Step 4 (Part 2)

How to confess your love to Jung Jinyoung




"Good Morn--oh my God Gongchan, is that you?"


Gongchan gave me a weak nod as he slumped down into a chair beside me. He threw his head back and closed his eyes.


"Hey, you feel sick?" I inquired, taking his bag from his lap.


"Yeah." he murmured, massaging his temples.


Gongchan looks horrible. I mean the type of look that I haven't seen before and I wouldn't like to see anymore.


The Gongchan I knew is very concious about his appearance. You know, the type of guy that would spend several hours preening himself and wouldn't let anyone touch his hair or clothes.


But now, the Gongchan that I'm currently observing looks like a fashionable beggar.


Yes. He was still wearing decent clothes but he was obviously doesn't look clean.


His shirt was crumpled and untucked and his hair was unkept and he looks like he haven't taken a shower.


I placed his bag on the small cabinet and took the books from the table in front of him.


I heard him groan. "My stomach feels...weird. And this headache is killing me."


"You should have just stayed at home. You look horrible."


He looked at me wearily. "Can't. Can't leave you here alone."


"Oh come on. What am I? A grade school student? It's okay if you take a break once in a while, you know."


I took my cardigan from the table and covered it on his shoulder.


I...honestly feel bad for him. He wouldn't become like this if I didn't force him to help me with my... so-called confession. I...put him in awkward situations and caused too much trouble. Wasted his time, and even energy. I should...apologize to him. And also thank him for helping me.


"Ei Channie."


"Yes?" He whispered, eyes are still shut.


"I, I-I just wanted to apologize."


"Apologize for what?"


"For forcing you know, to come with me?"




I let out a heavy sigh. "It's my fault that you don't feel well. I always ask for your help. I know I give you so much trouble... Sorry."


His eyes flew open and sat straighter, covering his torso with my cardigan. He sniffed and said. "I was pissed at first. I honestly thought that you went crazy but I guess, you really like him so..." he cleared his throat. "you really need help... so don't be sorry now.."


"But...about last night... do you really?"


He smiled a little. "Don't worry, I mean what I said last night, I'm going to help you out until you already confess."


I couldn't help but smile as well. "So I'll take that as a promise...okay?"


He rolled his eyes and pulled the cardigan closer to his chest. "Yes.yes. But can you do something for me?"


"What is it?"


"Go buy me coffee."




The next day...


It was already 5:00 in the afternoon and my last class has already ended so I'm ready to go home after a tiring day.


Gongchan didn't go to work this morning so I need to work my off since I'm all alone (and there's a lot of books that need to be arranged and stacked). I also assumed that he also skipped school today.


Eventhough, I was relieved that he didn't show up. Because I know that he still doesn't feel good and seeing him work in that condition would make me feel bad.


A sigh escaped from my lips as I carry my legs to the university gate. I'm really beat and I don't have much energy to pay attention to my surroundings, when a familiar voice called me.


My head snapped towards the owner. It belongs to a black haired guy who looked like Gongchan.


The guy smiled brightly towards my direction. I looked at my back to see if there's someone behind me but I realized I'm alone. So he's basically smiling at me.


It's kinda creepy because I don't know him so I decided to ignore him and started to walk briskly, fearing that he will follow me.


"Wait!" The guy called out. "Hey, wait! This is Gongchan!"


I stopped abruptly in my tracks when I heard my co-worker's name.


The Gongchan I know has a blonde hair and doesn't smile ever so brightly like he's in a toothpaste commercial and another thing, Gongchan might be fashionable but he won't wear noticeable? Or different, should I say? I mean, he won't wear something overly fashionable like what this guy is wearing at the moment.


The self proclaimed Gongchan stood in front of me, huffing.


"I can't believe you didn't recognize me." he said with a laugh, standing up straighter so I can see his face clearly.


My jaw dropped as recognition hit me. "Go-Gongchan?" I leaned closer to him, making sure if my eyes tell the truth.


