
What My Heart Tells Me To Do

"Get out.....GET OUT!" Eunkwang yelled as he charged across the room at Daehyun. Ilhoon felt like he was going to be sick as he slowly made his way out of the room. Daehyun took a step away from Sanha and raised his arms in the air. Eunkwang grabbed Daehyun by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the room.

"OPPA STOP IT!" Sanha yelled but it fell on deaf ears. Eunkwang to too angry to hear his sister calling for him. He shoved Daehyun out into the hallway and against the wall.

"You stay away from my sister. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Eunkwang yelled. Some of the hospital staff peaked their head around the corner to see what was going on. Some of them even though about breaking up the fight but they decided to lets the boys talk it out. Eunkwang grabbed Ilhoon and pulled him back into Sanha's room. Daehyun thought about going back into the room but in the end he just stormed out of the hospital feeling like a complete idiot.

"OPPA WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Sanha yelled and Eunkwang looked surprised. Sanha had tears in her eyes and her lips were quivering.

"He isn't suppose to be around you." Eunkwang said as he looked to Ilhoon to back him up. Ilhoon was in his own little world, trying to forget that he had seen the girl of his dreams kissing someone else.

"That's not for you to decide oppa!" Sanha swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood with her arms cross over her chest. She pulled her sweater tight against her as her angry slowly rose.

"But you're sick. When you're sick you can' can't..." Eunkwang had a hard time finishing his sentence. He didn't know how he could make it understandable for Sanha. She was his little sister. It was his duty to protect her from any harm. He couldn't protect her from the cancer but he could save her from heart ache.

"I can't what? I can't fall in love?" Sanha was only getting angrier. This was her life and she had very few things that she could control. She wanted to be around Daehyun and wanted to have a beautiful romance with him. But that was going to be impossible if people keep pulling them apart.

"Exactly! Think about it Sanha. You have cancer, what if.....what if you die?" Eunkwang brought up the taboo subject. Ilhoon's head snapped up and he glared at his friend. Sanha just stood there as tears fell down her pale face.

"You don't think I know about that? You don't think that I think about death all of the time?" Sanha lowered her head and whipped the tears away on the sleeve of her sweater. "I thank God every day I wake up and I thank him for the people in my life who are suffering in silence with me....but it's my life oppa. I might not have a lot of time left on this planet but I will spend those days with the people I love and who love me." Sanha was getting visibly upset. Her face was turning red and her tears were falling faster as she talked about this. Eunkwang took a step towards her to try and comfort her, but Sanha just raised her hand signalling for him to stop. "I don't want you here anymore oppa..." Sanha muttered loud enough for them to hear. Eunkwangs heart broke when he heard those words come out of his sisters mouth. He pulled an envelope out of his coat pocket and threw it onto her bed.

"You're being selfish Sanha...think about Daehyun. You're only hurting him in the end." Eunkwang left the room with his head hung. Ilhoon was left with Sanha who looked like she was a broken china doll. She was so weak and so fragile. Everything about her looked like she was on the verge of destruction.

"If you think the same as my can leave too." Sanha said trying to gather herself together. She looked at Ilhoon who seemed like an empty shell of himself. He didn't know what to do with himself. The thought of lying to her just to please her did cross his mind. In the end Ilhoon his heels and walked out of the room leaving Sanha alone. She walked over to the bed and took the envelope in her hands, it amazed her how much her skin resembled the paper. When she opened it up and saw what was inside she crumbled into a ball. She rested her forehead against the cool tile of the hospital floor and let her fiery tears form a puddle beneath her. Inside the envelope was a picture of BtoB with large smiles on their faces. They were holding signs, each with encouraging words for Sanha. Besides the picture was a back stage pass for Music Bank for when the boys would make their comeback.

" babo...................." Sanha muttered to herself as she clung the picture tightly to her chest as she gasped and wheezed for air to fill her lungs. She was selfish and she knew it. But it was hard not to be selfish when you're clinging to life. Eunkwang and Ilhoon went back to the van that was waiting in the parking lot for them. Their manager was a little surprised to see them back so soon but when he saw the look on the boys faces, he decided not to say anything and to just drive them back to the dorm. Eunkwang sat in the front while Ilhoon sat in the very back so he could keep his distance from his hyung. The things he said to Sanha were cruel but very true. She was acting like a school girl in an innocent first love. She needed to be more worried about her health and her family rather than focusing on the advances of some schmuck who only wanted in her pants. Ilhoon wanted to be the one there for her. He wanted to be the one she fought for, not that Daehyun who seemed in over his head. When the boys got back to their dorm they were warmly greeted by the rest of BtoB. Ilhoon headed straight for the bedroom and slammed the door behind him while Eunkwang laid on the ground in front of the television and let out a deep sigh.


~Please comment~

Hey, does anyone want to make me a trailer for "The dark Side of Perfection" using clips from One Shot?

You don't have to but I would REALLLLLLLLLLLLY love it if someone did that ;D

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AngelGirls #1
Nice story ^^
Baekseo #2
Chapter 26: Daeseo woo!
syayuuri #3
Chapter 26: The ending is good~
Chapter 26: so sweet ! :)
roserika #5
Chapter 26: aww...that's just so effing sweet..i love love this story.awesome work author nim
Chapter 26: HAPPY ENDING ;U;
Chapter 26: they're together in the ending <3
Chapter 26: Nice story~
Chapter 26: Yesh!
They be together, at last.