
Sehun's Irritating Fan



30 minutes have passed. Cho Hee and Su Jin were sitting at the very corner of the restaurant while waiting for their princes to come. They’ve been chatting about their bias, well.. Actually, all of exo are their bias. They can’t choose really. But of course we can’t deny the fact that one of those handsome boys will steal your heart and mind and will never give it back.

A van pulled in front of the resto. And when the door slides open, it reveals 12 gorgeous boys in their casual clothes. They also has their managers walking before them. Cho Hee and Su Jin froze on the spot and profusely sweating as they watch the boys walk inside the resto. They’re like models, Cho Hee and Su Jin thought. They wanted to squeal and jump at them but of course they don’t want to scare them off. So they decided to act normal just for once.

Some of the exo members were playing with their phone while some were busy chatting. Their manager is responsible for taking orders for them to eat. The restaurant was now filled with chatting, laughing, thanks to these boys.

“you think we should talk to them and maybe ask for an autograph?” Su Jin asked while staring at the exo boys. These two girls were lost in daze while staring completely at the handsome boys.

“I think we should not ask for autograph and just kiss them then run away” Cho Hee blankly said while daydreaming as she stares at exo. They were completely dumbfounded.


After eating, Cho Hee excused herself to go to the bathroom. As she enter the restroom, she noticed, no one was there. So she decided to squeal and fangirl inside the room. After fangirling, she washed her hands and fanned herself with her hands. *they are so handsome!!! Omg!!* She thought as she grinned widely. *enough for that. I need to pee* she smack her head and headed to the cubicle to pee.

On the other hand. Sehun stood up and went to the counter to ask for a glass of water. He was tapping his fingers at the counter table when a girl approached him. It’s Su Jin. She approaches Sehun with her eyes sparkling and face red. Sehun gaped at her, knowing that she might be a crazy fan.

“Hi Sehun-aah” Su Jin timidly waved while smiling ear-to-ear. Sehun awkwardly smile back.

“Me and my friend were here to see you exo. Uhmm.. can I take you a picture?” Su Jin asked excitedly and Sehun can’t do anything even though he really want to refuse Su Jin’s offer.

“uhmm.. I’m sorry but I can’t” Sehun suddenly said, but still smiling, careful not to upset his fan. Su Jin pouted but she smile again.

“how about give me a quick hug? Please!!” Su Jin pleadingly asked with her hands clasped together. Sehun doesn’t know what to do, and a plan came up to his mind.

“o-okay. But first, I need to use the restroom” Sehun instantly suggested and Su Jin nodded happily. “I’ll wait for you outside the boy’s restroom then” she grins. Sehun flinched. *crazy fans* he thought.


He hurriedly headed to the restroom and as he looks back, Su Jin was slowly following him. He turn to the corner where the bathrooms are. But before he opens the boy’s bathroom, an idea pops in his mind. He turn his head to the other door just infornt of the boys bathroom. The girl’s bathroom. *she’ll wait for me to come out in boy’s bathroom. What if I’ll just hide in the girl’s bathroom?* he thought. He has no time to think so he slowly twisted the door knob and peeks inside the girl’s restroom.

“hello? Anybody here?” he called. But no one answers. He sighed and walks inside before locking the door behind him.

“that was close” he puffed as he rested his back against the door and his right hand on his chest. 

He pressed his right ear at the door to hear if Su Jin is still outside the boy's bathroom when suddenly.. he heard a noise.. not from outside, but inside the girl's bathroom!! inside the cubicle, the toilet flushed. Sehun froze. He thought *is there a ghost here? There's no one here right?* he gulped. 

The cubicle's door burst open, revealing a girl fixing the ribbon on her dress. She's pretty, Sehun thought. Sehun didn't move, he just stare at the girl who turned out to be Cho Hee. She faced the mirror and fix her hair while humming, then she turn around to face the door to get out of the restroom when she froze on the spot. 

They stare at each other for a minute or two with their eyes wide open. 

"Seh--" Cho Hee attempt to call out his name but Sehun quickly grab her waist and crash her back at the door as he placed his palm on her lips, 

"ssshhh!!" Sehun threatened. Cho Hee blinked. Totally shock of what is happening right now. Her heart is beating so fast and her body turned into rock, she can't move. She can't even breathe. She just stood there, staring at Sehun who is standing infront of her, their bodies were touching. 

Sehun slightly opened the door with his free hand, while the other hand was still cupped on Cho Hee's mouth. He sighed when he saw that Su Jin finally disappear. He turn to look at Cho Hee again and when their eyes met, both their heart jumped, breathing is hard at that moment. It takes a minute when Sehun finally realize that he's still cupping the mouth of the girl infront of him. 

He awkwardly laugh and removed his hand on Cho Hee's mouth. They're both blushing hardly. 

"I-I'm sorry." Sehun laughed awkwardly. Cho Hee smiled. Sehun thought that atleast it's not a bad day after all, meeting a crazy fan, and now? meeting a normal girl in the bathroom is really amazing. But then that thought crashed when Cho Hee's smile suddenly turns into a really really big smile and her hands clasped together as she eyed Sehun with her twinkling eyes.

Sehun blinked. 

"you're Sehun right?" Cho Hee asked excitedly. Sehun nodded as he gaped at her.

"OMG!!!!!! I AM YOUR MOST SUPER DUPER BIGGEST FAN!!!!!!!!!" Cho Hee suddenly burst. She can't control her feelings anymore. 

*Oh God. When I thought I'm safe, just then this pretty girl turns out to be one of those ear piercing fans* Sehun gulped.



Hi guys. sorry for not updating these past few days. My cousin is here and we have lots of things to do and I'm preparing the sequel of my other fic, if you know what I mean:).. So... I guess.. Uhmm... enjoy this chapter okay? Tell me what you think about it:) Thank you very much and Happy Halloween!!:)

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hey guys. sorry to keep you waiting. I will update after the finals. It will last for a week:) please wait patiently for Sehun's irritating fan:) God bless!


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SeKai94 #1
Chapter 1: So glad I found this again, have been thinking abt this fic for quite a while but didn’t have the time to revisit it
Chapter 35: Wow, that's a twist I wasn't expecting *sips tea and shoves popcorn in my mouth*
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 53: OMG this is so cute xD
Chapter 53: I'm your new reader for this fanfic.
But, I want you to know that I love this story... very very love it... good job ne author-nim
Chapter 53: wow thank you for your amazing story. i can't hold my laughter when read every chapter! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ cho hee so adorable~~~
Chapter 53: i thought this story will longer story because i really louuvveee it. thank you so muchh
Chapter 43: sehun now or ljoe?
Chapter 42: damn you girl. youre sehun girlfriend and think about ljoe.
Sunshy23 #9
Chapter 40: Andwae!!! Why?! Wae?!~~ TT
Sunshy23 #10
Chapter 27: Waaaahhh!! Kyute~~!!! ^^ realization ;)