
진정한 행복 ( True Happiness )

** Listen to this! **

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5hGAnZspuo ♪


“Omma!! Oppa is bullying me again!” a young girl’s voice could be heard over the din as she fought with her brother over the TV remote.

Their father, a man in his mid-thirties, peered up from his newspaper. “Children, children, stop fighting. Sun Jae ah, an oppa should always take care of his dongsaeng. Let her have the remote.”

“What is going on here! Are the two of you fighting again?” a voice shrieked. The two children stopped at once and smiled sheepishly at their mother. “Ani, omma, we were just playing.” The young girl, Sun Kyu, said cutely, blowing air into her cheeks.  “There we go again” Sun Jae thought as he rolled his eyes, “The invincible aegyo”. 

Their mother softened almost immediately and went over, pinching both their cheeks lightly. “Aigoo, my children are so cute!”

“Omma! Stop it!” Sun Jae whined as his mother continued to coo at how adorable they were. Just when she was about to reply, a loud thud on the front door echoed through the room.

“Yah Lee Kwang Soo! I know you are in there, open up!” a low male voice shouted, slightly muffled by the door. The father froze, terror evident on his face. Quickly he whispered furiously to his wife. “Yeobo, hide them! Now! ”

 “Thud! Thud! Thud! ”. The knocking grew more and more aggressive as the voice continued shouting “Lee Kwang Soo! Open up! Your time is up!”.  The two children stared at their parents; eyes wide open, looking back and forth from the door to their father. Just then, Sun Kyu asked “Appa! That man is~~ mmm!”. Her words were cut off abruptly by a hand covering . 

Both Sun Jae and Sun Kyu were dragged off by their mom and shoved into the cupboard.

Just before leaving she said “Don’t leave this place, no matter what you may see or hear. Promise me! And Sun Jae. Take care of your sister. Remember, you are her oppa.” She stared at them. When no response came, she shook Sun Jae “Promise me!”.

Sun Jae opened his mouth to protest but was shocked when he saw tears glistening in his mother’s eyes, threatening to fall out. “N..n..neh omma”.

There was a loud crash and their mother jumped. Kissing them both on the forehead, she stood up and gave them one last look, sadness clouding her eyes, before closing the cupboard doors.

The Lee siblings were left along in the dark. “Oppa… What is happening?” little Sun Kyu asked as she shuffled nearer to her brother. “Nado molla Sun Kyu ah…” He said as he wrapped his arm around her, using the other to push the door slightly, leaving a gap big enough for both of them to see what was happening.

What they saw next changed both their lives forever, for the worse. From that day on, the lives of the Lee siblings were never the same again.

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I will update soon! Promise!


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so funny story...i actually got around to sorting / deleting my PM's, and found your request. heh. oops.
Chapter 8: You should definitely continue:) I haven't read this story in a while and I was looking forward to it:) glad to see it's doing well!
venusaur #3
DBSKgurl4EVA #4
Author nim u still continuing this story? Please update soon jebal. Anyway i ship homin haha. I hope tiff gets k.oed fast heehee, im like you:) Love ur wall post
iheartheartsnsd #5
there should be changmin parts in this story! please update soon!
Please update soon! ^^
Changminister #7
Is changmin going to have any parts?
venusaur #8
Awesome, Love this story! Omg blastoise u are such an awesome author!!!!!

Hi pkl HAHA