"Yep. Yep." The guy that I confirmed as Gongchan grinned widely.


"Oh my God. I mean, what happened? You look...completely different..." Appraising him from head to toe, his appearance changed too much that I was not able to recognize him.


His hair color changed from blonde to black and its style is different from before. He seemed to use gel or hair wax to comb his hair up so I can see finally his forehead. And aside from what I said earlier, he was wearing an overly fashionable clothing and uh, accessories. Since when he wore a tiger printed brown shirt and a uh...necklace? And a studded bracelet? And where did he get those fancy gold shoes?


I pinched my nose at the sudden transformation of the creature in front of me. I felt my legs turned into jelly like I just finished watching a horror film.


"Too much change. Can't handle it." I commented meekly.


He pouted. "Why? You don't like it? Do I look awful?"


I gave him another glance. It's not that he looks be honest, he rather looks...refreshing? I mean, he looks younger. Like the Gongchan that I first met in highschool. He changed a quite lot... But in a good way and I sort of like it. It's been years since I saw his haircolor in its natural jet black. And I must admit that this is the first time that I noticed that he's actually really handsome.


"No. Not really." I replied, thinking the right words to say. "It's just that uhh...I just haven't seen you for 24 hours and you transformed for like, 360 degrees? Are you still sick or something?"


"Well, actually.. I feel okay now since I had a good rest...I just well..." he said, tapping his chin thoughtfully.


"Seriously Gongchan, you wouldn't dare to dye your hair black if you're in a good shape." I insisted. "There's some chemical in that tequila sunrise that you had...and it actually affected your sense of fashion."


He grunted. It seemed  that he didn't buy my joke. "If we'll still talk about what happened that night, then I pass..." he went on. "I'm okay now...I can go to my classes again tomorrow..I just...made an experiment since I have a little time...and uhh...made myself as an example?"


My eyebrows furrowed at the word "example". "Example?  Example for what?"


"Remember my promise?"


"About you helping me to finally confess to Jinyoung?"


"Yes. So ..uhh..."




He scratched his hair awkwardly. "I actually made a research and from what I need to prepare for everything..."


I still don't get it. "And..?"


"Everything means physically, mentally and physical aspect...a make-over sounds good and..."


His remark left me baffled. "You mean...that you undergone into a make-over order to show me what you actually mean by to be prepared physically?"


He smiled a little, confirming my assumption. "Bingo."


"Oh." is all I could say.


I was still confused and I felt uncomfortable because I never undergone into a make-over stuffs like this before.


"Aside from that..." He cleared his throat, asking for my attention. "I also read that changing your appearance will make the person you like to notice you."


I brightened. "Sounds good! And oh..." I looked at him dubiously. It's rare for Gongchan to be interested with things like this and it is sort of fishy. "Don't tell me that you also have that idea in your mind, huh?"


He quickly looked away and cleared again his throat awkwardly. I completely caught him off guard! Haha! I wouldn't let go of this!


"Hey! Do you think that the person you like noticed your drastic change?" I inquired, just trying to .


I thought that he would just glare at me and will say that he's not into someone right now. But instead, his face went red as he responded, "Yeah...guess so..."


I was about to confirm if he really likes someone right now and I just took his reaction in a wrong way, but he suddenly grabbed my wrist and started pulling me.


"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to keep my pace with Gongchan so I wouldn't stumble.


"Time for your make-over~"


"But I still haven't agreed into it!" I protested.


"Do you want Jinyoung to notice you?"


"But he ALWAYS notice me, right?" Well, it's true after all.  Marvelous Jinyoung always give me his gentle smile whenever I meet him. He would talk to me, and he even joked around last time doesn't he? And I guess it's already enough.


"You just don't get it, don't you? What I'm saying is, do you want him to know how beautiful you are after wearing some nice clothes and stuff?"


That made me blush. "I'm not beautiful stickman."


