Lost and Found

Curse of the Cat People

Kibum's POV

Ten hours. Ten hours of dealing with that good-for-nothing, lazy , cross-dressing Heechul. I swear, sometimes I don't even remember why I hired him in the first place. Then he would decide to remind me, with a level of smugness, that because he's my older brother, I'm obligated to let him work for me with the most sick days and shorter shifts. I don't know why I still fall for that crap, I've been dealing with it my entire life. I was just glad he'd decided earlier today that he deserved a three day break, so I didn't have to chase him off his to actually do work for a while.

As the proud owner of the lovely little coffee house by day and four star restaurant by night, I had the great honor of taking out the garbage at the end of the day. Most of my employees were college students still paying for school and they worked really hard for their money, so the least I could do after ordering them around all day was do the dirty work. You know, picking up extra dishes, wiping down tables, cleaning spots on the floor, taking out the trash, and any other random crap like that.

I was anxious to get home quick tonight more than normal. Jonghyun was planning on making dinner tonight and let me tell you, that man can make a mean homemade kimchi stew. It's like my taste buds died, went to heaven, made a pit stop in paradise, rented a room, made sweet love all night, and  had a shot of ecstasy on the way out. Some people would think I was overreacting, but that's because they've never had it. Oh god, now my stomach is growling. That's the thing about being hungry. You shouldn't think ask our food cause it'll just get worse. I should just get this over with so I could go home and eat myself into a coma.

Today was actually kinda slow do there wasn't much trash to take out. The one bag we'd accumulated wasn't nearly as heavy as usual, so I had no problem carrying it out the back door. The big green dumpster against the side of the building was already open, strange since I close it every night. I wasn't too worried about it since I knew there were raccoons that liked to raid trash cans at night, looking for food.

I got myself ready to toss the bag into the dumpster, when I saw something brown and fluffy nestled in between a cardboard box and another trash bag. Did one of the raccoons decide to just fall asleep in this thing? I didn't really want to wake it up cause they tend to be more vicious than shy. Maybe if I just set the bag down to the side and walk away, it would leave on its own sooner or later. Just as I turned around to head back inside, a little meow sounded from somewhere behind me. Did raccoons meow?  To make sure I wasn't losing my mind again (long story, don't ask), I walked back to the dumpster and peered into it.

There, in the corner nestled in between two trash bags and balled up newspapers, was a little brown striped kitten. It's eyes were wide open and staring back at me with huge pretty blue eyes.  A little fact about me, I'm a er for pretty eyes (which was how Jonghyun got away with so much), so this little guy went straight to my heart. At least, I assumed it was a boy. It was worth making sure before I started thinking up names. In case you hadn't realized, I was keeping it. An adorable animal like that shouldn't be living in a dumpster. It should have it's own velvet pillow to sleep on and be fed the best tuna money could buy. Alright maybe I was going a little overboard, but come on, you would do the same thing if you saw how cute it was. Now the only problem was getting it out of there without scaring it to death. I tried calling out to it.

"Hey there little one, come to mommy. It must be stinky in there, so why don't you come on out? I've got some tasty fish for you if you come on out." I was a master at using that baby talk voice on kids that came with their parents to the restaurant and animals were no different, just fluffy-er. To my surprise, the kitten climbed out from between the bags and hopped on little legs onto the edge of the dumpster. I really didn't expect it to be that trusting of people, seeing as it was a stray. Unless it was just lost and had owners already. Well, anybody that couldn't look after it enough to make sure it didn't run away didn't deserve to have it.

The kitten continued to look at me sas if waiting for me to pick it up. I reached out slowly, still doubting that it was completely unafraid of me, and began scratching behind its ear. The kitten let out a long purr and stretch up so that its tiny paws were resting just above my stomach. By standing up like that, I was able to see that the kitten was a boy. (Note: Actually a little more complicated then that to tell, but for the sake of progression let's pretend it's as easy as a dog.)

Now that I was up close to the kitten, I could see that the little guy had scratches all over his body. What kind of owners let their pet get hurt like that? One that didn't deserve to have a pet, that's who. I continued scratching him behind his ears, much to his enjoyment. The purrs rumbling through the soft little body were nonstop and make my chest vibrate a little.

"You are probably the cutest thing I've ever seen, and I got a puppy for a husband. You'll like him, he's nice to cuddle up with. First things first, we need to get you something to eat. Umma's gonna take care of you from now on, okay?"

The kitten meowed in agreement.


Short chapter is short :(

I really don't know what happened with to the schedule I set for myself. I was on a roll for about a week, then the laziness of my time off between semsteres kick in and I didn't feel like doing anything productive AT ALL. I think in the past month, I've gotten out of my house a total of 15 times, including visiting family for Christmas. 

I've also decide to change my major from Computer Science to English. 

*EDIT* March 6, 2013

Realized I forgot to show what Taemin looks like in his cat form

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Next chapter has a failed attempt at symbolism in a dream :/


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Chapter 3: Has this story been abandoned? I hope not, I just found it and it's cute!
Pabo-sshi #2
Chapter 3: Awww, this fanfic is so adorable!♡
I love it!
Please please update soon! Fighting!

Chapter 3: Nice ^^
Update soon :)
Violetta1313 #4
Chapter 3: Update soon...^^