Coffee Shop Love Stories


This is gonna be a 2/3-shot about a girl who works in a cafe and witnesses the love of her customers day by day. This is a crappy description, I honestly don't know how to write it. It's not gonna be some long, angsty, chaptered fic. Just a cute little feel-good one. So, anyways, give it a chance?(:


This little coffee shop tucked between a shoe seller and a bookstore is familar to me, it's like a second home. I've worked here for nearly four years. At the end of my college life, and in this year between college and medical school. I've seen two people come in leave as a couple, a seemingly perfect pair leave hating each other. I've seen love at it's best and heartache at it's worst. The atmosphere, I guess, is just great for relationships. So many people come and go, so much love grows and fades. But while I was the witness, the supporter, the mediator for all these love stories, who knew it would lead to my own?


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ForeverThinkinOfFood #1
Chapter 3: Wow your story was lovely and sweet and i loved the last part you is so meaningfull
hippo_guk #2
Chapter 3: your story was adorable. I admire how you wrote this story
Chapter 3: :D awwwwww love it !