
Curse of the Cat People


Taemin's POV

This person was really warm. He held me so close against his chest that I could feel his heartbeat. He opened the metal door and we went into the big building that smelled like food. The clean kitchen had a bunch of complicated looking machines in it. There were huge bowls with big wire spoons attached to the top of them, ovens with way too many buttons, and rows of spoons, knives, pots, pans, and other cooking things hanging over all the counters. Everything was silver, too. I could see our reflection in the refrigerator he had taken us to and was reaching out to open. Inside was a lot, and I mean a LOT of milk. All of the shelves were full of cartons of milk. I'd never seen so much milk in my whole life. Seeing all of that made me realize how hungry I'd gotten since last night and I could hear my belly starting to growl.


"Okay little guy, I'm not sure if you're weaned or not, so I'm gonna be safe about it. Some people that come eat here are lactose intolerant and lucky for you, I take that into consideration. This should hold you over until we get home, then we can get you some real food." The person took out one of the milk cartons and grabbed a small bowl from a shelf and set it on the floor. I could feel my eyes getting wider as I watched the milk flow into the bowl. I think the last time I had milk was a year ago. I accidentally knocked my bowl over in the kitchen when I got too excited about eating. The boy had a fun time teasing me about that. All I was allowed was water and the boy would grab my head and push my head down into the bowl. Even when I was human, he would throw water on me and tell the mother that I spilled it. I don't think this person was going to do anything like that. He felt nicer than the boy was. He smelled like strawberries, too, and I like strawberries.


Before the milk was finished pouring, I ran to the bowl and started drinking. When I finally stopped to breathe, the person was smiling down at me with his arms folded. What was he smiling about? Did I have milk on my face? Oh well, back to my milk.


Kibum's POV

Have you ever seen one of those nature documentaries that shows a pride of lions tearing a zebra apart limb from limb? The scene in the kitchen was an exact replica of that but with a little ball of fluffiness instead of a vicious lion and milk instead of a striped horse thing. The little guy was drinking like he hasn't eaten anything in years and that was just milk. How bad was he gonna be when he had actual food?


Hmm, I really need to stop calling him Little Guy and give him an actual name. Fluffy? no. Maybe a human name. He seems to be as smart as one so why not? He's adorable as hell and should have a name that fits him. He's small so maybe Minnie? But he's not gonna stay that small forever, though. God I'm terrible at this naming crap. I'll just wait until I get home. Jongie should have some say in naming his first born son, after all.


I wonder what this kitten's story was. Did he come from a family that didn't take good care of him or was he born a stray? Couldn't be the latter though, his fur was way too soft and clean for him to be an alley cat. So I guess he was a little runaway. Oh well, he's mine now so it doesn't really matter where he came from.


By now, the kitten had polished off the bowl of milk and was up any last drops he could find. When he decided that the milk was completely nonexistent, he picked his furry head up and fixed his gaze on me. Oh my god, that had to he the cutest thing I've ever seen. The kitten had drops of milk hanging from his short whiskers and a few drops on his little pink nose. A cuckoo clock that Heechul insisted we have in the kitchen went off and signaled it was now 10 pm. Way too late for me to still be here without Jonghyun getting worried. I bent down to pick up the bowl and the kitten before dumping the bowl in the sink to be washed by the morning shift.


"Alright, sweetheart. It's time to go home and meet your new daddy." The kitten meowed and padded up to my feet where he began curling his body around my legs. I took that as a sign of agreement and reached down to scoop the furry body up. With my hand under his stomach, I could feel exactly has thin the kitten was. Had he been out on the streets that long or were cats just that thin? Oh well, I guess it's my job to fatten him up and make him healthy.


By the time I made it too my car in the front of the building, he was already curled up asleep in my arms. A steady purr coming from his throat could have been considered snoring if it wasn't so melodic. I hated having to make a loud noise to start the car, but it couldn't be helped. Once I was buckled in, I set the kitten on my lap. When the car started, I felt him jump up as if he would suddenly run and hide under something. I my hand down his back, calming him down enough for him to fall back to sleep.


