
Ljoe: Hello Seoul...Been a long time, huh?

Phone rings.

Ljoe: Hello? 

Cap: Their is no meeting. I'm sorry, but you need to see IU.

Ljoe: why? I moved on.

Cap: We know you didn't. You still love her. Find her and go for it.

Ljoe: But she's with Wooyoung.

Cap: Just go find her, kay?

Ljoe: But why?

Cap: *hangs up*

Ljoe: AISHHH!!!! You idiots. TAXI!

Driver: Where are we going sir?

Ljoe: Seoul's finest hotel, please.

Driver: Ok, ok.

After 12 minutes.

Driver: We're here sir.

Ljoe: How much?

Driver: Uhm...1,200 won sir.

Ljoe: Here. Keep the change.

Driver: Thank you, sir.

Ljoe entered the hotel and gets a room.

Ljoe: Oh, IU. How can I find you?

Ljoe rested for 30 minutes and gets off the building immediately. 

He went to malls, groceries, anywhere. Possibly hoping that he can see IU but he didn't. He rested at the park, near the sea.

While feeling the breeze of the sea..someone calls his name. 

Stranger: L-ljoe~sshi?

Ljoe turns back and..he can't believe what he sees.

Ljoe: IU?! 

Ljoe closes his eyes, making sure that it wasn't his imagination.

IU:'re back. *smiles*

Ljoe: Y-yeah..

There was an awkward silence..

IU: May I sit beside you?

Ljoe: Sure..

IU: are you?

Ljoe: I'm about you? It's been a long time.

IU: I'm fine too. *smiles*

LJoe: So how's Wooyoung and you?

IU: We broke up...2 years ago.

Ljoe: I'm sorry..

IU: It's fine..I moved on. How's your lovelife?

Ljoe: You'll always be my first...and last. I never had a plan replacing you.

IU: *blushes a bit* O-oh...

Ljoe: Would you like to take a walk with me and forget about the world?

IU: ....Sure. *smiles*

Ljoe: So..IU~sshi...are you with someone right now?

IU: Nope..I work as a business manager.

Ljoe: Nice..

IU: How about you?

Ljoe: I'm with no one right now..I work as a vice president of our company..

IU: That's great.

Ljoe: Ne...IU~ahh..I came here..for you.  I can't move on, it's been 5 years since we broke up but I can't forget you...Never will. I still loveyou , mine again. I'll do everything just to make you happy.

IU: ...I'm not yet--

Ljoe: Oh, I'm sorry. *bows and walks away*

Ljoe was disappointed but he got shocked when IU hugged him from behind.

IU: Let me continue, please?

IU says while hugging Ljoe.

Ljoe: N-ne..

IU: I'm not yet ready to lose you...I still love you, that's why I broke up with Wooyoung. I kept on calling you but you won't answer my phone calls..that's why I gave up. But today, I'm really glad that you're back..please...don't leave me. I really really love you Ljoe oppa. *tears*

Ljoe faces her and wipes her tears.

Ljoe:'re mine. Only mine. *hugs IU*

IU" *sobs*

Ljoe: You're mine again...I don't wanna lose you...marry me. Let's have a happy family. *kisses her*

IU: N-ne..

Ljoe: Come with me to Busan, please..

IU: I will oppa. *smiles* 

Ljoe: *hugs her tight* I'm gonna be better.

IU: Babo, you're always better.

IU and Ljoe got married 4 months later and they lived happily ever after. 

The end.



Lol, im sorry. I can't think clearly..

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MilkyCouple4ever #1
Chapter 2: Woohoo is fast but... nice:))!
MilkyCouple4ever #2
Awww poor L.Joe