Confessions of a Book Geek



Hyerin Park has been inlove with A boy since the first day of high school . A boy named Oh Se Hun.
He is smart. She's too lazy to study
He loves math. She gets nosebleeds seeing numbers
He has no problems in hjs eyesight. She can't see at night
She loves books. He can't even finish reading one. A typical love story. A story about relationships and life.
Hyerin Park/ 17/ Junior
Shes been called "four-eyed freak" by people .
She is very stubborn.  
She loves reading books, she loves them so much that she made the library her second home.
She hates math, she despises it so much!.
She's "half-blind" meaning she can't see anything at night, she can see silhouettes when there are light posts but without them she couldn't see anything.
She's VERY really pretty but she never flaunts it, she hides it behind her bangs and thick rimmed glasses. She is really fun to be with if you give her the chance.
Oh Se Hun / 17 / Junior 
He is the exact opposite of Hye Rin.
He loves math, he is often called the "walking calculator".
Girls swoon over him, for reasons she does not know.
He has never finished reading a book. He had perfect eyesight.
But, behind that perfect-guy appearance lies a conceited, erted, and not to mention ARROGANT, personality. 
 Justin Kang / 17 / Junior
Hyerin's bestfriend. He makes Hyerin laugh, and always plays with hyerin's hair. 
Has been inlove with Venice the moment he laid eyes on her.
He is the "class clown" but is serious when it comes to venice.
Yuna Lee \ 16 / Sophomore
 She is a year younger than Hyerin.
She is cheerful, pretty, smart (especially in math).
She has a crush on Sehun.
She even went to the same high school for him.
She is friends with Hyerin.


Hello guys, first fanfic. Enjoy.


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Chapter 6: It's so cute and fluffy author-nim :)
Chapter 3: i wonder what could happen next?? hope you update soon
SeKai94 #3
Chapter 5: Author, pls let Sehun n Hyerin be together. Pls~
Chapter 5: aaaaw! I'm seeing predictions here..hahahah! but good predictions ( I guess).. :) and I'm sensing quite of drama (if that will happened, which I hope not)..hahahaha! update soon!
Chapter 5: Aww...
Hyerin must be frustrated :(
Chapter 5: OMG AKA WTF!!

What will she do??
Let SeHun for Yuna Or...?

We'll see in the next chapter :)
Chapter 4: Ahhh... That's why...
Now I get it ^^
Chapter 3: Cheesy Sehun but me likey :D
Chapter 3: No, no..
It's not boring..
Don't worry :)
It's cute actually