Chapter 12 - Kidnapped.

The wish that changed everything


*AN: Hey again guys! Super sorry I haven’t been updating! ^^;. Well, this will probably end up being really long, Oh, and so this doesn’t cause any confusion later on in the chapter, she changed clothes when she was on the ship because the ones she were wearing before got ripped when she was “attacked” I forgot to put that in the previous chapter, also before she left the ship and stuff, she took her shoes off so she is currently barefoot and I just really don’t feel like going back and editing all that in, -terrible author aren’t i?  ^^;-  so yeah! ENJOY!=w=*

“Oh, but you should be.” I hear the voice say from beside my ear as everything suddenly changes around me.

My eyes widen in a mixture of confusion and fright as I realize we are back in my apartment. I don’t have time to react as I’m shoved in the hallway closet; I hear shuffling on the other side and hear the scraping of a chair being put on the door handle to keep it locked shut. I bang on the door loudly and try my best to move the chair by jiggling the door knob, but nothing works. I turn around and slide down to the floor with my back pressed against the door, I start to think about shooting the door with the small plasma laser Kris give me, but quickly decide against it considering this is still MY apartment. I curl my knees inwardly toward my chest and rest my chin on them, sighing to myself and letting my thoughts wander aimlessly. Then I remember that the air vent is in the closet and shoot up getting slightly dizzy but ignoring it, and immediately grabbing the cover to it and attempting to pull it off. It comes off easily and I curse inwardly at the pathetic-ness of it. I shake my head and climb into the air vent, it being just big enough for me to fit with a small amount of room still left over, I pull the air vent cover back closed before I turn back to the vent.

As I crawl forward I stop as I hear voice drifting quietly in the air, I lean forward, pressing my ear to the small opening and listen intently.

“Yes, she is currently in captivity, as you requested. –Yes sir, we brought her back to her living quarters. –No sir, she is not armed, at least, not from what I saw. –Well no, I didn’t check, bu- -Yes sir…sorry sir. –Understood, I will check to make sure she is unarmed before you arrive. –Alright, goodbye sir.” I panic slightly as I see the guy shift on his feet and walk toward the closet. As quick as I can, I scurry through the vent and into the next room, which so happens to be my bedroom. Quietly closing the vent behind me, I hear shouting from the opposite room.

“WHERE IS SHE?!” I hear a male voice shout, finally discovering my absence. I cringe at the loudness and look around quickly for any possible escape routes, my eyes landing on the window.

“I don’t know, sir! She was there when you left.” Another voice calls, this time a female, her voice much softer than her acquaintance, but somehow all the more terrifying. I quietly rush across the room to the window and open it, immediately feeling a draft through the light weight baseball shirt I was wearing. I shiver, but put it aside as I climb out the window onto the emergency ladder on the side of the building. I close the window quickly so they don’t know my escape route and slide down the ladder by removing my feet from the steps and putting them on the sides of the ladder. As soon as my feet touch the ground, I take off running without bothering to look back.

 My feet and lungs start to hurt, so I stop to take a breath. I hear running footsteps behind me and I don’t hesitate to pull out the small plasma laser and knife. I aim the laser with one hand and hold the knife in the other, I would comment on how stupid I probably looked, but now wasn’t the time. I quickly hide behind the alley wall next to me and hold my breath, just in time to hear the footsteps rush past my hiding spot; I release the breath I had been holding and quickly regret it as the footsteps suddenly stop. I aim the laser yet again, ready for a fight, when suddenly I’m embraced in a set of arms and I stand frozen in complete shock.

“We thought you were dead, you idiot!” Shouts an obviously angered mom-like, Kyungsoo. I sigh and awkwardly pat his back until he releases me. I shift on my feet and cast my gaze downward, guilty that I ran off like that when they were only trying to help.

“I’m sorry, it’s just... This is all too much for me! Just the other day I was a normal teenage girl, and now look at me! I’m talking to twelve aliens as if it’s the most normal thing in the world! I’ve been kidnapped, almost killed, told I’m an alien princess, and disowned by my parents in less than two days! I mean, wouldn’t you have done the same thing? If you were human that is! I mean, do you even HAVE parents?!” I shout at them, immediately sensing the hurt in their eyes. I take a step back and my eyes widen at the harsh words that spilled out of my mouth, I cast my eyes downward again, not able to face the saddened look in their eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I mumble backing away and running off again, unknowingly followed by a certain tall blonde alien.

“Harley, wait!” Kris shouts grabbing my arm, which causes me to stop abruptly and turn to face him. “No, no waiting. I’ve done enough damage as it is!” I shout back at him, can’t he just leave me alone? As if reading my thoughts he shakes his head,

“You need our protecting whether you like it or not. And we all intend to do just that.” He says, a stern look washing over his face. I almost want to laugh at it to be honest, but I don’t given the seriousness of the situation.

“Fine, do whatever you want, but maybe next time you can keep me from getting kidnapped, ne?” I say, failing to suppress the laugh at his shocked face.

“You were kidnapped?!” He shouts in shock as my laughter grows louder, I really shouldn’t be laughing, but I think I deserve a good laugh after all that’s happened.

A much needed laugh indeed.

*AN: Hi guys! Again sorry it’s been so long since I last updated! ^^; I’ve just been dealing with this school stuff and I take the tests this Tuesday. *crosses fingers* wish me luck! >w< Anyway, after I take the tests and get back into school and back on a regular schedule, I’ll probably update more…not that anyone cares, but hey! At least I’m trying! XD Feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoyed! XD*

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Chapter 13: Wow....awesome! Update soon!!!!!!!
AlexNightingale #2
Chapter 10: Good job! You amazing weirdo... ;P
Ninja-Penguin #3
Chapter 10: The bit about mistletoe made me laugh :P
Chapter 10: update soon!
AlexNightingale #5
jessica234 #6
Chapter 9: Omg I busted out laughing when they said they don't know what christmas is. Keep up the good work. :)
Chapter 9: Ice-cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update soon!
AlexNightingale #8
Chapter 8: ... WHY. Why is it that everytime we make the parents jerks we get mad at them? When technically it's our own fault because we created them, so therefore we're the ones to blame for the y lives of ocs in stories.. LIFE? Anyways! Keep up teh good work spaz! I love you bestie! ;P
AlexNightingale #9