Moving on.


Fr: Ljoe <3

Baby, can I see you today? I need to ask you something. Let's meet at the park, I miss you.

IU arrives later..

IU: Annyeong oppa, how are you? I miss you. *hugs him*

Ljoe: I miss you too. I'm sorry, things got really busy these past few days.

IU: It's alright.

LJoe: I saw you with Wooyoung yesterday and both of you are sweet.

IU: So what?

LJoe: So what?! You guys were sweet, who's your boyfriend? Me or  him?

IU: ........

Ljoe: come on. Who? Please understand me, I'm a busy guy! I get jealous easily. *hugs her* I'm sorry.

IU: W-wooyoung...I-i li-like himm...things are n-not wo-working..

IU's eyes are teary. 

LJoe: Just tell me if you're happier with him, I want you to be happy. And maybe letting you go would be what's best for us.

IU: T-things are not working anymore, W-wooyoung, he makes me smile. B-buu-but c-can't. I'm f-falling for W-wooyoung..

LJoe: Really? Ok, fine....L-let's just...break up. I'll l-let you g-go if you are happier with him. I can't stop you. Just remember that I will not stop loving you, IU~sshii.  Nobody will love you like I do. *walks away*


Wooyoung: Are you okay? *hugs IU*

IU: Yes, I'm fine. I just can't believe what happened.

Wooyoung: Sshhh, I'm here. I love you, IU. Forget Ljoe and move on.

IU: Wooyoung~ah..I think I'm falling for you too...That's why Ljoe broke up with me.

Wooyoung: IU....will you be my girlfriend then? 

IU: I-i just broke up with Ljoe today--

Wooyoung: *kisses her* Will you be?

IU: Uh...*blushes* O-ok...

Wooyoung: I know that you just broke up with Ljoe and others will think that this is really fast but I really love you! I LOVE YOU IU!!!!!!! *shouts*

IU: *blushes and smiles* You really make me smile.


3 days later.

Fr: Chunji

Hey bro, can we talk today? meet me at Seoul Cafe.


To: Ljoe 

Sure dude. Anything.

30 minutes later. 


Ljoe: Hey man! Here.

Chunji: dude, how are you? Crap. I miss you! *hugs him*

Ljoe: Can't move on. *smiles* Can I ask you something?

Chunji: Sure, anything.

Ljoe: How's IU? Is she okay?

Chunji: Don't get..mad alright? 

Ljoe: Aish, I won't.

Chunji: She's okay...Wooyoung..they're now a couple.

Ljoe: W-what?! That's r-really fa-fast..

Chunji: I know...things went fast like boom.

Ljoe: . I can't even move on.

Chunji: D-dude...look. *points outside*

It's IU and Wooyoung walking happily together. 

Ljoe: I guess I never should have love you, IU...

Chunji: *pats his back* Move on...go to other places and forget her. dude, life's too short to waste your time.

Ljoe: Moving on isn't easy..Maybe I should go back to US.

Chunji: Want me to go with you?

Ljoe: dude are you serious?

Chunji: No.

Ljoe: You idiot. *smiles*

Chunji: good times, good times, Ljoe.

Ljoe: I miss those days.

Chunji: I know. *chuckles*

Ljoe: I miss IU too...*sighs*

Chunji: You want a girl? I can give you.

Ljoe: YAH! You never change.

Chunji: Kidding man.

Ljoe: I need to go. Pack my stuff.

Chunji: Why so fast?!

Ljoe: I'm just kidding. I'm going back to Busan.

Chunji: Lemme go with you.

Ljoe: Shut up.

Chunji: I'm serious this time ya know.

Ljoe: Are you sure? I'll be there for 5 years.

Chunji: I have nothing to do here in Seoul. And besides, I miss Cap hyung and Niel and Ricky and Changjo. I miss Busan.

Ljoe: Hahaha, cool. Now pack your stuff.

Chunji: Why so fast? -_-

Ljoe: Because I  want to forget IU fast. Let's leave next week.

Chunji: Aish ok. 

Ljoe: I need to go. See you, I'll visit you next week.

Chunji: Ok *smiles*

Ljoe stands up and leave the cafe.

To: IU

IU~ah, I know that I didn't made you happy, I'm not a perfect boyfriend. I saw you with Wooyoung and I can see that you're happy with him. I'll be leaving next week. Take care, I love you so much. I need to move on that's why I need to leave. My life is empty without you but I need to be strong. Take care of yourself.


LJoe: New place, new life. *sighs*

*toot toot*

Fr: IU

It's alright Ljoe~sshii, take care of yourself. I've moved on, I hope you will, too. Be happy always.

Ljoe: I'll delete her number....everything. I'll forget you. I know I can.

7 days later

Ljoe: *calls Chunji* YAH! WHERE ARE YOU?!

Chunji: Chill, I'm here. Look back.

Ljoe: CHUNJIIIIIII. *ends the call* You idiot. Why are you so late?!

Chunji: Just shut up, I'm already here. 

Ljoe: Let's go?

Chunji: Come on. 

Ljoe: I'm going to miss Seoul. 

Chunji: Dude, we're just going to stay at Busan.

