


I feel like a misserable excuse for a writer having been away for so long, but I swear it's legitimate.

I'm moving to Korea! (Well for like a year at least...)

So needless to say, things have been very hectic around here, and I only have a couple weeks left to finish eveything. (Kill me now, please.)

Thant being said, I am going to work at lightning speed to finish both Seasons and Closer before I leave, because lord knows what my chances to write will be when I get over there... 

But I won't fall off the face of the earth completely, I'll just probably stick to one-shots (ala Time_Of_K-Ri-Sis' Trying) so i don't leave stories hanging. So just bear with me for a day or two and then there will be plenty of GTOP goodness!


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Chapter 11: OMG that's a great news for you!!!! Félicitations!!!!! Is it a kind of university exchange? (I did that in Japan that was the best year of my life) or like a real moving ? Anyway enjoy!!!!! (Will wait for the story to ends even if it took years for it so don't worry, ... for me at last)
Chapter 10: TOP you're stupid!!!!! Ignoring the question& introduce GD was way better than saying no he's not my boyfriend.... You just hurt him for nothing!!!! Don't hurry the one you love to not jury your ex who know better though!!!!! aish that's stupid!!!! & as expected a great one you write here can't wait for more
Chapter 10: Daesung is so lovely. I love his appearance
Atenais #4
Chapter 10: "Your new boyfriend?"
Wow, Daesung is really indiscreet, how could he ask that in front of Jiyong? And Seunghyun kind made a scene, with his fist in the wall. lol
Everything was so perfect. It's nice to see some drama, the characters can grow from their difficulties.
Thanks for updating.
Chapter 10: I'm gonna die. I don't know what else to say because I've already said it before. Just uurughgjndb MY FEELS FOR THIS STORY. I'm so inarticulate I'm sorry, lol.
I don't comment on this story enough because I feel like I'm just going to repeat myself. Most of the time I just sigh becasue your words are so velvety, too beautiful.
lrvip052012 #7
Chapter 10: Omg I...my...wait what?! Why are there tears in my eyes? This chapter was so good poor Ji poor Dae poor Seung I loved it :-)
Chapter 10: aaaww Dae is so sweet! u.u lol poor Ji there!