The Cruel Fate

Yes, My Lord

- I hope I’ll never see you again, you jerk! – Ji Yaemin shouted angrily.

- I hope so, too! How could I have been so stupid to stick with you for so long – Park Jungmin shook his head in disbelief.

- You do really not have tact, do you Jungmin? – she hissed.

- I have no tact? Who splashed water on my face in front of everyone, huh? Just because I told this stupid little secret of yours – he rolled his eyes.

- I entrusted you with that secret! I didn’t want anyone to know what kind of life I had had before!

- Oh please, running away from home, living under the bridge and shoplifting to get something to eat is not so bad. Everyone does it these days.

- I can’t believe you’ve just said it – Yaemin contorted her lips. – Do you think I am proud of myself? Whatever, Jungmin. Let’s end it here. I’m sick of seeing you.

                With that Yaemin turned around and went away. Jungmin clenched his fists, mumbling all the curses that he knew. Somehow he knew it was going to happen; however, he didn’t expect that the way they would break up would be so… disgusting. He looked at his watch, he was already late for the rehearsal. He shifted eyes in Yaemin’s direction and then he also went away. All in all, there was no help for them. Nothing could bring back the old times.

*** 5 years later ***

- That is the last one…

                     Yaemin gave a deep sigh and dried her forehead from sweat. She has just moved to Seoul to start a new work as a translator. She studied in the United States to master English perfectly and now the time has come to make use out of it. She looked at the last cupboard box that she had to unpack. Yaemin grimaced as it felt as she had done hundreds of boxes already. After a few moments she kicked it under the bed. There were all useless things anyway. Things that were needed in her previous life. Her life with Jungmin. Yaemin shook her head. No, she won’t think of him again. She can’t. It was no use, anyway.

                     The first day at work finally came. Yaemin stepped in the office with a big smile on her face. It was actually very exciting. Everything was new, no one knew you so you could show yourself from the best side. Yaemin wondered what kind of job she would get. Probably she would have to translate for some tour guides or for some business people.

- Yaemin-ssi!

- Yes? – Yaemin turned around to face a short woman in late twenties. – How can I help you?

- Boss asked me to bring you to his office. I’m Kang Minyoung by the way – she extended her hand.

- Nice to meet you, Minyoung-ssi – Yaemin smiled lighly and shook Minyoung’s hand. – I hope we will get along with each other.

                     Minyoung answered with a nod, also smiling warmly. She took Yaemin upstairs and told her to wait a bit.  After a few minutes, Minyoung called her to come. Yaemin bowed low, seeing her boss, mr Kim Dongwoo, sitting behind a desk. It was an extremely nice old man and Yeamin felt lucky that she had found him. She knew that this work would be far more pleasurable than her previous one.

- Yaemin-ssi! Welcome. Sit down, sit down, please – mr Kim pointed to the seat in front of him. – We already have a task for you. I hope you don’t mind… But it was really urgent.

- It’s alright, sajangnim. I’m ready to start work. So what is this urgent task we’re talking about?

- Actually, it requires you to go to the USA for 2 weeks. Is it okay with you or do I have to find someone else? – he asked, looking at her expectantly.

- It’s more than okay – Yaemin smiled reassuringly. – What kind of job will I have to do?

- You’d be translator for one Korean idol… Honestly, I can’t remember his name right now, but it doesn’t matter. Your task is to help him in interviews, concerts and getting around the States. I know you can do it since you lived there for so long. And there is no one with such perfect English here…

- Oh please, sajangnim… It’s embarrassing – Yaemin started staring at her hands, feeling flustered.

- It’s nothing embarrassing. Be more confident, Yaemin-ssi – Dongwoo-ssi smiled gently. – Okay, back to business. You’re having your flight the day after tomorrow at noon. When you get there, go to the hotel that our client is at once, ok? I’ll leave the rest to you.

- You can count on me, sajangnim. I won’t disappoint you.

*** The United States of America, 2 days later ***

                Yaemin was taking an elevator to the 10th store where her first client was residing. Her heart was beating faster because of excitement. She wondered who she would meet. Yaemin only knew he was quite popular but also… quite picky. However, she met plenty of picky people, including Jungmin of course. Yaemin took a deep breath as she was standing before the room number 1012. She adjusted her suit and knocked. After a while she heard a loud “come in!”. Hesitantly, she opened the door and went into an empty room. There was, however, some rattling heard in the next room so she made her way there. When Yaemin reached the doorstep, she shifted her eyes and gasped. It can’t be, right? The fate cannot be this cruel…

- Ji Yeamin…?

                   It was HIS voice. There was no denying here. Yeamin was facing Park Jungmin, who was standing beside bed where the opened suitcase was now laying. Yeamin covered as she couldn’t believe in what was happening right now. Why did it have to be him out of all people? Jungmin was staring at her blankly for a while now and Yaemin couldn’t bear it and lowered her eyes. Jungmin smirked seeing it.

- Fate is a cruel thing, isn’t it, Yaemin-ah? – he said quietly.

- Yes… Certainly – she answered slowly.

- Well, we need to bear with what we have. I am just your client, remember.

- I think that it is you who needs to be reminded that I only provide service for you , Jungmin-ssi – Yeamin emphasized. – Let’s be professional and don’t mention anything to anyone.

- As you wish, ma’am.

Yaemin and Jungmin were still eyeing each other, disappointment showing in their eyes. They both couldn’t forget the past and it will be hard to ignore it while working together.  Fate is a cruel thing as Jungmin said… Or maybe it isn’t?



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Chapter 3: i love this story please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 2: after a long time you updated!!
updated more :)
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl amazing !!!!!
AyakaNee #4
Chapter 1: *amazed and full of amazement* *____*