of the smaller.

"Too late!" Teased Jongdae.


"J-Jongdae! Focuse! We're suppose to be taking pictures of the trees and the sky, not me!" Complained Minseok, trying to take the camera away from the taller, only for Jongdae to raise it higher up over his head.

"But what if I want to take pictures of you instead?" The other asked.

Minseok stopped jumping and took a few seconds to process the information, only to blush a light pink. "Y-You.."

Jongdae laughed but stopped to take time to think.


Wait no.

This isn't fun Jongdae.

All you want is a good lay.


Jongdae kept repeating the words in his head, causing Minseok to frown.

"Jongdae? What's wrong?"

The taller decided that he needed to step up his game, because he was getting very ually frustrated, though it was very common at his age.

"Hey Minseok, you know that cafe near the school?"

Minseok nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"You want to go there after school?" Asked Jongdae.

Minseok blushed and thought for a second, his mind was racing with thoughts. "O-Okay..after school?"

"Yes, after school." Confirmed the other.

"Okay then.."



finally updated ;A; im sorry~ i was kind of on hiatus, because i still needed to figure out what I was going to do with all the couples.


I had gotten hunhan and baekyeol done from the start, and wasnt clear about xiuchen, kaisoo and taoris, but i do now~ so i have planned the plot properly now.

You know, i wanted to make kyungsoo's family in debt so kyungsoo was forced to work for Kai as a maid. LMAO but i wont do that becuase its really unrealistic~ and i wanted to do that in the beginning when i started writing this fic.


i know the timing for this fic is bad because i havent updated in almost 4 months yet only a week passed since the last chapter. T^T i hope that doesnt bother you.


I do plan on focusing more on hunhan, taoris and xiuchen in the next chapter~ mostly xiuchen because a reader requested for more xiuchen and i have been neglecting taoris. and ofc you need hunhan in every chapter right? haha ;A;

* Still editing all chapters at the moment~

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Sugarfroggy #1
Chapter 13: Update. Please. (-_-) "*sobs*"
Chapter 9: I love how it says 5,609 won. Like ok, how do I pay .9 of a cent? Lol ^^
theCraft #3
luchansoo #4
Chapter 13: HunHan is so cute here >///< can't wait for BaekYeol.. update soon author-nim, love this story ^^
faithlu #5
Chapter 13: so glad hunhan is progressing they are just too cute aww
Greyson #6
Chapter 3: Whoahhh baekhyun is getting naughty ehh.. Ahaha show some pfft... AHAHAHA
Chapter 13: Omg hunhan here are so cute and addicting ugh! This FIC is driving me crazy
LC191297 #8
Chapter 13: Whyyy oh whyyy this is ended up hanginh like this when I seriously in love with this fic T.T. ive been readig this for half day (and the surprising fact is im not even bored) and please update soon ♡♡
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 is daebakk!!! LOL!
Chapter 1: Really?! BaekRen aishhh!!! I wish it was JRen cuz they're Real not BaekRen