He stared at me with a serious and sincere expression. "Who told you that?"


I opened my mouth then closed it again, not sure what to reply. Well, no one ever told me that I'm beautiful (beside my mom but that's what mothers so I didn't even consider about that.


"That's why you need to change your style a little...there are some guys who are so dense that they couldn't notice a girl's charm without seeing them improve their appearance..."


" you still say that I'm uh...pretty without a make-over?"


This is the first time that I asked a guy about the way I look, so I felt kinda nervous.


He gave me a hearthy laugh. "Yes...of may be really simple and you don't give much attention about your looks...but I always think that you're beautiful..."


He said it in a very straightforward way so my face got redder. I know it's just Gongchan, who might not saying the truth and just want to tease me. But it was honestly made me happy after hearing it from someone else (beside my mom) and I think it would be really nice if Jinyoung would say something like that too...


"Say, Gongchan." I called him after a few minutes of silence.




"I want to..." I let out a sigh of surrender. Okay, I guess I need to try the so-called make-over thing. I was already convinced, since it might be a big help for my confession"I want to be beautiful enough...for...Jinyoung as well..." I paused, hesitating. "uhh...ummm, I mean, I agree with your make-over thing, eh?"


A subtle grin appeared on his face. But he doesn't look really happy. "Good. Then you should start preparing now..."





Okay okay okay. I know guys! I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! It's been a long time since I updated *sobs

Sorry guys *bows360dregreeslol* I mean, real life . I need to fix some stuffs about my ojt and school, so yeah. I didn't have the time to update this. I honestly forgot some things about my story and I need to reread from here to there, lol. 

Anyway, I can't believe that this chapter will be long. I thought that there will be only two parts, but it will be cut in three (parts) . looolllooolll. But I can't rush my writing and I need to add this because I think this is necessary. The third (and I hope last part) of t his chapter will be posted soo, since I'm already writing it now. I just hope that there will be no disturbance or something! lol. 

Hope you will still read this update and of course, I always welcome some comments    ;D

Hope I can finally finish this fic so I can write another one! lol. Enjoy ! GJ !!! :DD


P.S: BG image :D


(cr) tumblr :D

adsdsjfdsjfndjfgnfg. #OTPfeelslol.



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I guess I need to update this fic now T^T


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Chapter 6: I damn agree with @danniesaur! Omo, maybe, maybe Channie will have feelings for me, i mean for the reader ö UPDATE SOOOON! Hwaiting~
Chapter 6: Omo~ Update please!! I fell inlove with this story <3
danniesaur #3
Chapter 6: Nononono. There isn't going to have to be something a little /more/ between Gongchannie and 'the reader' will there? Because these things always end with one of the characters being heartbroken or something. asdfghjkl. I wanna ship he Jinxreader but I am inching towards Gongchan. Why. :c My heart is so conflicted right now... ;^;

Neh~ Apart from my heart that's being pulled into two directions, I am absolutely in love with this story so far. Gah! My fangirl feels... >u< Author-nim, hwaiting~!
Chapter 6: omomomomomomomomo!!!! She needs to flirt with the flirty guy Jinjin XD
daaeebakkk!!! Can't wait for the next part >_<
Chapter 6: Hey I commented! This is a good story! I'm looking forward to your next update! So update soon! Hwaighting! >.<
This is actually the first fanfic that I've read in years! I'm rolling around my cloud of squeals from reading this story! I can't wait to read your work! Can you be my... aahh... inspirational unicorn? ^u^
Chapter 6: Omgomgomgogmgogkggogmgo asdfhgkglal so looking forward to the next chap
Hekiki #8
Chapter 6: This girl must be so blind to not notice what's going on with Channie. Poor guy.
Chapter 6: Oh my shisus!! things are getting more exciting each update you post. *-*

I don't know if my heart will make it to the end....
I'm rooting for Channie~ woooh ^o^/