The train for Busan is now ready, Busan passengers please get ready.

Ljoe: I know.

Guard: Tickets please?

Ljoe & Chunji: *shows their tickets*

Chunji: You can visit Seoul, right?

Ljoe: I need to forget IU you know, start a new life...

Chunji: With me?

Ljoe: You idiot, of course with Cap hyung and you, hyung. 

Chunji: Little brother. *messes his hair*

Ljoe: Yah! I fixed my hair very well.

Chunji: Doesn't matter.

Ljoe: I miss Cap hyung, Niel, Ricky, and Changjo. I'm excited to see them.

Chunji: Childhood memories! *laughs*

Ljoe: Yah, remember when you fell at the stairs because Niel pushed you? Both of you were fighting and Niel was so mad at you. *laughs*

Chunji: I will never forget that! I almost killed him that time. *laughs hard* Remember that time when you had a crush on--

Ljoe: Oh shut up. *laughs*

Chunji: She wasn't even pretty.

Ljoe: *laughs hard* I know! Remember when Ricky kissed Changjo? the f!

Chunji: Kissing game! Changjo felt dirty that's why he cried to death. 

Ljoe: They cried...because we left hyung.

Chunji: I know, I miss them alot.

Ljoe: I'm really excited to see them. I'll call Cap hyung. *dials Cap's number*

Cap: Yoboseyo?

Ljoe: I'd like to order a box of pizza-

Cap: Wrong number. 

Ljoe: YAH! Hyung!

Cap: Who's this?

Ljoe: Ljoe!

Chunji: No, it's Chunji.

Ljoe: Yah, don't interupt me.

Cap: I don't know Ljoe neither Chunji.

Ljoe: Re-really? We're on our way to Busan, hyung.

Cap: Idiot! Of course I'm just kidding. REALLLYYY?!!! CRAP. WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO?

Chunji: He wanted to surprise you and I'm like duh, Cap will never be surprised.

Cap: *laughs* I'll prepare your favorite food saengs.

Ljoe: Yey!!! I miss your cooking, hyung.

Chunji: I miss your smell. That fishy smell.

Cap: Wait till I see you.

Chunji: I'm just joking!

Cap: No jokes. 

Ljoe: He doesn't like jokes.


Cap: I'm too lazy to cook *laughs*

Ljoe: You're always lazy. *smiles*

Chunji: Let's just eat outside!

Cap: Good idea, Chunji.

Chunji: I'm good at ideas.

Ljoe: We know, stop bragging.

Chnuji: I'm not bragging, I'm just really.

Ljoe: Shut up.

Cap: Hey, I'll hang up now.

Ljoe: Yeah, sure. See you hyung.

Cap: Take care. Remember our address?

Ljoe: I'll never forget Busan. Bye hyung. 

Chunji: That was close. 

Ljoe: I'm tired...let's sleep.

Chunji: Me too.

After 6 hours.

Ljoe: Yah hyung, we're already here.


Ljoe: Hyung!

Chunji: Woh, oh...i'm awake, i'm awake.

Ljoe: You are.

Chunji: Where is my bag?

Ljoe: Here ya go. 

Chunji: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Busan! *shouts*

Everybody looks at Chunji.

Ljoe: Shhhh.

Chunji: Mianhe, mianhe. *bows*

Ljoe: Let's go.

They called a taxi and went to Cap's house immediately. After 10 minutes, they arrived.

Ljoe: *knock knock*

Chunji: WE'RE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somebody opened the door and it was...Cap.

Cap: BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! *laughs and hugs both of them*

Ljoe: I miss this. I miss Busan's air..

Cap: I heard your heart's broken.

Ljoe: That's--

Chunji: That's why we came here, he wants to move on and start a new life.

Cap: That .

Ljoe: I know.

Cap: Come in.

Niel: HYUNGS!!!!!!! I MISSSEDDDD U! *hugs them tight*

Ljoe & Chunji: O-ouch.  

Ricky: Hyungiiie~ 

Changjo: Wassuppp! We grew up bro.

Chunji: Yah we're your hyungs. *messes his hair*

Ljoe: He loves to mess hairs.

Cap: Just like the old times. 

Niel: So, tell me what made you brought here?

Ljoe: Both of us are now hungry and we badly want to eat. Tell you later.

Cap: Well, I bought your favorite dishes.

Chunji: I thought you were cooking. *pouts*

Cap: I told you I was lazy.

Ljoe: You're always lazy hyung. *laughs*

Ricky: Let's eat. 

All of them went to the table.

Niel: So what happened hyung?

Ljoe: I broke up with IU because of this Wooyoung, she keeps hanging out with him. I'm his boyfriend, not Wooyoung and here she is...telling me our relationship's not working out...and that's why I broke up with her. End of story.

Cap: That's  fast.

Chunji: Sick.


5 years had passed and Ljoe became succesful. He didn't hear from IU anymore. He never visited Seoul but for their company, he needs to go to Seoul, alone.


Ljoe: Hello Seoul. It's been a long time. 

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MilkyCouple4ever #1
Chapter 2: Woohoo is fast but... nice:))!
MilkyCouple4ever #2
Awww poor L.Joe