Chapter 1

My First Snowfall


              I run down the street in my gray converse, blue messenger bag and my black jacket with my hair flailing behind me.  I run faster as I see the last bus of the day, waiting for any other passengers.

                I’m going to make it-I say to myself.  Without checking the sides, I cross the road.


                The sudden noise jerks my attention away from the bus.  I turn to look to my right, finding an old Toyota car just a few inches away from my waist.  The driver gets down; my hazel eyes studied him for a moment.  He stands next to his car door with a great posture; his jaws clenched with frustration, his broad shoulders slumped just slight in relief-maybe he was relieved that he didn’t kill me-his brown hair mimicking mine as the wind blew.  When I reached his eyes…I don’t know how to describe it, but I know it’s familiar. 

                “Danielle, is that you?” The stranger asks me.  I squint trying to get a better look of him then before I knew it; I was running towards him.  He swings me around with his strong, stable arms wrapped around my waist, while I wrap my own arms around his neck to keep myself from falling. I rest my head on his shoulder, soaking in the feeling of protectiveness that he always had just for me.  Once he is down, he puts me down on the ground but keeps his arms around me, while I bury my face in his chest.

                “I can’t believe it’s you,” I whisper to him.  I hear the sound of his chuckling, making my heart swell with happiness.  He rests his head on mine before asking, “How long has it been?”

                I look up at his dark brown eyes, soaking all the familiarity that I’ve missed before replying, “Ten years.  Ten long years.”

                “Right.  Ten long years,” he mumbles against my hair. I nod, shivering slightly from the cold December night.  I feel something cold and wet touch my shoulder.  I look up and fin that it was snowing for the first time in twenty years.  I break away from his embrace to look up at the sky.  Snow falls, covering the roads but I enjoy it.  Soon, a large jacket sits on my head, draping all the way down my feet.  I’m short okay geez.  I turn to the man in front of me and threw him a questioning glance, “Why did you do that for Soohyun?”

                “You were cold,” he states pulling me closer to him.  I smile and continue to watch the little tiny ice spectacles fall from the sky.  Later on, I shiver again from the coldness and before I could realize anything, Soohyun scoops me and caries me back to his car. 

                “Where are you taking me?” I ask, nuzzling closer to his chest for warmth.

                “We’ve been out here for fifteen minutes and clearly you’re cod.  So why don’t we go to a café and watch the snow fall, while drinking some hot chocolate?” He suggests with a small smile.

                I giggle at his reply then turned to him with a serious look.  He  stops walking for a moment and looks at me, telling me to continue my train of thought.

                “Just tell me one th-ing,” I stuttered slightly.  By this time I notice his face holding some worried expression.  He brushes the hair that falls on my face and tells me to continue.

                   “Please don’t leave again,” I mutter crying softly.  He hugs me tighter and whispers, “I don’t plan to.” 

             -I guess missing the bus and almost dying was worth it.-

The End

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