As I drove down the highway, I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to an incident that occurred at home about a year ago. A stray dog had been sleeping underneath my car some nights and I would always check to make sure he wasn't still there when I headed to work in the mornings. One day, though, I was running late and forgot to check before I got in the car. As I was backing out, it dawned on me that the dog could have been under there and I was about to run him over. I slammed my foot on the brake and prayed to God that he decided to sleep in a trashcan or something. I got out the car and  to my knees and looked under the car. No dog. Since then, I've been a little nervous about driving and every once in a while, I'd find myself checking underneath my car. Just in case.


The drive home was shorter than usual because of the time. The sparse traffic saved me about ten minutes and I was soon pulling into the  driveway. After shutting the car off, I took a moment to examine the kitten that was still purring away on my lap. Every so often, his paws would twitch as if he were running. His little pink nose would also move, along with a tiny squeak that could've put Mew* to shame. Awww, why do you have to be so damn cute? Must be dreaming of a mouse or something.  Lifting him up a bit, I unhooked my seatbelt and slid it off of me. The hard part was going to be opening and closing the door without waking him up. As quietly as I could, I opened the door and slid out trying not to knock into anything that would disturb him. Managing to close the door without slamming it like I was used to doing, I walked up to the front door and unlocked it. All the while, the kitten continued to sleep without a sign of waking up. I thought cats were light sleepers; he's already like his new daddy. Trying to wake Jonghyun up without at least 8 hours of sleep was like trying to glue the Titanic back together with gum.


The living room was dark as I walked in, the only sound and light coming from the kitchen. I threw my keys on the little table near the door and slipped my shoes off, careful not to leave them right on front of the door so Jonghyun wouldn't trip over them in the morning. The kitten still hadn't made any movements to show that he would wake up, so I wasn't worried about raising my voice.


"Jongie, come here! I have something to show you!"


Jonghyun's POV

Ah, what's taking him so long? He's never this late.


It was about an hour and a half past Kibum's normal return time. I wasn't exactly worried because he was fully capable of taking care of himself in a bad  situation. That didn't mean that I didn't want to make sure he was safe. Kibum has to be the king of forgetting his phone. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to call him only to hear his ringtone sounding somewhere in the house. This was one of those days. The best thing to when this happens is for me to just forget about it and continue on with my day. Taking that to heart, I'd started making dinner as soon as my last piano lesson ended around 8 p.m. and I've been waiting ever since.


I was just about to clean up the kitchen and go to bed when I heard the front door open and close. Finally. I wonder what kept him? Instead of cleaning up dinner and putting it away, I set up a spot for Kibum on the table.


"Jongie, come here! I have something to show you!"


Oh god, did he go shopping again? Please don't be more clothes. You already have to use the closet in the guest room to fit everything you have.   


Well, clothes would be better than that couch he bought out of nowhere and I had to move Reich because he couldn't figure out where it looked better. I set down the bowl I'd grabbed out of the cabinet and headed over to the living room where I assumed Kibum was.


The first thing I could feel was that there was nothing around him. No bags, no box, nothing. But what was really weird was the way he had his arms crossed, not how you would if you were cold or upset, but more like he was supporting something.


"Kibum, what's that? Did you find another bird? You know you can't just pick up a wild animal and bring it home to keep as a pet." The smile on his face remained as he shuffled his feet a little.


"Well, you're half right. It's not a 'wild' animal exactly, but I did find him. Say hi to your son!" From the inside of his jacket, he pulled out a brown mess of something furry. I couldn't quite tell because it was curled up in a ball with its back to me, asleep I guess. All I could do was stare at it as I tried to figure out what it was. Kibum waited patiently as I examined the creature, the smile never leaving his face as he waited for my reaction. It wasn't until I heard the purring coming from the animal that I realized what kind of monster Kibum had brought in the house.


"Oh, hell no."



*Why yes, I am referring to the Pokemon. If you've seen the first movie, you'll know the sheer adorableness of those little squeaks ^^ 

So Jonghyun isn't a cat person as you can tell. You know Kibum's gonna have a few things to say to him :P

P.S. Why do these things seem so much longer in Word T_T

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Next chapter has a failed attempt at symbolism in a dream :/


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Chapter 3: Has this story been abandoned? I hope not, I just found it and it's cute!
Pabo-sshi #2
Chapter 3: Awww, this fanfic is so adorable!♡
I love it!
Please please update soon! Fighting!

Chapter 3: Nice ^^
Update soon :)
Violetta1313 #4
Chapter 3: Update soon...^^